Page 3 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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S6.1 Effective Utilisation of Medical Resources 09:00 Convention Hall B
Developing a Quality Framework for the Healthcare System
Keogh B
Medical Directorate, NHS England, UK HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
S6.2 Healthcare Performance Measure 09:00 Convention Hall B
Measuring for Quality in Healthcare
Lew T
Medical Board, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Einstein kept a sign in his office that read, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be
counted counts.”
Edwards Deming, the father of the post-Taylor industrial revolution: “It is not enough to just do your best or work hard. You
must know what to work on.”
These aphorisms sum up the entire raison d’etre of a measurement framework in Healthcare. A consideration for what should
reasonably be measured may encompass the following dimensions: (1) The aims of quality healthcare and what measures Wednesday, 17 May
represent the interests of stakeholders - payers, providers, regulators. (2) The healthcare financing model in a country and
what drives its sustainability? These in turn determine the strategic objectives at a system level for measurement. (3) What
are the broad process and outcome measures of health from prioritised disease-specific or treatment categories and how
are they benchmarked for performance and comparison. (4) What are the broad frameworks for the quality in the delivery of
healthcare and how are they measured for performance? (5) How do we measure satisfaction in the healthcare system from
the perspective of the citizen (population), the patient and their journey through the system? (6) How is the health industry
management of productivity, efficiency and value tracked? And finally, (7) How can we link these measurements to job
satisfaction, motivation, rewards and recognition to align patient and healthcare provider values?
These considerations are discussed in the context of contemporaneous challenges facing the Singapore public healthcare
system and illustrated from the perspective of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, an acute and tertiary public hospital looking after the 1.5
million population of central Singapore.