Page 93 - HA Convention 2015
P. 93
Special Topics
ST4.1 Improving Quality of Life of Long-term Patients 16:15 Theatre 1
Care for the Dying in Long Term Care Monday, 18 May
Morley JE
Division of Geriatric Medicine, Saint Louis University, USA
It is important to recognise that end-of-life care should begin at least five years before the individual dies. Good palliative
care and hospice programmes which de-escalate the use of futile therapies and focus on maintenance of quality of life have
been shown to prolong lifespan.
This requires persons to plan for the types of care they want to receive at end of life through instruments such as a living will
or durable power of attorney for health. Recognition that multiple hospital visits reduces quality of life without necessarily
prolonging life is an important component of care.
Besides the early addition of appropriate palliative care to curative care, adequate hospice care needs to be provided in the
community. The history of hospice care will be reviewed. Specific interventions available to decrease suffering during the
dying process will be reviewed.
ST4.2 Improving Quality of Life of Long-term Patients 16:15 Theatre 1
The Application of the “Flinders Model” of Chronic Condition Self-management on Patients with Multiple
Battersby M
Department of Psychiatry, Flinders University, Australia
From the research questions – “What is self-management? Can we assess and measure it? Can we help people with long-
term conditions to improve their self-management?”, we have been developing a clinical method that healthcare workers can
use individually with their patients to understand their strengths and barriers to self-management taking a bio-psychosocial
approach with the person, their family and culture, which provides a motivational approach to help the person change
their behaviour and improve their health outcomes. These developments and results of our research over 15 years will be
presented; methods to implement self-management support into practice and development of a Chinese version of the self-
management assessment tool and the Flinders Programme of chronic condition management will be described.