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Kwai Chung Psychogeriatric Outpatient Clinic

Kwai Chung Psychogeriatric Outpatient Clinic

Psychogeriatric Team serves those who are 65 years old or above residing in the Kowloon West Cluster. We offer comprehensive psychiatric assessments, treatments and rehabilitation services to those in need. Our aim is to provide quality, holistic and tailor-made mental health support and continuity medical service to patients and carers in the road of rehabilitation and recovery.

Scope of Services
  • “Fast Track Clinic” provides early assessment to elderly with depressive problems and/or suicidal ideation/ attempt in order to provide essential psychiatric care.
  • “Carer Support Centre” provides information and support to patient and carers

Service Hours

Monday to Thursday: 9am to 1pm

                                   2pm to 5:45pm

Friday:                     9am to 1pm

                               2pm to 6pm

General Enquiry:       2742 7030

Address: 3/F, Ha Kwai Chung Polyclinic, 77 Lai Cho Road, Kwai Chung