Page 195 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 195

Corporate Scholarship Presentations

                C2.3      Rehabilitation and Community Care                                13:15  Room 428

               Impression and Reflection from UK Training Experience on Integrated Care Nursing in the Community
               Lee JHT
               Department of Geriatrics, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals, Hong Kong
               The experience of clinical attachment to the UK healthcare setting was valuable to enrich one’s exposure to worldwide   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
               standard of care and to inspire one’s mindset for better services. The author gained experience in a four-week attachment
               at a number of integrated care settings in UK in 2016. The integrated care and support service was person-centred and
               coordinated to meet the needs of individual, their carers and families. This more holistic approach enhances empowerment
               of people to manage their chronic diseases and health issues. The most impressive services provided in the community
               included the rapid response service from Croydon Community Health Service Center, which is a 24/7 intensive nursing and
               crisis  management service for  homebound patients;  the  intravenous therapy  of the  Haunslow  and Richmond  Community
               Center that aims at avoiding hospital admission; the nurse-led warfarin clinic in York Medical Practice Clinic exhibits the
               independent role of nurse practitioner and the House of Common and the Royal Star and Garter Homes for dementia people,
               which is a nursing home with five stars “luxury hotel setting” providing special elderly and dementia-friendly infrastructures
               tailored to the people with dementia. In Hong Kong, similar services had been established with encouraging outcomes. The
               author highlights the FLASH presentation on dementia care in acute ward setting being an innovation for educating dementia
               care knowledge to frontline staff at geriatrics ward.

                C2.4      Rehabilitation and Community Care                                13:15  Room 428

               Community Psychiatric Nursing in Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
               Leung TCH
               Personalised Care Programme (Wong Tai Sin District), Kwai Chung Hospital, Hong Kong
               We have attended a 4-week overseas training from 21 November 2016 to 16 December 2016, with attachment to Central
               and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. It is one of the mental health trusts in United Kingdom which covers mental
               health services in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea, Brent, Harrow, Hillingdon and Milton Keynes (out of London). The
               aim of this overseas training programme is to understand the structure and clinical care pathways of mental health services
               in Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, particularly to community mental health services and interventions,
               to the recovery model in mental health, arts therapies and new therapeutic developments in mental health in the community.     Tuesday, 8 May 2018

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