Page 141 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 141
Service Enhancement Presentations HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016
F4.1 Clinical Safety and Quality Service II 16:15 Room 421
Use of Condiments Increases Food, Energy and Protein Intakes in Older Patients Attending Geriatric Day
Hospital, Pok Oi Hospital
Chan CS 1, Koo HW 1, Au Yeung TW 2, Liu TY 1, Sin KL1, Lau ST 2, Man SP 2, Woo CCK 2, Lai YL 2, Chiu LPG 2, Chow YM 2, Tsun KK 2,
Chan CY 2, Lam YH 2
1Dietetic Department, 2Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Pok Oi Hospital, Hong Kong
Inadequate energy and protein intake is a common nutrition problem in older adults, which may lead to malnutrition. With
an aim to improve oral intake of older patients, a pilot programme on using condiments was conducted on a group of older
patients attending Geriatric Day Hospital (GDH).
To increase older patients’ food, energy and protein intake by use of condiments.
Methodology Tuesday, 3 May
Older patients, who were not on low salt diet, could verbally consent and feed themselves were included. Patients consumed
one meal (lunch) at GDH. Food consumption before and after adding a sachet of sweet soy sauce (HK$0.6, 8ml, 10kcal, 2g
sugar, 328mg sodium) were measured by weighing the food. Energy and protein intakes were estimated according to nutrition
information provided by the Dietetics and Catering Management System.
100 consecutive older patients (Age: 81±7.4y) were recruited from October to December 2015. Average food consumption
before adding condiment was 65%. Food, energy, protein and sodium intake increased from: 341±124g to 367±111g (+7.6%,
P<0.01), 354±125kcal to 390±128kcal (+10%, P<0.01), 18.4±7.52g to 19.9±7.4g (+8.5%, P<0.01) and 520±281mg to 796±310mg
(+53%, P<0.01), respectively. Further analysis showed that for those who had energy intake less than 1/3 of estimated daily
energy requirement (N=78), improvements were even more significant. Food, energy, protein and sodium intakes increased
from: 312±116g to 349±111g (+12%, P<0.01), 317±113kcal to 369±130kcal (+16%, P<0.01), 16.7±7.2g to 19.0±7.4g (+14%, P<0.01)
and 474±259mg to 775±293mg (+63%, P<0.01), respectively. Although sodium intake increased significantly, the mean intake
was still within American Heart Association’s recommendation, which was <2,400mg sodium per day (assuming daily sodium
intake: 3 x lunch sodium intake).