Page 82 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 82
S3.1 Meet Our Patients’ Needs 14:30 Theatre 1
Tuesday, 3 May In Adversity We Cultivate Goodwill. With Perspicacity, We Became a Top Brand.
Huen S
EGL Tours Co. Limited, Hong Kong
In the past decade, tourism has experienced several major shocks, including the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
outbreak in 2003; Hainan Island Accident in 2009 and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2010. These issues brought certain
difficulties to EGL, however the crisis management capability and converse thinking of EGL management turned crisis to
The SARS crisis in 2003 resulted in anti-Hong Kong tourist policy set by many countries. Facing with the crisis, the
management launched a number of sales, new local travel tours and developed tours in Southeast Asia and other booming
town within one month. The management even went for outdoor promotion together with staff. With the new policy of
minimum salary, all these drove a great performance to that year.
The Hainan Island incident was happened in 2009. Two tourists were drowned at the beach of Hainan. The management
contacted the tour guide immediately to find out what had happened. A press conference was held within 24 hours after the
accident. A week later, condolence statement was made in various newspapers. The immediate reaction of the management
level settled the issue instantly.
As a company having long-term cooperation with Japan, the management showed great support to Japan after the
Fukushima nuclear disaster. After one month of the crisis, EGL was the first travel agency to re-promote Japan tourism. The
management also arranged a media tour to Osaka in order to prove the safety of Japan. This laid the foundation of future
The above issues incarnate EGL motto of “striving for consistent improvement of high quality service, with customer in our
heart and sincerity in our practice”, which is the key to success.
逆境贏口碑 智勇創品牌
旅遊業在近十數年經歷幾次重大沖擊:先有 2003 年香港非典型肺炎(下稱沙士),後有 2009 年海南島事件及 2010 年日本 311 地
在 2003 年沙士危機中,多國對港人設定入境限制。面對是次危機,東瀛遊管理層首先推出外遊減團費優惠及多個創新本地一天旅
2009 年發生了罕見的團友遇溺意外,是為「海南島事件」。接獲意外報告後,管理層迅速聯絡導遊了解事件,並於 24 小時內召
東瀛遊與日本淵源深厚,面對 311 大地震,勢與日本攜手抗災。在保障旅客安全的前提下,東瀛遊在災難發生後一個月率先復辦