Page 156 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 156

Special Sessions                                                        Special Sessions

             SS4.1     Translational Nursing and Its Applications                        09:00  Theatre 2

            Expanding Nursing Research within Clinical Practice Settings: Partnerships between Universities and Hospitals
            to Improve Health
            Saewyc EM
            School of Nursing, University of British Columbia, Canada

            University-based nursing researchers have often faced challenges in conducting clinically-based research with hospitals, in
            part because the demands for teaching and research take faculty away from regular practice within clinical settings. Similarly,
            nurses within hospital settings may struggle to conduct nursing practice-focused research, because they have expert clinical
            skills and important practice-based research questions, but may lack enough expertise in advanced research methods
            to be able to conduct clinically relevant research, or they do not have enough time in their role to dedicate to research. As
            well, nursing leaders in some clinical settings do not promote the importance of engaging in research for improving nursing
            practice, or administrative budgets do not support the staff in contributing to research. There is a growing call to address
            these barriers by promoting the development of clinician scientists, as skilled researchers embedded within clinical practice.
            But how do universities and clinical settings work together to achieve such roles, and promote nursing research involvement
            at all levels of healthcare within the clinical setting?

            This  presentation  will  describe  several  different  strategies  in  Western  Canada  that  have  been  used  to  foster  an  increase
            in nursing research capacity within hospital and community clinical settings, in partnerships with the University of British
            Columbia School of Nursing and different health authorities in British Columbia, Canada. These include: the development
            of a clinical “research challenge” approach that partners university researcher mentors, staff nurses and other health
            professionals in conducting small grant-funded research projects and pilots; creation of a clinician scientist university
            appointment track; and joint funding for clinically-focused nursing research professorships.

      Tuesday, 8 May 2018

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