Page 24 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 24


                                    Tuesday, 3 May 2016 | Room 421

                                    09:00 – 10:15                   *Opening Ceremony (Convention Hall)
                                    10:15 – 10:45
                                    10:45 – 12:00                                                                    Welcome Address
                                                                                        Prof John CY LEONG, Chairman, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                    12:00 – 13:15
                                    13:15 – 14:30                                                               Congratulatory Message
                                                   Prof Guoqiang WANG, Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the People’s Republic of China
                                    14:30 – 15:45
                                    15:45 – 16:15                             The Hon CY LEUNG, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
                                    16:15 – 17:30
                                                                                                                     Keynote Address
                                    17:30 – 18:00                                         Dr PY LEUNG, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                                                                                                     Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)                                      F2
                                                                                                                         Tea Break

                                                                                                      Staff Engagement and Empowerment
                                                   Chairpersons:	Dr Rebecca LAM

                                                                       Chief Manager (Clinical Effectiveness and Technology Management), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                                       Dr TC WONG
                                                                       Hospital Chief Executive, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital, Hong Kong

                                                   F2.1	  To Engage Ward Nurses in Providing Bedside Education: A Pilot Project for Patients Admitted for 	
                                                   F2.2	  Hypoglycaemia/CHENG MWW et al.
                                                   F2.3	  All-round Enhancement of Advanced Practice Nurses’ Clinical Management Competency/KO YTP et al.
                                                   F2.4	  Structured Training Workshop Enhanced the Nutrition Care Knowledge and the Feeding Skill of Frontline Staff/KOO HW et al.
                                                   F2.5	  Review on Two Years’ Cluster-based Induction Programme for Newly Recruited Nurse Graduates/PUN KL et al.
                                                   F2.6	  Fast Track Protocols Driven Service/TUNG WK et al.
                                                   F2.7	  Patient Feedback — Experience on Specialist Outpatient Service/WONG ELY et al.
                                                          Enhancing Nurses’ Knowledge on High Alert Medications in an Acute Medical Ward/WONG SW et al.


                                                                                                   Service Revamp                                                             F1

                                                   Chairpersons:	Dr WK CHING
                                                                       Hospital Chief Executive, The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay, TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital
                                                                       and MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Hong Kong
                                                                       Dr Herman LAU
                                                                       Hospital Chief Executive, Cheshire Home, Shatin, Hong Kong

                                                   F1.1	  Food Wastage Management Programme in Day Service Settings of Pok Oi Hospital/CHAN C et al.
                                                   F1.2	  Integrating Rehabilitation into the Heart of Acute Care — Ward-based Physiotherapy at C8 Elderly-friendly Ward Increases
                                                   F1.3	  Therapy Time and Team Collaboration/CHAN F et al.
                                                   F1.4	  Elder-friendly Nursing Care — a Paradigm Shift/HO JKY et al.
                                                   F1.5	  A Seven-year Analysis of Emergency Nurse Practitioner Clinic in Hong Kong/LEE KH et al.
                                                          Randomised-controlled Study of the Effectiveness of a New Psychiatric Specialist Outpatient Service Model — the
                                                   F1.6	  Multidisciplinary Assessment and Psychosocial Intervention Programme vs Standard Psychiatric Outpatient Care/WING
                                                   F1.7	  YK et al.
                                                          Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping in Premature Neonates/SING C et al.
                                                          SMART TEL (Telephone Enquiry Logistic) — Specialist Outpatient Department Communication System/TAM WS et al.

                                                                    Clinical Safety and Quality Service I                                                                     F3

                                                   Chairpersons:	Dr NC SIN
                                                                       Chief Manager (Patient Safety and Risk Management), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                                       Dr KT TOM
                                                                       Hospital Chief Executive, Haven of Hope Hospital and Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hong Kong

                                                   F3.1	  Measures for the Successful Implementation of Peripheral Venous Cannula Care Bundle/NG HL et al.
                                                   F3.2	  Collaboration Using “Gold Standard Framework” — a Review of Three-year Experience of Non-Cancer Palliative 	
                                                   F3.3	  Care Project in Hong Kong West Cluster/CHAN KY et al.
                                                   F3.4	  Does Barbed Suture Lower Cost and Improve Outcome in Total Knee Arthroplasty? A Randomised Controlled
                                                   F3.5	  Trial/CHAN WKV et al.
                                                   F3.6	  A Person-centred Approach to Continence Care for Neurosurgical Patients/CHAU CW et al.
                                                   F3.7	  Modernising Chinese Medicine Practice and Management at Chinese Medicine Centres for Training and 	
                                                          Research/CHEUNG WLR et al.
                                                          Admission Documentation in One Click/KU BPS et al.
                                                          An Effective Tool to Assess Environmental Cleanliness — Adenosine Tri-phosphate Pilot in North District Hospital 	
                                                          2015/LEE KP et al.

                                                                    Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)

                                                                                                   Tea Break

                                                                    Clinical Safety and Quality Service II                                                                    F4

                                                   Chairpersons:	Dr SH LIU
                                                                       Chief Manager (Infection, Emergency and Contingency), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                                       Prof Yasuhiro OTOMO
                                                                       Professor, Department of Acute Critical Care and Disaster Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

                                                   F4.1	  Use of Condiments Increases Food, Energy and Protein Intakes in Older Patients Attending Geriatric Day Hospital, Pok Oi
                                                   F4.2	  Hospital/CHAN CS et al.
                                                   F4.3	  To Safeguard Unintentional Repetition of Drug during Transition of Care in Medication Order Entry/CHAN JKY et al.
                                                   F4.4	  Ventilator Weaning Team — the Winning Team/CHENG SL et al.
                                                   F4.5	  Success of a Comprehensive Infection Control Programme to Stop the Spread of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci/LAU
                                                   F4.6	  MY et al.
                                                   F4.7	  Improving Patient Experience and Staff Workflow through HA Informed Consent Form System/LEE TL et al.
                                                          Predictors of Unintended Weight Loss in Stroke Patients on Rehabilitation/LO WK et al.
                                                          New and Reinforcement Measures to Prevent Mislabeling and Mixing of Prenatal Specimens During Collection and
                                                          Transportation/POON CF et al.

                                                          Celebration of Achievements of HA Staff (Convention Hall B)

22                                  * Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話         Information as at 12 April 2016. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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