Page 19 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 19

Programme at a Glance

                                                                                          Monday, 7 May 2018

             08:15 – 09:00                                   Registration
                                                            Convention Hall
             09:00 – 10:15                                 Opening Ceremony  *
                                        Welcome Address by Prof John LEONG Chi-yan     Congratulatory Message by Prof ZENG Yixin
                                             Speech by The Hon Paul CHAN Mo-po     Keynote Address by Dr PY LEUNG
                                                         Speed Presentation (Level 2)
             10:15 – 10:45
                                                              Tea Break
                          Convention Hall        Theatre 1          Theatre 2      Room 221       Room 421
             10:45 – 12:00           Plenary Session I *          Special Session 1 *  Masterclass 1  Service Enhancement
                                                                                                 Presentation 1
                                                                              Multidisciplinary Management   Better Manage Growing
                                  Chronic Disease Management     Healthcare in Mainland   of Aortic Nodal Metastasis in   Demands
                                                                     China       Endometrial Cancer
                                                             P1                            M1              F1
             12:00 – 13:15                                     Lunch
                     Convention Hall A  Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 421
             13:15 – 14:30              *                                                       Service Enhancement
                      Masterclass 2   Plenary Session II  Symposium 1  Parallel Session 1  Special Session 2  Masterclass 3  Presentation 2
                       Advances           Why Patient Blood  Patient Monitoring –
                       in Vascular   Committed Staff,   Management is   Inpatient, Outpatient   Precision Cancer   Contemporary Nursing  Staff Engagement and
                       Intervention  Quality Service  Important in Modern   and Home   Management  Empowerment
                                          Healthcare System?  Monitoring
                             M2         P2         S1       PS1             SS2             M3             F2
                     Convention Hall A   Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 421
             14:30 – 15:45              *                                                       Service Enhancement
                      Symposium 2  Plenary Session III  Parallel Session 2 #  Symposium 3  Special Session 3  Masterclass 4  Presentation 3
                     Acute Care for Frail   Teamwork   Can Fin Tech Help?  Staff Engagement   Antimicrobial Resistance  Advances in Trauma   Clinical Safety and Quality
                      Older People                    and Leadership              Management       Service I
                             S2         P3        PS2        S3             SS3             M4             F3
             15:45 – 16:15                               Speed Presentation (Level 2)
                                                              Tea Break
                     Convention Hall A   Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 421
             16:15 – 17:30              *                                                      Service  Enhancement
                      Masterclass 5  Plenary Session IV  Masterclass 6  Parallel Session 3  Masterclass 7  Parallel Session 4  Presentation 4
                                 Living with the   Enhancing Medical-  Clinical   Patient Blood Management –
                     Orthopaedic Sports    Chronic – What   social Collaboration   Application   from Overseas to Local   Collaborative Service   Clinical Safety and Quality
                      Injuries Revisit  Could be Done at   for Elderly Patients  of Hyperbaric   Practices  Programmes  Service II
                                 Primary Care        Oxygen Therapy
                             M5         P4         M6       PS3             M7             PS4             F4
                                                                                         Tuesday, 8 May 2018

                      Convention Hall A  Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 421
             09:00 – 10:15  Masterclass 8  Symposium 4 *  Symposium 5  Parallel Session 5  Special Session 4  Masterclass 9  Masterclass 10  Service Enhancement
                                                                                                    Presentation 5
                     The Role of Family   Advanced Care   Supporting Global   Use of IT to Improve   Clinical Genetics   Advances in   Healthcare Advances,
                     Medicine in Chronic  Planning and Elderly   Hepatitis Health   the Quality of   Translational Nursing   and Genomics –   Chronic Obstructive   Research and
                     Disease Management  Services  Sector Strategy  Healthcare  and Its Applications  Application and   Pulmonary Disease   Innovations
                                                                               Beyond    Management
                              M8         S4         S5        PS5        SS4         M9        M10         F5
                                                         Speed Presentation (Level 2)
             10:15 –10:45                                     Tea Break
                     Convention   Convention Hall B  Convention Hall   Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 428  Room 421
                       Hall A           C
                                                                                             Corporate   Service
             10:45 – 12:00 Symposium 6 Symposium 7 *  Masterclass 11  Symposium 8  Special Session 5 Parallel Session 6  Masterclass 12  Scholarship   Enhancement
                                                                                             Presentation I  Presentation 6
                      Integrated   Digital                                  Management of Patients with Brain   Medical   Enhancing
                     Emergency   Connectivity in   Advances in   Bringing Changes to the   Professionalism   Leadership in   Metastases – A Paradigm Shift   Advancement  Partnership with
                     Care for Older   Healthcare  Medicine  Healthcare Services  and Ethics  Nursing  from Whole Brain Radiotherapy to  and Innovative   Patients and
                      People                                                  Stereotactic Radiosurgery  Technology  Community
                          S6       S7     M11           S8      SS5      PS6             M12       C1      F6
             12:00 – 13:15                                     Lunch
                     Convention   Convention Hall  Convention Hall   Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 428  Room 421
                       Hall A   B       C
                                                                                              Corporate   Service
             13:15 – 14:30 Masterclass 13 Parallel Session 7 *  Symposium 9  Parallel Session 8  Masterclass 14  Parallel Session 9  Parallel Session 10  Scholarship   Enhancement
                                                                                             Presentation II  Presentation 7
                             Facing the   Hyperbaric      Evidence Based                     Rehabilitation
                     Advances in   Challenges in   Oxygen   Medical-social   Perioperative   Innovative    Technology Advancement and   and Community   Committed and
                     Intensive Care  Primary Care  Therapy –   Collaboration  Medicine  Nursing  Innovation  Care  Happy Staff
                                     Lesson Learnt
                         M13      PS7     S9            PS8     M14      PS9             PS10     C2       F7
                                                                                             Corporate   Service
             14:30 – 15:45 Symposium 10 Symposium 11 *  Symposium 12  Masterclass 15  #  Masterclass 16 Parallel Session 11  Parallel Session 12  Scholarship   Enhancement
                                                                                            Presentation III  Presentation 8  HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
                                             Difficult Conversation –   Reduction
                     Primary Care   Value Driven   Engaging   Interactive Case Discussion   of Perinatal   Evidence Based    Big Data    Chronic Disease   Young HA
                     in Hong Kong  Healthcare  the Younger   and Use of Applied   Morbidity and   Nursing  Analytic  Management  Investigators
                                     Generation  Mediation Skills to Resolve   Mortality             Presentation
                                            Conflicts in End-of-life Care
                          S10     S11     S12           M15     M16      PS11            PS12     C3       F8
                                                          Speed Presentation (Level 2)
             15:45 – 16:15                                   Poster Viewing
                                                              Tea Break
             16:15 – 18:30                                   Convention Hall
                                                      Presentation of Best Oral Presentation Awards
                                                      Presentation of Best Poster Display Awards
                                          Presentation of Hospital Authority Outstanding Staff and Teams and Young Achiever Award 2018
            *  Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話   Information as at 11 April 2018. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
            #   Session conducted in Cantonese  此節以廣東話進行
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