Page 43 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 43
Parallel Sessions
Parallel Sessions
PS4.1 3D Printing in Medicine I 16:15 Theatre 1
How Does 3D Printing Bring Healthcare into a New Dimension?
Morris J
Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, USA HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
3D printing has its origin in manufacturing and rapid prototyping. At the Mayo Clinic we began 3D printing 11 years ago
providing anatomical models created from imaging in preparation for successful separating a set of conjoined twins. From
that first case we quickly realised that we were providing a tool that allowed a deeper understanding of complex anatomy in
a way not possible from the imaging alone. Since the origin of our anatomic modeling laboratory we have grown to provide
complex anatomical models to all surgical and medical subspecialties within our enterprise. Our laboratory is centralised in
the department of Radiology and has grown exponentially over the past decade in response to clinical needs and improved
patient care. In this presentation, the audience will learn how we have been able to advance surgical and medical care at
Mayo Clinic by integrating this disruptive technology into the hospital setting. We will discuss case scenarios throughout
varied clinical/surgical applications, quality control measures, in-house manufacturing vs outsourcing, laboratory structure
and personnel, regulations, barriers for implementation, and most importantly how we have improved the care our patients
receive. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how 3D printing is already bringing The Mayo Clinic into the next dimension
of healthcare. Tuesday, 16 May
PS4.2 3D Printing in Medicine I 16:15 Theatre 1
How Could 3D Printing Revolutionise Medical Training?
McMenamin P
Director, Centre for Human Anatomy Education, Monash University, Australia
3D printing (or additive manufacturing) is often promoted as one of the most significant modern technological advances
and evidence of its utility in medical education, surgical planning, procedure guidance, and simulation has already begun
to emerge. In our laboratory, we set out to discover new methods to copy high quality human cadaveric dissections that
would allow us to widely disseminate these copies outside the anatomy facility on our main campus to Monash facilities
that were covered by the Anatomy Act. We developed methods to scan (CT, MRI, Laser), segment and create 3D files for
printing. These multicolour single material prints have been deployed in teaching in Australia and overseas and have been
found in a randomised control trial to perform better than cadaver dissections for student learning of normal anatomy. We
are currently using our experience in 3D data acquisition, 3D printing, moulding and casting to develop surgical simulators
made of biomimicry materials. Whilst it is early days we have made promising progress that make it possible to dream of
a day when students can dissect an accurately simulated cadaver removing the need for bequeathed bodies, embalming
and storage of cadavers with all the inherent risks of handling human material. It would also allow access to anatomical
replicas in any hospital surgical simulation laboratory or training facility. It is clear from most surveys of medical training that
there is a growing demand for surgical simulation to greatly accelerate the learning curve for medical trainees in procedures
and surgical interventions. We hope to illustrate how use of accurate anatomical data from patients and cadavers can be
integrated into bespoke surgical training devices.