Page 211 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 211

Service Enhancement Presentations

                F6.4      Enhancing Partnership with Patients and Community                10:45  Room 421

               Enhancement Project on Safe Specimens Management in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly
               Kwan WS , Lau LW , Ko WC , Tam FKS , Chan SK , Cheng PPP  2
               1                     2
                Community Nursing Service,  Central Nursing Division, Yan Chai Hospital, Hong Kong
               Introduction                                                                                        HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
               Over 4,100 elderly living in 41 Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) were covered by Yan Chai Hospital (YCH).
               Hundreds of specimens were collected and transported from RCHEs to hospital each month. Due to human errors of RCHE
               staff, however, a lot of incidents related to wrong specimen collection, management and transportation were reported leading
               to delayed treatment or irreversible consequences. Community Nursing Service (CNS) initiated this project to enhance safe
               practice in RCHEs.
               To ensure RCHE staff perform: (1) proper patient identification; (2) appropriate specimen collection; (3) effective specimen
               transportation; (4) prompt and precise treatment provided; and (5) correct spillage management of RCHE staff.
               In Jul 2016, CNS formed a workgroup to collect specimen handling problems during RCHE visits and analysed the root
               causes. To ensure RCHE staff understood the standard of specimen management and transportation: Specimen Collection
               and Management Manual, education video, photo guides (showing good practices) and tailor-made specimen container
               (keeping specimens in upright position in accordance with the laboratory standard) were developed and distributed to all
               RCHEs. Besides, on-site training was organised to coach staff. Skill and knowledge assessments were undergone before
               and  after  training. Furthermore, a  self-checking  system was  established for RCHEs to  guide  and control  the specimen
               transportation process.

               After data collection and analysis, the common specimen related problems in RCHEs were identified and grouped into five
               categories: Improper patient identification, inadequate patient preparation, unclear specimen collection process, incorrect
               transportation, and inappropriate spillage management. Having provided the standard items and on-site trainings to 39
               RCHEs (224 staff) from August to September 2017, knowledge and practices were significantly improved (83% to 100%).
               For instance, almost all staff knew to mark collection date and time on specimens (Pre: 63%; Post: 99%). They understood
               sending specimens to hospital within recommended time (Pre: 60%; Post: 100%) and how to disinfect the container and
               spillage management (Pre: 76%; Post: 100%). Many RCHEs had adapted the self-checking system (over 91%) and specimen
               container (100%) for transportation.
               For evaluation, the incident number and time spent on handling problems were significantly reduced from 20 to 7 cases (reduce
               65%) and from 130 to 79 minutes (reduced by 39%).

               The project demonstrated a concerted effort from YCH CNS and successfully enhanced safe practice of specimen
               management and self-checking system of specimen transportation. RCHE staff appreciated as it enriched their knowledge
               and skills a lot. The manual, education video, photo guides and specimen container were very useful which helped
               standardising their practices and different procedures as well.                                     Tuesday, 8 May 2018

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