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Selection of Good Responders for Watch-and-wait Approach after
  PWH         Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: E. H. Y. Hung and B. T. Y. Yuen  Hong Kong J Radiology  72-73  21                 2018              Journal Article  2223-6619     PWH           HKMO
              Tumour Regression Grade on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  PWH         Laparoscopic management of choledochal cysts in infants and  E. K. W. Chan, K. H. Lee, V. H. Y. Wong, B. S. Y. Tsui, S. Y. S.  Surgical Practice  131-137  22  3  2018  Journal Article  1744-1625   PWH           HKMO
              children: A review of current practice          Wong, K. K. Y. Pang, J. W. C. Mou and P. Y. H. Tam
              Extraventricular intracisternal obstructive hydrocephalus: A
  PWH         differential diagnosis of ‘communicating hydrocephalus’ after a  C. X. L. Zhu, D. Y. C. Chan, D. T. M. Chan and W. S. Poon  Surgical Practice  145-147  22  3  2018   Journal Article  1744-1625     PWH           HKMO
              successful endoscopic third ventriculostomy
  PWH         Current management of acute aortic syndrome     T. L. Wong, P. S. Y. Yu, T. Fujilawa and M. J. Underwood  Surgical Practice  154-159  22   4        2018              Journal Article  1744-1625     PWH           HKMO
              High frequency of NUDT15 variant among Chinese paediatric  W. K. Leung, F. C. K. Wong, Y. P. Yuen, G. K. S. Lam, V. Lee
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 71  23 (1)               2018   January    Journal Article  1013-9923     PWH           Embase
              patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in Hong Kong  and C. K. Li
              Impact of sleep duration on neurocognitive outcomes in Hong Kong  F. Chen, P. H. Y. Chan, X. Yu, A. M. Li, S. C. L. Chau and H. S.
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 119-120  23 (1)          2018   January    Journal Article  1013-9923     PWH           Embase
              preschoolers                                    Lam
              Integrative, integrated medicine but no integration: Tarnishing steroid
  PWH                                                         K. L. Hon and A. K. C. Leung              Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 192-194  23     2        2018              Journal Article  1013-9923     PWH           Embase
              and Chinese medicine is vanity
  PWH         Authors' reply                                  T. K. Cheung, T. C. Cheng and L. Y. Wong  Hong Kong Medical Journal  318-319  24           3        2018   June       Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           Embase
              Characteristics and clinical outcomes of living renal donors in Hong  Y. L. Hong, C. H. Yee, C. B. Leung, J. Y. C. Teoh, B. C. H. Kwan,
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Medical Journal  1/11/2017  24         1        2018   February   Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           Embase
              Kong                                            P. K. T. Li, S. S. M. Hou and C. F. Ng
              Cross-cultural adaptation of the Tinnitus Functional Index for  A. C. Kam, E. K. Leung, P. Y. Chan, A. P. Cheung and M. C.
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Medical Journal  42-45   24            Suppl 4  2018   1/8/2020   Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              measurement of chronic tinnitus in Hong Kong Chinese patients  Tong
              Cross-sectional study on emergency department management of  K. K. C. Hung, R. P. K. Lam, R. S. L. Lo, J. W. Tenney, M. L. C.
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Medical Journal  571-578  24           6        2018   December   Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           Embase
              sepsis                                          Yang, M. C. K. Tai and C. A. Graham
                                                              W. Yeo, M. Y. Luk, I. S. Soong, T. Y. S. Yuen, T. Y. Ng, F. K. F.
              Efficacy and tolerability of trastuzumab emtansine in advanced
  PWH                                                         Mo, K. Chan, S. Y. Wong, J. Tsang, C. Leung, J. J. S. Suen and  Hong Kong Medical Journal  56-62  24  1  2018  February  Journal Article  1024-2708  PWH           Embase
              human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer
                                                              R. K. C. Ngan
  PWH         Environmental risk factors of prostate cancer: a case-control study  L. A. Tse, W. M. Ho, F. Wang, Y. H. He and C. F. Ng  Hong Kong Medical Journal  30-33  24  2018  1/8/2020  Journal Article  1024-2708  PWH    MEDLINE
              Epidemiology of myopia and prevention of myopia progression in
  PWH                                                         C. Y. Mak, J. C. S. Yam, L. J. Chen, S. M. Lee and A. L. Young  Hong Kong Medical Journal  602-609  24  6  2018  December  Journal Article  1024-2708  PWH         Embase
              children in east asia: A review
              Hong Kong Institute of Allergy and Hong Kong Society for Paediatric  G. T. Chua, P. H. Li, M. H. Ho, E. Lai, V. Ngai, F. Y. Yau, M. Y.
  PWH         Immunology Allergy & Infectious Diseases joint consensus statement  Kwan, T. F. Leung and T. H. Lee  Hong Kong Medical Journal  527-531  24  5      2018   Oct        Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              2018 on vaccination in egg-allergic patients
              Hypospadias surgery in children: improved service model of
  PWH                                                         Y. S. Wong, K. K. Pang and Y. H. Tam      Hong Kong Medical Journal  238-244  24           3        2018   6          Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              enhanced recovery pathway and dedicated surgical team
              A randomised controlled trial of psychoeducational interventions for
  PWH         reducing uncertainty and anxiety, and improving sexual functioning  K. M. Chow, C. W. H. Chan, K. C. Choi, K. Y. Siu, H. K. S. Fung  Supportive Care in Cancer  S223-S224  26 (2 Supplement  2018  Journal Article  1433-7339  PWH  Embase
                                                              and W. M. Shum
              among gynaecological cancer patients in hong kong
  PWH         Mesh-related complications from reconstructive surgery for pelvic  O. Y. Wan, S. S. Chan, R. Y. Cheung and T. K. Chung  Hong Kong Medical Journal  369-377  24  4  2018  8  Journal Article  1024-2708  PWH        MEDLINE
              organ prolapse in Chinese patients in Hong Kong
              Mortality and morbidity of extremely low birth weight infants in Hong K. L. Hon, S. Liu, J. C. Chow, K. Y. Tsang, H. S. Lam, K. W. So, Y.
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Medical Journal  460-465  24           5        2018   Oct        Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              Kong, 2010-2017: a single-centre review         K. Cheng, A. K. Leung and W. Wong
              Outcomes and morbidities of patients who survive haemoglobin  W. Y. Chan, A. W. Leung, C. W. Luk, R. C. Li, A. S. Ling and S.
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Medical Journal  107-118  24           2        2018   4          Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              Bart's hydrops fetalis syndrome: 20-year retrospective review  Y. Ha
              Perceived unmet supportive care needs and determinants of quality  W. K. So, K. C. Choi, C. W. Chan, S. Y. Chair, R. W. Wan, S. S.         1
  PWH                                                                                                   Hong Kong Medical Journal  39-41   24                     2018   1/2/2020   Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              of life among survivors of head and neck cancer  Mak, W. M. Ling and W. T. Ng                                                              Supplement
              Reduction of operative mortality after implementation of Surgical
  PWH         Outcomes Monitoring and Improvement Programme by Hong Kong  W. C. Yuen, K. Wong, Y. S. Cheung and P. B. Lai  Hong Kong Medical Journal  137-144  24  2  2018  4       Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              Hospital Authority
              Surgical outcome of daytime and out-of-hours surgery for elderly
  PWH                                                         Y. M. Chan, N. Tang and S. K. Chow        Hong Kong Medical Journal  32-37   24            1        2018   2          Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              patients with hip fracture
              Vitamin D deficiency among healthy infants in Hong Kong: a pilot                                                                           3
  PWH                                                         K. C. Chan, W. H. Tam, M. H. Chan, R. S. Chan and A. M. Li  Hong Kong Medical Journal  32-35  24    2018   1/6/2020   Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              study                                                                                                                                      Supplement
              Willingness for deceased organ donation under different legislative
  PWH                                                         T. K. Cheung, T. C. Cheng and L. Y. Wong  Hong Kong Medical Journal  119-127  24           2        2018   April      Journal Article  1024-2708     PWH           MEDLINE
              systems in Hong Kong: population-based cross-sectional survey
              Co-trimoxazole for skin and soft tissue infections not responding to
  PWH                                                         S. S. W. Chan                             Hong Kong Practitioner             40            3        2018              Journal Article  1027-3948     PWH           Embase
              conventional oral antibiotics in Hong Kong
              A time-series study of the association of rainfall, relative humidity and
  PWH         ambient temperature with hospitalizations for rotavirus and norovirus P. Wang, W. B. Goggins and E. Y. Y. Chan  Science of the Total Environment 414-422  643  2018  1/12/2020  Journal Article  0048-9697,1879-1026  PWH  Embase
              infection among children in Hong Kong
              Association between blood metal concentrations and human semen
  PWH                                                         X. Shi, M. Zhao, C. David and L. Tin-Chiu  Human Reproduction     i173-i174  33 (Supplement 1)      2018   July       Journal Article  1460-2350     PWH           Embase
              quality: A cross-sectional study in Hong Kong
                                                                                                        Innovations: Technology and
              Total aortic arch replacement with the frozen elephant trunk  J. Y. K. Ho, S. C. Y. Chow, P. S. Y. Yu, M. W. T. Kwok, S. Wan,
  PWH                                                                                                   Techniques in Cardiothoracic and S102  13 (Supplement 3)  2018   October    Journal Article  1559-0879     PWH           Embase
              technique: The prince of Wales hospital of Hongkong experience  M. J. Underwood and R. H. L. Wong  Vascular Surgery
              Performance of automated external defibrillators under conditions of K. K. C. Hung, C. A. Graham, L. K. Chan, W. K. Poon, T. H.
  PWH                                                                                                   Resuscitation           41-43      130                    2018   September  Journal Article  0300-9572,1873-1570  PWH    MEDLINE
              in-flight turbulence                            Rainer and R. A. Cocks
              Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Chinese                      International Journal of                                                                  1708-8186
  PWH                                                         A. C. S. Kam, E. K. S. Leung, P. Y. B. Chan and M. C. F. Tong     91-97      57            2        2018   1/2/2020   Journal Article                PWH           MEDLINE
              tinnitus functional index                                                                 Audiology                                                                                 (electronic),1708-8186
              Comparison of short-term associations with meteorological variables
  PWH         between COPD and pneumonia hospitalization among the elderly in  H. C. Y. Lam, E. Y. Y. Chan and W. B. Goggins  International journal of  1447-1460  62  8  2018  1/8/2020  Journal Article  1432-1254  PWH        Embase
              Hong Kong-a time-series study
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