Page 36 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 36

Parallel Sessions

             PS1.3     Nursing Services at the Front Door of the Hospital               13:15  Room 221

            Development on Enhancement of Emergency Nursing Service
            Li SP
            Accident and Emergency Department, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
            Longer lives with multiple chronic conditions, increasing complexity in healthcare delivery, higher public expectation and
            shortage  of  medical  staff  have  put  significant  burden  to  the  Accident  and  Emergency  Department  (AED)  service  in  Hong
            Kong. It results in long waiting time for treatment, particularly in those with minor health problems. The enhancement of
            emergency nursing service (ENS) has been implemented in the AED of Hospital Authority (HA) since 2012. This initiative aims
            to alleviate the tremendous workloads of medical staff and reduce the waiting time for selected patients with minor injury
            by empowering specialty-trained emergency nurses with a greater role in treating patients. Currently, there are seven AEDs
            providing this fast-track, protocol-driven service.

            This presentation reports the development of ENS among AED including: (1) the service model; (2) the utilisation; (3) the
            impact on their AED waiting time; (4) patient satisfaction; and (5) audit results relating to safe practice and quality. Future
            direction will also be discussed.
      Tuesday, 16 May  A retrospective review of this service utilisation among seven AEDs was conducted in 2015-16. Data were collected by the

            Coordinating Committee (A&E) Nursing Subcommittee using a standardised template. Different audit results for the target
            period were also presented.

            A total of 9,581 cases were seen among seven AEDs in 2015-16. The mean waiting time of patients using ENS and usual
            triage category four were 40-82 minutes and 79-227 minutes respectively. Median of waiting time shortened for the target
            group patients from 19 to 118 minutes.

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