Page 8 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 8

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016                                 Message from
                                                                   Chief Executive

                                                                                         Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

                                      A warm welcome to the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Convention 2016.

                                                For more than two decades, the Hospital Authority Convention has attracted healthcare professionals
                                                from Hong Kong and from all over the world, here to share their valuable insights on the latest medical
                                                developments and to enhance their professional networks.
                                                This year’s Convention will feature some 50 sessions covering a wide range of topical issues, reinforcing
                                                Hong Kong’s leading position in many areas of clinical practice and medical research. The Convention’s in-
                                                depth discussions will pave the way for medical advances certain to benefit us all.
                                                I wish the Hospital Authority Convention 2016 every success and all those attending a rewarding experience.

                                               The Honourable CY LEUNG

                                                  Chief Executive
                                                  Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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