Page 171 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 171

Special Topics                                                                                      HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

T12.3 Risk Communication  13:15  Convention Hall B

Getting It Right: Why Risk Communication in Healthcare is Not Straight-forward
Au D
Quality and Safety Division, Hospital Authority Head Office, Hong Kong

Risk communication is closely linked to risk assessment and risk management. Communicating risk in healthcare takes many
forms and takes place in different contexts. It is known to be complex. This presentation reflects on some of the challenges
and hurdles in risk communication in the domain of quality and safety. Factors affecting optimal risk communication are
considered and selected cases are discussed putting the issues in context. Perspectives on modern-day risk communication
are also drawn from disciplines other than clinical and administrative fields.

                                                                                                                              Wednesday, 4 May

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