Page 38 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 38

Parallel Sessions

             PS5.4     Collaborative Service Programmes                     09:00  Room 423 & Room 424

            Nutrition Support in Enhanced Recovery after Surgery
            Kan IYM
            Dietetics Department, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
            Enhanced Recovery  after  Surgery  (ERAS)  is  an  evidence-based  multi-modal  and  multi-disciplinary  pathway  to  reduce
            surgical stress and limit post-surgical morbidity. ERAS, recommends pre-operative nutrition assessment and intervention,
            relaxing  pre-operative  fasting  to  two  to  four  hours,  rather  than  traditional  12  hours  as  well  as  introducing  carbohydrate
            loading before operation. It is known to attenuate insulin resistance, minimise muscle and protein loss, and improve patient
            comfort. Another element for ERAS is the initiation of early post-operative diet and fluid. In post-operative period, nutrition
            support is introduced in the form of diet and/or oral nutrition supplements. It can be started as early as 24 hours after
            surgery. Oral feeding is usually started with liquid and transited to regular diet thereafter. Early oral or enteral nutrition has
            been demonstrated to be safe and preserves post-operative nutrition profile.

            In New Territories East Cluster, ERAS programme has been initiated in selected surgical patients.  Dietitians are actively
            involved in the care of patients before, during and after surgery. In the pre-operative period, patients with malnutrition risk
            are referred to dietitian for assessment and counselling. Nutrition assessment and optimisation of nutrition status before
            operation is crucial to enhance successful surgery outcome. Referred patients were followed up throughout their hospital
            journey including inpatient and post-discharge to ensure rapid hydration and nourishment post-operation and ongoing
            nutrition support after discharged.

      Wednesday, 17 May

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