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Visit to Pok Oi Hospital by the YLDC - Culture, Recreation, Community Service and Housing Committee

2012-02-24 – Visit to Pok Oi Hospital by the YLDC - Culture, Recreation, Community Service and Housing Committee

A visit to Pok Oi Hospital by the Culture, Recreation, Community Service and Housing Committee under the Yuen Long District Council (YLDC) was conducted on 24 February 2012. They visited the New Territories West Breast Services Centre, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Out-Patient Clinic, Community Health Centre, Pre-assessment Services unit and Day Surgery Unit. During the visit, in-charge of each unit introduced their services and facilities, which enhanced the understanding of the members towards the operation of the units. Members opined that the visit enhanced their understanding towards the hospital and they showed appreciation of the work of our clinical staff.


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