Page 80 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 80

Service Enhancement Presentations

             F7.4      Committed and Happy Staff                                        13:15  Room 421

            Promoting Staff Influenza Vaccination by Vaccination-on-wheel in Prince of Wales Hospital
            Leung MH , Yau CM , Cheng CC , Chiu G , Chiu KL  4
            1                   2         3                  4
             Central Nursing Division,  Staff Clinic,  Infection Control Team,  Department of Family Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital,
            Hong Kong
            Previously, the overall influenza vaccination uptake rate of staff was low. In order to protect our staff and patients from
            influenza in winter, a series of promoting channels was set up to encourage staff to get seasonal influenza vaccination
            as convenient as possible. Among all, the mobile Vaccination on Wheel (VOW) service is noted to be one of the effective
            strategies welcomed by staff. Therefore, in 2016/17, the VOW service was further strengthened to enhance its effectiveness.
            To enhance the attractiveness and usage of VOW with the target of increasing injection rate by 50%.

            In order to enhance the attractiveness and usage of VOW, Central Nursing Division initiated a series of promoting activities
            and channels with collaboration of various departments to encourage the staff to get seasonal influenza vaccination
            The promotional actions were implemented as follows:
            (1)  Increase convenience by expanding service coverage
                Apart from routine tour rounds of VOW to all clinical departments, VOW hotlines were provided to staff for adhoc booking
                services, and the service coverage of VOW services was further expanded to non-clinical settings and congregation
                for on-site Influenza vaccine injection. In addition, promotional booths and satellite injection stations were set up with
                information technology support to provide on-site injection.

            (2)  Demonstrate role model by senior management and staff representatives
                Senior management, senior doctors and nurse managers were invited to accompany with VOW grand rounds to clarify
                the myths of influenza vaccination. Furthermore, the seniors’ photo of receiving vaccine were posted at the hospital
                intranet site which also reported vaccination status of all staff in New Territories East Cluster (NTEC) to encourage more
                staff to receive vaccination.

            (3)  Make use of peer influence and invitation by managers
                Furthermore, we organised competitions to promote staff vaccination by frontline nurses and senior staff, such as
                General Manager (Nursing), Chief of Service and Department Operations Managers to join the VOW team that they
                visited their respective wards to cultivate peer influence among frontline staff and motivate colleagues for injection.
      Wednesday, 17 May  Compared with last year, there was a significant increase in the uptake rate of influenza vaccination in all staff categories and

            a high vaccination rate of more than 33% in NTEC was achieved. By comparing the data of staff vaccination of 2015/2016 and
            2016/2017, it revealed a vaccination rate of 20.2% and 33% (as at 12 February 2017) respectively.

            From October 2016 to January 2017, there were 47 VOW related activities implemented in Prince of Wales Hospital. Total
            number of staff vaccination given via this programme was 1,154 with a significant increase in vaccination rate of 78%. It
            showed an increasing demand for VOW service and a significant upward trend for participants in all staff categories from
            2010/11 to 2016/17.
            Furthermore, as compared with walk-in cases of Staff Clinic, vaccination rate via VOW has exceeded the Staff Clinic (HASC)
            by more than 55% in 2016/17.

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