- Atlanto-axial joint block
- Atlanto-occipital joint block
- Cisternal puncture
- Coeliac plexus block : diagnostic
- Cranial nerve block: diagnostic - glossopharyngeal nerve
- Cranial nerve block: diagnostic - maxillary nerve
- Cranial nerve block: diagnostic - sphenopalatine ganglion
- Cranial nerve block: diagnostic - trigeminal ganglion
- Division of sympathetic nerve or ganglion
- Epidural analgesia during labour
- Epidural blood patch
- External lumbar drainage of cerebrospinal fluid
- Facet joint injection, cervical
- Facet joint injection, lumbar
- Facet joint injection, sacrum
- Facet joint injection, thoracic
- Facet nerve block, cervical
- Facet nerve block, lumbar
- Facet nerve block, thoracic
- Ganglion impar block: diagnostic
- Greater occipital nerve block, diagnostic
- Injection into sympathetic nerve or ganglion
- Injection of anaesthetic into peripheral nerve for analgesia
- Injection of anaesthetic into spinal canal for analgesia
- Injection of anaesthetic into sympathetic nerve for analgesia
- Injection of nerve with medication
- Injection of neurolytic agent into sympathetic nerve
- Injection of non-anaesthetic agent into spinal canal
- Injection of non-neurolytic agent to peripheral nerve
- Insertion of sphenoidal electrodes
- Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator
- Intercostal block, anaesthetic agent : diagnostic
- Intrathecal administration
- Intrathecal block, anaesthetic agent : diagnostic
- Intravenous sympatholytic block, lower limb
- Intravenous sympatholytic block, upper limb
- Local anaesthetic cranial nerve block
- Local anaesthetic glossopharyngeal nerve block
- Lumbar epidural steroid injection
- Lumbar puncture
- Lumbar sympathetic block: diagnostic
- Motor point block of nerve
- Paravertebral block, cervical
- Paravertebral block, lumbar
- Paravertebral block, thoracic
- Percutaneous denervation of facet
- Peripheral nerve injection
- Removal of skull tongs or halo traction device
- Sacral nerve root injection: diagnostic
- Spinal blood patch
- Stellate ganglion block
- Stellate ganglion block : diagnostic
- Steroid injection, perineuronal
- Subdural tap
- Superior hypogastric plexus block : diagnostic
- Suprascapular nerve block, diagnostic
- Ventriculopuncture through previously implanted catheter
- Ablation of nerve by injection
- Biopsy of sympathetic nerve or ganglion
- Brachial plexus block
- Brachial plexus catheter insertion
- Coeliac plexus block : neurolytic
- Cryoneurolysis of facet nerve, cervical
- Cryoneurolysis of facet nerve, lumbar
- Cryoneurolysis of facet nerve, thoracic
- Cryoneurolysis of peripheral nerve
- Dorsal root ganglion block: neurolytic, cervical
- Dorsal root ganglion block: neurolytic, lumbar
- Dorsal root ganglion block: neurolytic, thoracic
- Excisional biopsy of nerve
- Ganglion impar block: neurolytic
- Intercostal block : neurolytic agent
- Intrathecal block : neurolytic agent
- Lumbar plexus catheter insertion
- Lumbar sympathetic block: neurolytic
- Nerve biopsy
- Operation on sympathetic nerves or ganglia
- Peripheral nerve block: botulinum toxin injection
- Phenol injection, perineuronal
- Radiofrequency lesioning to lumbar sympathetic nerve
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of facet nerve, cervical
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of facet nerve, lumbar
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of facet nerve, thoracic
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of peripheral nerve
- Removal of peripheral neurostimulator
- Root sleeve and dorsal root ganglion block of thoracic and lumbar, diagnostic
- Sacral nerve root injection: neurolytic
- Sciatic nerve catheter implantation
- Stellate ganglion block : neurolytic
- Steroid injection, epidural
- Superior hypogastric plexus block : neurolytic
- Suprascapular nerve block, neurolytic
- Sural nerve biopsy
- Anterior transposition of ulnar nerve
- Avulsion of cranial nerve
- Biopsy of spinal cord or spinal meninges
- Burr hole for intracranial pressure monitoring
- Cranial nerve block: neurolytic - glossopharyngeal nerve
- Cranial nerve block: neurolytic - maxillary nerve
- Cranial nerve block: neurolytic - sphenopalatine ganglion
- Cranial nerve block: neurolytic - trigeminal ganglion
- Cryoablation of nerve
- Decompression of ulnar nerve in elbow
- Destruction of cranial and peripheral nerves
- Endoscopic ultrasonography guided celiac plexus neurolysis
- Epidural catheter implantation, cervical
- Epidural catheter implantation, lumbar
- Epidural catheter implantation, thoracic
- Excision of cranial nerve
- Excision of peripheral nerve tumour
- Excision or avulsion of peripheral nerve
- Excision or destruction of lesion of spinal cord or spinal meninges
- Extraoral insertion of fixture for osseo-integrated implant
- Ganglion biopsy
- Implantation of long term peripheral neurostimulator
- Implantation of peripheral neurostimulator, temporary
- Insertion of catheter into spinal canal for infusion of therapeutic or palliative substances
- Insertion of ventricular catheter for drainage of cerebrospinal fluid
- Insertion or replacement of skull tongs or halo traction device
- Intracerebral pressure monitoring
- Irrigation of ventricular shunt
- Ligation of ventricular shunt
- Lysis of adhesions of spinal cord and nerve roots, percutaneous
- Nerve transposition
- Neurolysis
- Neuroplasty
- Operation to establish drainage of ventricle
- Radiofrequency ablation of nerve
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of mandibular branch of nerve
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of maxillary branch
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of ophthalmic branch
- Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of trigeminal ganglion
- Release of carpal tunnel
- Release of tarsal tunnel
- Removal of intracranial neurostimulator, cortical
- Removal of intracranial neurostimulator, subcortical
- Removal of spinal neurostimulator
- Removal of spinal thecal shunt
- Removal of vagal nerve stimulator
- Removal of ventricular shunt
- Removal of ventriculoperitoneal shunt
- Repair and plastic operation on spinal cord structures
- Replacement of peripheral neurostimulator
- Replacement of ventricular shunt
- Rickham's capsule insertion
- Temporary epidural catheter insertion, cervical
- Temporary epidural catheter insertion, lumbar
- Temporary epidural catheter insertion, thoracic
- Temporary intrathecal catheter insertion
- Thermal ablation of nerve
- Transposition of cranial nerve
- Transposition of peripheral nerve
- Twist drill hole for external ventricular drainage
- Ventriculostomy
- Cervical sympathectomy
- Cervical sympathectomy, left
- Cervical sympathectomy, right
- Endoscopic release of carpal tunnel
- Epidural catheter and epidural port implantation, cervical
- Epidural catheter and epidural port implantation, lumbar
- Epidural catheter and epidural port implantation, thoracic
- Epiduroscopy
- Excision or avulsion of spinal nerve
- Intrathecal catheter and intrathecal port implantation
- Repair of sympathetic nerve or ganglion
- Replacement of cervical neurostimulator
- Replacement of lumbar neurostimulator
- Replacement of thoracic neurostimulator
- Revision of spinal thecal shunt
- Shunt of spinal theca
- Sphenopalatine ganglionectomy
- Spinal cord stimulator insertion: long term, cervical
- Spinal cord stimulator insertion: long term, lumbar
- Spinal cord stimulator insertion: long term, thoracic
- Spinal cord stimulator insertion: temporary, cervical
- Spinal cord stimulator insertion: temporary, lumbar
- Spinal cord stimulator insertion: temporary, thoracic
- Spinal subarachnoid-peritoneal shunt
- Thecal peritoneal shunt
- Balloon compression of trigeminal ganglion
- Biopsy of skull
- Burr hole for external drainage of subdural effusion
- Cranial or peripheral ganglionectomy
- Creation of cerebrospinal fluid shunt
- Cysto-atrial shunt
- Cysto-peritoneal shunt
- Excision of tumour of sympathetic nerve
- Implantation of intracranial neurostimulator, cortical
- Insertion of skull plate for skull reconstruction
- Lumbar sympathectomy
- Lumbar sympathectomy, chemical
- Opening of cranial suture
- Percutaneous chordotomy
- Peripheral nerve or ganglion decompression or lysis of adhesions
- Radiofrequency lesioning of dorsal root ganglion
- Reconstruction of skull base with nasoseptal flap
- Removal of skull plate
- Repair of old traumatic injury of peripheral nerve
- Repair of spinal dura mater
- Revision of previous repair of peripheral nerve
- Revision of ventricular-peritoneal shunt
- Spinal subarachnoid-ureteral shunt
- Subdural atrial shunt
- Subdural peritoneal shunt
- Suture of peripheral nerve
- Sympathectomy
- Sympathectomy and ganglionectomy
- Ventricular shunt to circulatory system
- Ventricular shunt to structure in head and neck
- Ventricular shunt to thoracic cavity
- Ventriculoatrial shunt
- Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
- Accessory-facial nerve anastomosis
- Accessory-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis
- Anastomosis of cranial or peripheral nerve
- Bone graft to skull
- Burr hole for catheter aspiration and drainage
- Burr hole for drainage of chronic subdural haematoma
- Closed biopsy of brain
- Closed biopsy of brain via burr hole
- Closed trigeminal rhizotomy using radiofrequency
- Cranioplasty
- Cranioplasty - morcellation
- Craniotomy for depressed skull fracture
- Debridement of compound fracture of skull
- Decompression prolapse intervertebral disc
- Diagnostic neuroendoscopy of brain
- Division of intraspinal nerve root
- Drainage of subdural space
- Elevation of skull fracture fragment
- Endoscopic biopsy of brain
- Exploration and decompression of spinal canal
- Fenestration to lamina of vertebra
- Foraminotomy of vertebra
- Hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis
- Laminectomy
- Laminectomy for decompression
- Laminoplasty
- Laminoplasty C3 C4
- Lysis of adhesions of spinal cord and nerve roots by laminectomy
- Neurotisation of peripheral nerve
- Open biopsy of brain
- Open biopsy of cerebral meninges
- Operation on globus pallidus
- Percutaneous exploration and decompression of spinal canal
- Peripheral nerve graft
- Reconstruction of anterior skull base with inferior turbinate flap
- Repair of cranial meningocoele
- Repair of old traumatic injury of cranial nerve
- Repair of old traumatic injury of major peripheral nerve
- Repair of spinal meningocoele
- Replacement of intracranial neurostimulator, cortical
- Revision of previous repair of cranial nerve
- Revision of previous repair of major peripheral nerve
- Suture of cranial nerve
- Suture of major peripheral nerve
- Thalamotomy for pain relief
- Thoracoscopic sympathectomy
- Untethering of spinal cord
- Bilateral sympathectomy
- Burr hole for drainage of subdural empyema
- Chordotomy
- Cranial nerve graft
- Debridement of brain with elevation of depressed skull fracture
- Dorsal root entry zone rhizotomy
- Endoscopic decompression of optic nerve
- Endoscopic third ventriculostomy
- Excision of exostosis of skull bone
- Excision of intraspinal lesion, extradural
- Excision of skull haemangioma
- Excision of skull lesion
- Implantation of intracranial neurostimulator, subcortical
- Incision and drainage of brain abscess
- Incision and drainage of cranial sinus
- Repair of old traumatic injury of plexus
- Repair of spinal myelomeningocoele
- Revision of previous repair of plexus
- Robotic assisted resection of intrathoracic paraspinal lesion
- Stereotactic biopsy of brain
- Surgical drainage of extradural abscess in spinal canal
- Suture of plexus
- Ventriculocisternostomy
- Choroid plexectomy
- Craniectomy
- Craniectomy for blood clot evacuation
- Craniectomy, infra-tentorial
- Craniotomy for clot evacuation
- Craniotomy for decompression
- Craniotomy for evacuation of haematoma related to trauma
- Craniotomy for removal of extra-dural haematoma
- Craniotomy for removal of foreign body
- Encephalo-duro-arterio-myo-synangiosis
- Encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis
- Excision of extradural lesion of skull base of anterior cranial fossa
- Excision of intraspinal lesion, intradural
- Excision of intraspinal tumour, extradural
- Excision of lesion of meninges, complete
- Excision of lesion of meninges, partial
- Excision of lesion or tissue of cerebral meninges
- Gasserian ganglionectomy
- Incision of cerebral meninges
- Lobotomy and tractotomy
- Open reduction of fracture of spine with internal fixation
- Pial synangiosis
- Reduction of fracture of vertebrae
- Repair of cerebrospinal fluid fistula at anterior fossa
- Repair of cerebrospinal fluid fistula at temporal fossa
- Repair of myelomeningocoele; larger than 5 cm diameter
- Repair of vertebral fracture
- Replacement of intracranial neurostimulator, subcortical
- Retromastoid craniectomy
- Stereotactic implantation of deep electrode to brain
- Stereotactic surgery - ultrasound stereotaxy
- Torkildsen shunt to cistern of brain
- Torkildsen shunt to cistern of spinal cord
- Transsphenoidal repair of cerebrospinal fluid fistula
- Cranial nerve decompression
- Craniectomy for decompression
- Craniofacial reconstruction
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for excision of brain tumour, supratentorial
- Craniotomy for excision of brain tumour
- Decompression of trigeminal nerve root
- Excision of brain lesion
- Excision of brain lesion by curettage
- Excision of brain lesion, partial
- Excision of brain lesion, total
- Excision of intradural lesion of skull base of anterior cranial fossa
- Excision of intraspinal tumour, intradural, extramedullary
- Excision of lesion of skull base
- Excision of lesion of skull base with reconstruction
- Fenestration for arachnoid cyst
- Hemispherectomy
- Lobectomy of brain
- Marsupialisation of brain lesion
- Temporal lobectomy
- Therapeutic neuroendoscopy to brain
- Total repositioning of orbit
- Transcranial positioning craniofacial bone
- Complete excision of meningioma, infratentorial approach
- Complete excision of meningioma, supratentorial approach
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for excision of brain tumour, infratentorial or posterior fossa
- Division of trigeminal nerve
- Endoscopic removal of intracranial tumour
- Excision of acoustic neuroma
- Excision of cranial nerve tumour
- Excision of extradural lesion of skull base of middle cranial fossa
- Excision of intradural lesion of skull base of middle cranial fossa
- Excision of intradural lesion of skull base of posterior cranial fossa
- Excision of intraspinal tumour, extradural to intradural
- Excision of intraspinal tumour, intradural, intramedullary
- Excision of meningioma, infratentorial approach
- Excision of meningioma, supratentorial approach
- Glossopharyngeal neurolysis, infratentorial
- Open trigeminal rhizotomy
- Partial excision of meningioma, infratentorial approach
- Partial excision of meningioma, supratentorial approach
- Aspiration of thyroid field
- Biopsy of thyroid using ultrasound guidance
- Closed biopsy of adrenal gland
- Closed biopsy of thyroid gland
- Fine needle aspiration of thyroid
- Fine needle aspiration of thyroid with ultrasound guidance
- Incision of thyroid field
- Open biopsy of thyroid gland
- Percutaneous drainage of thyroid with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of parathyroid with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid with imaging guidance
- Parathyroid tissue reimplantation
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of adrenal gland with imaging guidance
- Suture of thyroid gland
- Venous sampling of adrenal gland
- Ligation of thyroid vessels
- Reopening of wound of thyroid field
- Excision of thyroglossal tract
- Sistrunk's operation for thyroglossal cyst
- Cryoablation to adrenal gland, percutaneous
- Division of thyroid isthmus
- Endoscopic left hemithyroidectomy
- Endoscopic right hemithyroidectomy
- Endoscopic thyroid isthmectomy
- Excision of lesion of thyroid
- Exploration of thymus field
- High intensity focused ultrasound ablation to thyroid nodule
- Left hemithyroidectomy
- Partial thyroidectomy
- Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of thyroid lesion
- Radiofrequency ablation to adrenal gland, percutaneous
- Right hemithyroidectomy
- Robotic-assisted hemithyroidectomy
- Thermal ablation to adrenal gland, percutaneous
- Thyroid isthmectomy
- Adrenalectomy, left
- Adrenalectomy, right
- Biopsy of parathyroid gland
- Complete parathyroidectomy
- Complete thyroidectomy
- Division of nerves of adrenal glands
- Endoscopic total thyroidectomy
- Excision of implanted parathyroid gland
- Excision of lesion of adrenal gland
- Excision of parathyroid adenoma
- Incision of adrenal gland
- Ligation of adrenal vessels
- Open biopsy of adrenal gland
- Parathyroidectomy
- Partial adrenalectomy
- Reimplantation of adrenal tissue
- Robotic-assisted total thyroidectomy
- Unilateral exploration of adrenal field
- Biopsy of thymus
- Complete substernal thyroidectomy
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy with robot assisted
- Partial excision of thymus
- Partial substernal thyroidectomy
- Retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy
- Substernal thyroidectomy
- Thymectomy
- Total excision of thymus
- Biopsy of pineal gland
- Biopsy of pituitary gland, transfrontal approach
- Biopsy of pituitary gland, transsphenoidal approach
- Operation on pineal gland
- Partial excision of pituitary gland, transfrontal approach
- Partial transsphenoidal excision of pituitary
- Total excision of pituitary gland, transsphenoidal approach
- Transfrontal total hypophysectomy
- Transsphenoidal partial excision of tumour of pituitary gland
- Transsphenoidal total excision of tumour of pituitary gland
- Bilateral adrenalectomy
- Bilateral exploration of adrenal field
- Exploration of pineal field
- Partial excision of pineal gland
- Total excision of pineal gland
- Biopsy of conjunctiva
- Biopsy of cornea
- Biopsy of eyelid
- Canthotomy
- Conjunctival cauterisation for conjunctivochalasis
- Correction of everted lacrimal punctum
- Cryosurgical epilation of eyelid
- Destruction of lesion of conjunctiva
- Diagnostic aspiration of anterior chamber of eye
- Diagnostic aspiration of orbit
- Electrolysis of eyelid
- Electromyography guided injection of botulinum toxin to extraocular muscle of both eyes
- Electromyography guided injection of botulinum toxin to extraocular muscle of one eye
- Electrosurgical epilation of eyelid
- Epilation of eyelid
- Excision of chalazion
- Excision of lesion of conjunctiva
- Excision of minor lesion of eyelid
- Incision and curettage of eyelid
- Incision and drainage of eyelid
- Incision of eyelid
- Incision of eyelid margin
- Incision of lacrimal canaliculi
- Incision of lacrimal gland
- Incision of lacrimal passages
- Incision of lacrimal punctum
- Injection into anterior chamber of eye
- injection of alcohol into orbital area
- Injection of alcohol into retrobulbar area
- Injection of anaesthetic into circumorbital area for akinesia
- Injection of anaesthetic into orbital area for analgesia
- Injection of anaesthetic into peribulbar area for analgesia
- Injection of anaesthetic into retrobulbar area for analgesia
- Injection of anaesthetic into subtenon space of eye for analgesia
- Injection of filler to eyelid
- Injection of steroid into cutaneous lesion of eyelid
- Injection of steroid into orbital area
- Injection of steroid into subtenon space of eye
- Injection of therapeutic agent into retrobulbar area
- Insertion of ocular conformer
- Intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor
- Intravitreal injection of eye
- Lacrimal punctal occlusion
- Laser destruction of eyelash follicle
- Laser suture lysis on scleral flap
- Linear repair laceration of eyebrow
- Linear repair laceration of eyelid, not involving lid margin
- Magnetic removal of embedded foreign body from cornea
- Mechanical removal of corneal epithelium
- Obliteration of lacrimal punctum
- Ophthalmoscopy
- Paracentesis of anterior chamber
- Probing of lacrimal canaliculi
- Probing of lacrimal punctum
- Probing of nasolacrimal duct
- Reform anterior chamber by injection
- Removal of calculus of lacrimal canaliculus
- Removal of concretion from conjunctiva
- Removal of embedded foreign body from conjunctiva by incision
- Removal of embedded foreign body from eyelid
- Removal of filament from cornea
- Removal of lesion of eyelid
- Repair of lacrimal punctum of eye
- Scraping of cornea for smear or culture
- Severing of blepharorrhaphy
- Subconjunctival injection
- Subconjunctival needling for failed filtering operation
- Suturing of eyelid, not involving lid margin
- Syringing & probing of lacrimal canaliculi
- Syringing & probing of lacrimal punctum
- Syringing and probing of nasolacrimal duct
- Therapeutic evacuation of anterior chamber of eye
- Anterior stromal corneal puncture
- Biopsy of extraocular muscle or tendon
- Biopsy of eyeball
- Biopsy of lacrimal gland
- Biopsy of lacrimal sac
- Biopsy of orbit
- Chemodenervation of extraocular / levator muscle
- Incision & drainage of lacrimal passage
- Incision of lacrimal sac
- Intracameral laser lysis
- Intubation of nasolacrimal duct
- Laser capsulotomy
- Lysis of anterior chamber vitreous by laser
- Repair of entropion or ectropion by thermocauterisation
- Repair of laceration involving lid margin, partial-thickness
- Repair of laceration of eyelid, partial-thickness
- Suture of laceration of sclera
- Syringing and probing of nasolacrimal duct under general anaesthesia
- Tattooing of cornea
- Conjunctival resection for conjunctivochalasis
- Conjunctivoplasty without graft
- Cryotherapy of corneal lesion
- Cyclodialysis
- Cyclodiathermy
- Destruction of lesion of ciliary body, nonexcisional
- Destruction of lesion of eyelid
- Destruction of lesion of iris, nonexcisional
- Diamond burr superficial keratectomy
- Diminution of ciliary body
- Epiblepharon correction
- Excision of lesion, conjunctiva with adjacent sclera
- Excision of lesion, conjunctiva with adjacent Tenon's capsule and structures
- Excision of major lesion of eyelid, partial-thickness
- Excision of pterygium
- Excision of pterygium with amniotic membrane transplantation
- Excision of pterygium with conjunctival graft
- Excision or destruction of lesion of cornea
- Graft to conjunctiva
- Iridoplasty
- Iridoplasty & coreoplasty by laser
- Iridotomy
- Iridotomy by laser
- Iridotomy with transfixion
- Keratomeleusis
- Laser goniopuncture
- Lenticular correction of astigmatism
- Lysis of adhesions of conjunctiva and eyelid
- Mechanical dilatation of pupil
- Mechanical vitrectomy by anterior approach
- Organ harvesting - removal of cornea from cadaver
- Peripheral laser iridoplasty
- Phototherapeutic keratectomy
- Removal of vitreous
- Removal of vitreous, anterior approach
- Removal or destruction of corneal lesion by laser
- Repair of blepharoptosis by conjunctivo-tarso-Muller's muscle-levator resection
- Repair of entropion or ectropion
- Repair of entropion or ectropion by suture technique
- Repair of entropion or ectropion with blepharoplasty
- Repair of entropion or ectropion with wedge resection
- Repair of filtering bleb by collagen cross linking
- Repair of laceration of conjunctiva
- Repair of laceration of eyelid involving lid margin, full-thickness
- Repair of laceration of eyelid, full-thickness
- Reposition of uveal tissue
- Resection of uveal tissue
- Symblepharon dissection
- Tarsorrhaphy
- Thermal pulsation treatment of meibomian gland
- Thermocauterisation of corneal lesion
- Trabeculoplasty by laser
- Transposition of pterygium
- Treatment of pterygium by laser
- Amniotic membrane transplant to cornea
- Biopsy of iris
- Bleb revision
- Conjunctivocystorhinostomy
- Conjunctivorhinostomy with insertion of tube or stent
- Dacryocystorhinostomy
- Drainage of fluid in choroidal detachment
- Drainage of suprachoroidal blood
- Endodiathermy in vitreous body
- Endolaser to retina
- Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation
- Enucleation of eyeball
- Enucleation of eyeball with synchronous implant
- Enucleation of eyeball with synchronous implant into Tenon's capsule with attachment of muscles
- Evisceration of eyeball
- Excision of lacrimal gland
- Excision of lesion of iris
- Excision of secondary anterior segment membrane by pars plana approach
- Extracapsular extraction of lens
- Extracapsular extraction of lens by linear extraction technique
- Extracapsular extraction of lens by temporal inferior route, with insertion of intraocular lens, one stage
- Extracapsular extraction of lens, with insertion of intraocular lens, one stage
- Goniotomy with goniopuncture
- Goniotomy without goniopuncture
- Implantation of intravitreal drug delivery system with removal of vitreous
- Implantation of intravitreal drug delivery system without removal of vitreous
- Intracapsular extraction of dislocated lens
- Intracapsular extraction of lens
- Intracapsular extraction of lens by temporal inferior route
- Intracapsular extraction of lens, with insertion of intraocular lens, one stage
- Intraocular lens repositioning
- Iridencleisis and iridotasis
- Laser panretinal photocoagulation for chorioretinal lesion
- Lensectomy
- Management of postoperative hypotony or fistula using tamponade device
- Mechanical phacofragmentation and aspiration of cataract
- Mechanical phacofragmentation and aspiration of cataract by posterior route
- Operations on two or more extraocular muscles involving temporary detachment from globe
- Orbitotomy for drainage without bone flap
- Partial dacryoadenectomy
- Pedicle innervated skin flap to eyelid
- Phacoemulsification and aspiration of cataract
- Pneumatic retinopexy for retinal detachment
- Pneumatic retinopexy for retinal tear
- Posterior vitrectomy
- Postoperative revision of scleral fistulisation procedure
- Removal of artificial implant from cornea
- Removal of foreign body from iris
- Removal of implanted intraocular lens
- Removal of implanted material from anterior chamber of eye
- Removal of lens remnant
- Removal of lesion of anterior segment of eye
- Removal of ocular contents with synchronous implant into scleral shell
- Removal of ocular implant
- Repair of retinal detachment by drainage of subretinal fluid
- Repair of retinal detachment by injecting gas into vitreous
- Repair of retinal detachment with cryotherapy
- Repair of retinal detachment with diathermy
- Repair of retinal detachment with gas / fluid exchange
- Repair of retinal detachment with indirect laser
- Repair of retinal tear by cryotherapy
- Repair of retinal tear by diathermy
- Repair of scleral staphyloma
- Repair of scleral staphyloma with graft
- Repositioning of LASIK flap
- Revision of enucleation socket
- Revision of extraocular muscle surgery, two or more extraocular muscles
- Scleral reinforcement
- Scleral reinforcement with graft
- Secondary skin graft to exenteration of eye cavity
- Squint correction - resection / recession / advancement of two or more extraocular muscles, one or both eyes
- Thermocauterisation of sclera with iridectomy
- Trabeculotomy ab externo
- Transposition of one extraocular muscle, not for squint correction
- Trephination of sclera with iridectomy
- Adjustable transposition of extraocular muscles
- Corneal transplant
- Correction of ptosis by levator muscle and Muller muscle resection, internal or external approach
- Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty
- Ectropion correction with tissue graft
- Endoscopic decompression of exophthalmos
- Entropion correction with tissue graft
- Excision of lesion of ciliary body
- Excision of lesion of lacrimal gland
- Excision of prolapsed iris
- Glaucoma implant
- Insertion of orbital implant
- Intraocular foreign body removal from vitreous
- Lamellar keratoplasty
- Lamellar keratoplasty with autograft
- Local fascia flap to eyelid
- Local fasciocutaneous flap to eyelid
- Orbitotomy for exploration with biopsy but without bone flap
- Orbitotomy for exploration without bone flap or biopsy
- Orbitotomy for removal of foreign body without bone flap
- Orbitotomy for removal of lesion without bone flap
- Penetrating keratoplasty with autograft
- Perforating keratoplasty with graft
- Phacoemulsification of cataract and implant of intraocular lens
- Photodynamic therapy for chorioretinal lesion
- Reconstruction of eyelid involving lid margin, full-thickness
- Reconstruction of eyelid with flaps or grafts
- Reconstruction of eyelid with hair follicle graft
- Reconstruction of eyelid with local skin flap
- Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane flap or graft
- Reconstruction of eyelid with skin graft
- Reconstruction of eyelid with skin pedicle flap
- Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap
- Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness
- Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye
- Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye with use of magnet
- Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye without use of magnet
- Removal of orbital implant
- Removal of surgically implanted material from posterior segment of eye
- Removal or destruction of epithelial down-growth from anterior chamber
- Repair laceration of sclera with resection or reposition of uveal tissue
- Repair of cornea with conjunctival flap and with resection / reposition of uveal tissue
- Repair of cornea with resection / reposition of uveal tissue
- Repair of ectropion with lid reconstruction
- Repair of entropion with lid reconstruction
- Repair of rupture of eyeball
- Revision of orbital implant
- Scleral fistulisation with iridectomy
- Scleral fistulising procedure
- Secondary procedure after removal of eyeball
- Silicone oil removal from eye
- Squint transposition of extraocular muscles
- Total dacryoadenectomy
- Transposition of two or more extraocular muscles, not for squint correction
- Buckling of sclera
- Corneal refractive surgery
- Encircling and buckling of retina detachment
- Encircling of sclera
- Endothelial keratoplasty
- Epikeratophakia
- Exenteration of orbit with therapeutic partial removal of orbital bone
- Insertion of intrastromal corneal ring segment
- Insertion of keratoprosthesis
- Local muscle flap to eyelid
- Local myocutaneous flap to eyelid
- Local tendocutaneous flap to eyelid
- Non-penetrating trabeculectomy
- Orbital exenteration
- Orbitotomy for decompression with bone flap or window
- Orbitotomy for decompression without bone flap
- Orbitotomy for drainage with bone flap or window
- Orbitotomy for exploration with bone flap or window and biopsy
- Orbitotomy for exploration with bone flap or window and without biopsy
- Orbitotomy for removal of foreign body with bone flap or window
- Pedicle fascia flap to eyelid
- Pedicle fasciocutaneous flap to eyelid
- Pedicle muscle flap to eyelid
- Pedicle myocutaneous flap to eyelid
- Pedicle tendocutaneous flap to eyelid
- Penetrating keratoplasty
- Penetrating keratoplasty in aphakia
- Penetrating keratoplasty in pseudophakia
- Pneumatic retinopexy for retinal detachment with sclera buckling
- Posterior vitrectomy, re-operation
- Removal of keratoprosthesis
- Repair of retinal degeneration with buckle
- Repair of retinal tear with buckle
- Revision of exenteration cavity
- Scleral buckling with implant
- Scleral fixated intraocular lens implantation
- Secondary insertion of ocular implant
- Trabeculectomy ab externo
- Trabeculectomy with anti-metabolites
- Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C
- Trabeculectomy with releasable sutures
- Vitrectomy with endolaser to retina
- Buckling of sclera with vitrectomy
- Circling and buckling, posterior vitrectomy
- Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by implantation of radiation source
- Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by radiation therapy
- Excision of lesion of orbit
- Excision of pterygium with corneal graft
- Exenteration of orbit with extensive removal of periorbital bony structure
- Exenteration of orbit with muscle or myocutaneous flap
- Orbitotomy for removal of lesion with bone flap or window
- Posterior vitrectomy with epiretinal membrane peeling
- Posterior vitrectomy with subretinal membrane peeling
- Radical maxillectomy with orbital exenteration
- Radical orbitomaxillectomy
- Revision and reinsertion of ocular implant
- Revision of enucleation socket with graft
- Revision of evisceration eye socket with graft
- Combined cataract extraction and trabeculectomy
- Free fascial flap to eyelid with microvascular anastomosis
- Free fasciocutaneous flap to eyelid with microvascular anastomosis
- Free innervated flap to eyelid with microvascular anastomosis
- Free muscle flap to eyelid with microvascular anastomosis
- Free myocutaneous flap to eyelid with microvascular anastomosis
- Free tendocutaneous flap to eyelid with microvascular anastomosis
- Biopsy of external ear
- Biopsy of middle ear
- Cauterisation of pinna wart
- Electrocochleography
- Examination of external ear using microscope
- Examination of middle ear using microscope
- Excision of accessory auricle
- Excision of lesion of external ear
- Excision of pinna wart
- Excision of polyp of middle ear
- Excision or destruction of lesion of external ear
- Incision and buttoning of external ear
- Incision of external auditory canal
- Incision of external ear
- Myringostomy
- Myringotomy
- Myringotomy with insertion of tube
- Otoscopy
- Removal of tympanostomy tube
- Suture of laceration of external ear
- Suturing of auricle
- Excision of pre-auricular sinus
- Injection of tympanum
- Reattachment of amputated ear
- Excision of bilateral pre-auricular sinus
- Excision of external ear
- Myringoplasty
- Plastic repair of external ear
- Surgical correction of prominent ear
- Construction of auricle of ear
- Cortical mastoidectomy
- Excision of ear cartilage for graft
- Exploratory tympanotomy
- Incision of middle ear
- Re-construction of ear
- Atticoantrostomy
- Canaloplasty of external auditory canal
- Excision of middle ear tumour via tympanotomy
- Glomectomy, transcanal
- Implantation of electromagnetic hearing device
- Injection into inner ear
- Labyrinthectomy
- Meatoplasty of external ear
- Posterior canal occlusion, ear
- Repair of oval and round windows
- Revision tympanoplasty
- Simple mastoidectomy
- Stapedectomy
- Stapedectomy with incus replacement
- Stapes mobilisation
- Tympanosympathectomy
- Atticotomy of ear
- Complete mastoidectomy
- Endolymphatic shunt
- Modified radical mastoidectomy
- Ossiculoplasty
- Ossiculoplasty with partial ossicular replacement prosthesis
- Ossiculoplasty with total ossicular replacement prosthesis
- Radical excision of lesion of external ear
- Radical mastoidectomy
- Revision of mastoidectomy
- Revision of stapedectomy with incus replacement
- Revision stapedectomy
- Revision transmastoid excision of lesion of middle ear
- Implantation or replacement of cochlear prosthetic device
- Implantation or replacement of cochlear prosthetic device, multiple channel
- Implantation or replacement of cochlear prosthetic device, single channel
- Reconstruction of external auditory canal for congenital atresia
- Type II tympanoplasty
- Type III tympanoplasty
- Glomectomy, jugulare
- Incision of petrous pyramid air cells
- Transmastoid excision of aural glomus tumour
- Reconstruction of microtia with graft / flap
- Glomectomy, extended extratemporal
- Reconstruction of microtia with free flap and microvascular anastomosis
- Adjustment of dental crown to tooth
- Adjustment of tooth restoration
- Aspiration and lavage of nasal sinus
- Aspiration or lavage of nasal sinus through natural ostium
- Biopsy of bony palate
- Biopsy of buccal mucosa
- Biopsy of dental alveolus
- Biopsy of floor of mouth
- Biopsy of gum
- Biopsy of lesion of minor salivary gland
- Biopsy of lip
- Biopsy of mouth
- Biopsy of nose
- Biopsy of oral cavity lesion
- Biopsy of soft palate
- Biopsy of uvula and soft palate
- Bleaching of discoloured tooth
- Cementation of temporary crown to tooth
- Closed reduction of nasal fracture
- Construct temporary dental bridge
- Construction of temporary dental crown
- Control of epistaxis
- Control of epistaxis by anterior nasal packing
- Control of epistaxis by cauterisation
- Control of epistaxis by cauterisation and packing
- Control of epistaxis by posterior and anterior packing
- Dental facebow record
- Detailed occlusal analysis using study models
- Diagnostic procedure on teeth, gums, and alveoli
- Diagnostic sialendoscopy
- Drainage of dental abscess
- Dressing of tooth
- Drilling and filling of cavity of tooth
- Excision dentigerous cyst of maxilla
- Excision of carcinoma of nose
- Excision of dental lesion of jaw
- Excision of lesion of gum
- Excision of lesion of nose
- Excision of lesion or tissue of lip
- Excision of mouth
- Extraction of one deciduous tooth
- Extraction of one tooth
- Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of nasopharynx
- Fissure seal tooth
- Fitting of dental crown to tooth
- Fitting post core to tooth
- Fitting tooth restoration
- Fitting veneer to tooth
- Fixation of restoration to dental implant
- Flexible rhinoscopy
- Incision and drainage of peritonsillar abscess
- Incision and drainage of tonsil and peritonsillar structures
- Incision of gum or alveolar bone
- Incision of palate
- Incision of uvula
- Insertion of nasal stent
- Insertion of preventive resin tooth restoration
- Insertion of temporary restoration in tooth
- Insertion of tooth inlay
- Interdental stripping
- Labial frenotomy
- Lip strapping
- Lysis of adhesions of nose
- Marsupialisation of nasopharyngeal abscess
- Nasopharyngoscopy
- Needle biopsy of salivary gland
- Occlusal adjustment of tooth
- Occlusal equilibration of tooth
- Operculectomy
- Outfracture, turbinates
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of salivary gland with imaging guidance
- Pharyngoscopy
- Pharyngotomy
- Probing of salivary duct
- Pulp cap of tooth, direct, excluding final restoration
- Pulp cap of tooth, indirect, excluding final restoration
- Puncture of nasal sinus for aspiration or lavage
- Recement dental crown
- Recement dental restoration
- Recementation of dental space maintainer
- Removal of dental crown from tooth
- Removal of foreign body from tonsil and adenoid by incision
- Removal of residual orthodontic adhesive
- Removal of residual orthodontic cement
- Repair of existing restoration of tooth
- Restoration of fractured tooth with tooth fragment
- Restoration of one tooth by filling
- Rigid endoscopic examination of nasopharynx
- Rigid rhinoscopy
- Root canal therapy with irrigation
- Sialendoscopy with cleansing of mucus plug
- Sialendoscopy with dilatation of stenosis
- Sialendoscopy with removal of stone
- Sinoscopy
- Somnoplasty to nasal turbinate
- Subgingival curettage
- Suture of gingiva
- Suture of laceration of gum
- Suture of laceration of nose
- Suture of laceration of tongue
- Tooth extraction, root removal of exposed roots
- Acid etch splinting of teeth
- Adenoidectomy
- Adjustment of maxillofacial prosthesis
- Apically repositioning of periodontal flap
- Application of temporary obturator in oral cavity
- Argon plasma coagulation of pharynx
- Biopsy of nasopharynx
- Biopsy of pharynx including nasopharyngeal biopsy
- Biopsy of tongue
- Biopsy of tonsil
- Biopsy of tonsils and adenoids
- Canal preparation and fitting of preformed dowel or post
- Cavity preparation of tooth - plastic restoration
- Cementation of temporary bridge to tooth
- Closed biopsy of maxillary sinus
- Closed biopsy of nasal sinus
- Control of haemorrhage in pharynx
- Dental alveoloplasty
- Dental core buildup, including any pins
- Destruction of lesion of pharynx
- Drainage of face and floor of mouth
- Endoscopic balloon dilatation of ostium of paranasal sinus
- Endoscopic control of haemorrhage in pharynx
- Endoscopic control of pharyngeal haemorrhage by injection
- Endoscopic excision of intranasal lesion
- Endoscopic intranasal antrostomy
- Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of pharynx
- Endoscopic sphenoidotomy
- Excision of buccal mucosa
- Excision of floor of mouth lesion
- Excision of lesion of buccal mucosa
- Excision of lesion of nasopharynx
- Excision of lesion of pharynx
- Excision of lesion of salivary gland
- Excision of lesion of soft palate
- Excision of lesion of tongue
- Excision of lesion of tonsil
- Excision of nasal mucosa for graft
- Excision of one impacted molar
- Excision of one supernumerary tooth
- Excision of oral cavity lesion
- Excision of tonsil tag
- Excision of uvula
- Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of tongue
- Extraction of two or more deciduous teeth
- Extraction of two or more teeth
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy of adenoid with imaging guidance
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy of tonsil with imaging guidance
- Gingivectomy
- Gingivoplasty
- Glossotomy
- Guided dentoalveolar tissue regeneration including surgery and re-entry
- Harvesting buccal mucosal graft
- Incision and exploration of salivary gland
- Incision of salivary duct
- Incision of salivary gland
- Incision of salivary gland or duct
- Intentional replantation of tooth with splinting
- Intranasal antrotomy
- Labial frenectomy
- Line prepared cavity of tooth
- Lingual frenectomy
- Lingual frenotomy
- Local excision of hard palate
- Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of bony palate
- Lysis of adhesions of tongue
- Marsupialisation of pharyngeal abscess
- Marsupialisation of salivary gland cyst
- Open biopsy of salivary gland
- Open biopsy of tongue
- Palatal pillar implant
- Panendoscopy, respiratory and upper gastrointestinal tract
- Pharyngeal biopsy
- Polypectomy of nose
- Preparation of tooth for crown
- Preparation of tooth for inlay
- Pulpectomy of tooth
- Recement dental bridge
- Removal of foreign body from mouth by incision
- Replantation of avulsed tooth
- Repositioning of tooth
- Resection of tooth root
- Restoration of two or more teeth by filling
- Robotic assisted excision of oral cavity lesion
- Root canal therapy with obturation
- Somnoplasty to base of tongue
- Somnoplasty to soft palate
- Surgical extraction of one tooth
- Surgical removal of impacted tooth
- Surgical removal of non-impacted tooth
- Surgical removal of residual dental root for one tooth
- Suture of laceration of mouth
- Suture of laceration of palate
- Suturing of mouth
- Therapeutic pulpotomy of tooth excluding final restoration
- Tooth crown lengthening involving hard and soft tissue
- Wedge biopsy of tongue
- Closure of branchial cleft fistula
- Closure of fistula in pharynx
- Closure of fistula of mouth
- Closure of nasal fistula
- Control of epistaxis by ligation of ethmoidal arteries
- Cricopharyngeal myotomy
- Dilation of pharynx
- Division of glossopharyngeal nerve
- Endoscopic ethmoidectomy with turbinectomy
- Endoscopic ligation of sphenopalatine artery
- Endoscopic sphenoidectomy with turbinectomy
- Excision of cartilage from nose for graft
- Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus
- Frontal sinusotomy
- Hyoid suspension
- Incision and drainage of parapharyngeal abscess
- Lysis of pharyngeal adhesions
- Maxillary sinusectomy with Caldwell-Luc approach
- Pedicle skin flap to lip
- Plastic operation on pharynx
- Preparation of teeth for bridge
- Reconstruction of hypopharynx
- Reconstruction of nasopharynx with nasoseptal flap
- Reconstruction of pharynx
- Reconstruction of pharynx with local flap
- Revision rhinoplasty, minor
- Root canal therapy with apicoectomy
- Sphenoidectomy
- Sphenoidectomy with turbinectomy
- Submandibular sialoadenectomy, left
- Submandibular sialoadenectomy, right
- Suture of laceration of salivary gland
- Tonsillectomy, bilateral
- Total submandibular sialoadenectomy, left
- Total submandibular sialoadenectomy, right
- Turbinate reduction, bilateral
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
- Uvulopalatoplasty
- Uvulopalatoplasty-laser assisted
- Vestibuloplasty, partial arch
- Wide excision of hard palate
- Wide excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of bony palate
- Anterior palatoplasty
- Control of epistaxis by excision of nasal mucosa and skin grafting of septum and lateral nasal wall
- Control of epistaxis by ligation of the external carotid artery
- Control of epistaxis by transantral ligation of the maxillary artery
- Destruction of intranasal lesion by external approach
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in pharynx via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Ethmoidectomy
- Ethmoidectomy with turbinectomy
- Excision of intranasal lesion by external approach
- Frontal sinusectomy
- Full-thickness skin graft to lip and mouth
- Hemiglossectomy - left
- Hemiglossectomy - right
- Incision and drainage of retropharyngeal abscess by external approach
- Limited rhinoplasty
- Local fascia flap to lip
- Local fasciocutaneous flap to lip
- Maxillectomy with turbinectomy by Caldwell-Luc approach
- Mucofibrocartilaginous tissue from hard palate for graft
- Open rhinoplasty
- Partial glossectomy
- Partial glossectomy - left
- Partial glossectomy - right
- Partial parotidectomy
- Pedicle innervated flap to lip
- Pharyngoplasty for secondary attachment of pharngeal flap
- Primary rhinoplasty
- Radical maxillary antrotomy with turbinectomy
- Radical maxillectomy with turbinectomy
- Recanalisation of choanal atresia
- Reconstruction of mouth with full thickness skin graft
- Reconstruction of mouth with pedicle flap
- Reconstruction of mouth with skin graft
- Reconstruction using nasolabial flap of skin
- Repair of palatal fistula
- Repair of uvula
- Revision of cleft palate repair
- Revision of parotidectomy
- Robotic-assisted partial glossectomy
- Robotic-assisted partial glossectomy - right
- Robotic-assisted partial glossectomy, left
- Skin graft to lip and mouth
- Subtotal glossectomy
- Superficial parotidectomy, left
- Superficial parotidectomy, right
- Endoscopic excision of sinonasal tumour
- Frontal sinusectomy with turbinectomy
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
- Obliteration of frontal sinus
- Partial pharyngectomy
- Pharyngeal diverticulectomy
- Pharyngectomy
- Radical tonsillectomy
- Reconstruction of floor of mouth
- Repair of cleft lip
- Repair of cleft palate
- Revision of repaired cleft lip
- Revision rhinoplasty, intermediate
- Total nasal reconstruction
- Vestibuloplasty, entire arch
- Augmentation rhinoplasty
- Complex vestibuloplasty
- Endoscopic ethmoidotomy
- Inferior maxillary sinusectomy
- Local muscle flap to lip
- Local myocutaneous flap to lip
- Local tendocutaneous flap to lip
- Partial maxillary sinusectomy
- Pedicle fascia flap to lip
- Pedicle fasciocutaneous flap to lip
- Pedicle muscle flap to lip
- Pedicle myocutaneous flap to lip
- Pedicle tendocutaneous flap to lip
- Repair of nasal sinus
- Revision rhinoplasty, major
- Complete parotidectomy
- Endoscopic nasopharyngectomy
- Left maxillary sinusectomy
- Nasopharyngectomy
- Nasopharyngectomy with maxillary swing approach
- Radical parotidectomy
- Reconstruction of nose with free flap
- Reconstruction of pharynx with free flap
- Right maxillary sinusectomy
- Total maxillary sinusectomy
- Total maxillary sinusectomy with turbinectomy
- Total parotidectomy, left
- Total parotidectomy, right
- Total pharyngectomy with free flap reconstruction
- Commando operation, left
- Commando operation, right
- Complete glossectomy
- Endoscopic modified Lothrop procedure
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, bilateral
- Medial maxillectomy with turbinectomy
- Radical glossectomy
- Resection of nasal cavity by craniofacial approach
- Free fascia flap to lip with microvascular anastomosis
- Free fasciocutaneous flap to lip with microvascular anastomosis
- Free innervated flap to lip with microvascular anastomosis
- Free muscle flap to lip with microvascular anastomosis
- Free myocutaneous flap to lip with microvascular anastomosis
- Free tendocutaneous flap to lip with microvascular anastomosis
- Artificial pneumothorax for collapse of lung
- Autofluorescence bronchoscopy
- Biopsy of chest wall
- Bronchoscopy
- Bronchoscopy through artificial stoma
- Bronchoscopy, rigid
- Chemical pleurodesis
- Closed biopsy of lung
- Closed biopsy of mediastinum
- Direct laryngoscopy
- Drainage of pleural cavity, percutaneous
- Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy
- Endobronchial ultrasonography
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of lung
- Excision of epiglottic cyst
- Excision of laryngeal cyst
- Excision of laryngeal lesion
- Excision of laryngeal nodules
- Excision of laryngeal polyp
- Excision of Reinke's oedema
- Excision of vocal cord nodule
- Excision of vocal polyp
- Excision or destruction of lesion of chest wall
- Fibre-optic bronchoscopy
- Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung
- Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy
- Injection into thoracic cavity
- Injection of locally acting therapeutic substance into trachea
- Insertion of tracheal stent
- Intrapleural instillation of fibrinolytic agents
- Laryngoscopy
- Laser excision of laryngeal lesion
- Laser excision of laryngeal nodules
- Laser excision of laryngeal polyp
- Laser excision of Reinke's oedema
- Laser excision of vallecular cyst
- Laser excision of vocal nodule
- Marsupialisation of laryngeal cyst
- Pleural biopsy
- Pneumoperitoneum for collapse of lung
- Puncture of lung
- Removal of laryngeal stent
- Rigid laryngoscopy
- Robotic assisted bronchoscopy
- Sleep endoscopy
- Thoracentesis
- Tracheoscopy through artificial stoma
- Ablation of lung by extravascular injection
- Bronchoalveolar lavage
- Bronchoscopic biopsy under fluoroscopic guidance
- Bronchoscopy with brushing
- Chest drain insertion
- Closed biopsy of trachea
- Closed endoscopic biopsy of bronchus
- Dilation of bronchus
- Direct laryngoscopy and biopsy
- Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy with biopsy
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of bronchus with biopsy
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of lung with biopsy
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of mediastinum with biopsy
- Excision of bilateral vocal polyp
- Excision of vocal cord leukoplakia
- Fiberoptic laryngoscopy with biopsy
- Flexible bronchoscopy with biopsy of bronchus
- Flexible bronchoscopy with biopsy of lung
- Injection of botulinum toxin to vocalis muscle using electromyography guidance
- Injection of larynx
- Insertion of indwelling pleural catheter
- Insertion of intercostal catheter for drainage
- Laryngoscopy and tracheoscopy
- Laryngotracheal separation with permanent end tracheostomy
- Microlaryngoscopy
- Microlaryngoscopy with biopsy
- Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of diaphragm with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinum with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pleura with imaging guidance
- Permanent end tracheostomy
- Replacement of laryngeal stent
- Replacement of tracheal stent
- Replacement of tracheoesophageal valve
- Stripping of larynx
- Stripping of vocal cords
- Suture of laceration of chest wall
- Tracheoscopy
- Tracheostomy, permanent
- Tracheostomy, temporary
- Transluminal placement of tracheobronchial stent
- Vocal cordectomy
- Argon plasma coagulation to bronchus via bronchoscopy
- Bronchial thermoplasty via bronchoscopy
- Bronchoscopic cryotherapy for bronchial tumour
- Bronchoscopic cryotherapy for lung tumour
- Bronchoscopic destruction of lung lesion
- Bronchoscopic excision of lung lesion
- Bronchoscopic microwave ablation of lung lesion
- Cryoablation to bronchus
- Cryoablation to trachea
- Destruction of phrenic nerve for collapse of lung
- Dilatation of tracheostomy
- Endoscopic excision of bronchial polyp
- Endoscopic laser excision of lesion or tissue of trachea
- Endoscopic laser excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of bronchus
- Endoscopy with excision of lesion from bronchus
- Implantation of endobronchial valve via bronchoscopy
- Local excision of lesion of trachea
- Pleuroscopy
- Radiofrequency ablation to bronchus
- Radiofrequency ablation to trachea
- Removal of Nuss bar from thoracic cavity
- Thermal ablation to bronchus
- Thermal ablation to trachea
- Thoracoscopy
- Closure of external fistula of trachea
- Closure of fistula of trachea
- Mediastinal tracheostomy
- Mediastinoscopy
- Open biopsy of larynx
- Open biopsy of trachea
- Percutaneous drainage of lung with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of pleura with imaging guidance
- Reconstruction of trachea and construction of artificial larynx
- Revision of tracheostomy
- Suture of laceration of trachea, cervical approach
- Thyroplasty
- Tracheoesophageal fistulisation
- Video assisted thoracoscopy
- Biopsy of diaphragm
- Closure of fistula of diaphragm
- Creation of pleuroperitoneal shunt
- Cryoablation to lung, percutaneous
- Division of laryngeal nerve
- Division of laryngeal web
- Drainage of pleural cavity, open
- Excision of bronchial polyp
- Implantation of diaphragmatic pacemaker
- Mediastinotomy
- Open biopsy of lung
- Open biopsy of mediastinum
- Pleural window
- Pleurodesis
- Radiofrequency ablation to lung, percutaneous
- Repair of diaphragm
- Repair of laryngeal fracture
- Secondary wound closure of thorax
- Suture of laceration of diaphragm
- Thermal ablation to lung, percutaneous
- Thoracotomy with chest drainage
- Video assisted thoracoscopy, haemostasis
- Arytenoidectomy
- Arytenoidopexy
- Closure of thoracostomy
- Epiglottidectomy
- Excision of lesion or tissue of diaphragm
- Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of mediastinum
- Exploratory thoracotomy
- Incision to lung to remove foreign body
- Local destruction of lesion of lung
- Pleurectomy
- Plication of emphysematous bleb of lung
- Resection of emphysematous bleb of lung
- Suture of laceration of trachea, intrathoracic approach
- Thoracoscopic destruction of lung lesion
- Thoracoscopic excision of lung lesion
- Closure of fistula of larynx
- Closure of laceration of lung
- Hemilaryngectomy
- Laryngotracheal separation with tracheostomy
- Local destruction of lesion of bronchus
- Lung bullectomy
- Lysis of adhesion of larynx
- Lysis of adhesions of trachea
- Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum
- Open biopsy of bronchus
- Partial laryngectomy
- Repair and plastic operation on trachea
- Repair of pectus deformity
- Repair of trachea
- Resection of lesion of chest wall with reconstruction of chest wall using prosthesis
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lung resection
- Segmental resection of lung
- Supraglottic laryngoplasty
- Surgical collapse of lung
- Suture of laceration of bronchus
- Suture of laceration of larynx
- Thoracoplasty
- Tracheo-oesophageal fistulectomy, cervical approach
- Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery for major lung resection
- Bronchoplastic procedure
- Closure of bronchial fistula
- Closure of fistula of thorax
- Complete pneumonectomy
- Completion pneumonectomy
- Decortication of lung, partial
- Decortication of lung, total
- Intrapericardial pneumonectomy
- Left pneumonectomy
- Lobectomy of lung - left lower lobe
- Lobectomy of lung - left upper lobe
- Lobectomy of lung - right lower lobe
- Lobectomy of lung - right middle and lower lobe
- Lobectomy of lung - right middle and upper lobe
- Lobectomy of lung - right middle lobe
- Lobectomy of lung - right upper lobe
- Open excision or ablation of lesion or tissue of trachea by laser
- Open excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of bronchus by laser
- Organ harvesting - removal of lung from cadaver
- Pharyngolaryngectomy as part of the pharyngo-laryngo-oesophagectomy
- Repair and plastic operation on lung
- Resection of carina in the repiratory tract
- Resection of lung with reconstruction of chest wall without prosthesis
- Right pneumonectomy
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic left pneumonectomy
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung - left lower lobe
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung - left upper lobe
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung - right lower lobe
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung - right middle and lower lobe
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung - right middle and upper lobe
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung - right middle lobe
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung - right upper lobe
- Robot assisted thoracoscopic right pneumonectomy
- Sleeve pneumonectomy
- Total laryngectomy
- Wedge resection of lung
- Total laryngectomy and radical neck dissection
- Tracheo-oesophageal fistulectomy, thoracic approach
- Bilateral sequential lung transplant
- Combined heart-lung transplantation
- Lung transplant
- Pharyngo-laryngo-oesophagectomy
- Repair of congenital tracheo-oesophageal fistula
- Arterial catheterisation
- Cut down, venous
- Guided thrombin injection for femoral pseudoaneurysm
- Haemodiafiltration for acute care
- Haemodiafiltration for chronic care
- Haemodialysis for acute care
- Haemodialysis for chronic care
- Haemofiltration for acute care
- Haemofiltration for chronic care
- Injection of sclerosing agent into vein
- Insertion of central venous catheter
- Insertion of Hickman's catheter
- Insertion of Lifecath catheter
- Insertion of peripheral artery catheter
- Insertion of umbilical artery catheter
- Intravascular ultrasonography of coronary artery
- Open insertion of Broviac catheter
- Percutaneous insertion of Broviac catheter
- Pericardial drainage
- Pericardiocentesis
- Puncture of artery
- Puncture of vein
- Reinsertion of Broviac catheter, open
- Reinsertion of Broviac catheter, percutaneous
- Removal of arteriovenous shunt
- Removal of intra-aortic balloon assist device, percutaneous
- Subclavian artery puncture
- Subclavian artery puncture, attempted
- Subclavian catheter insertion
- Sustained low-efficiency haemodialysis
- Temporary vascular access creation
- Therapeutic injection of pseudoaneurysm in extremity
- Therapeutic venesection
- Training for nocturnal home haemodialysis
- Umbilical vein catheterisation
- Venous catheterisation
- Venous catheterisation for renal dialysis
- Arteriovenostomy for renal dialysis
- Biopsy of blood vessel
- Continuous arteriovenous haemodiafiltration
- Continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration
- Continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration
- Continuous venovenous haemofiltration
- Insertion of epicardial electrode for temporary cardiac pacing
- Insertion of haemodialysis catheter
- Insertion of PERM catheter
- Insertion of pulmonary artery catheter
- Insertion of temporary cardiac pacemaker
- Insertion of temporary transvenous pacemaker system
- Insertion of vessel-to-vessel cannula
- Intraoperative insertion of cardiac pacemaker
- Intravascular imaging by optical coherence tomography
- Intravascular imaging of coronary vessel by optical coherence tomography
- Ligation of sapheno-popliteal junction
- Ligation of saphenous vein
- Percutaneous angioscopy
- Removal of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator
- Stripping of central venous catheter in lower limb vein
- Stripping of central venous catheter in upper limb vein
- Temporal artery biopsy
- Trendelenburg operation, left
- Trendelenburg operation, right
- Venous sampling of inferior petrosal sinus
- Angioplasty of infrapopliteal artery
- Balloon dilation of inferior vena cava
- Balloon dilation of native aortic coarctation and hypoplasia
- Balloon dilation of pulmonary vein
- Balloon dilation of right ventricle outflow tract
- Balloon dilation of superior vena cava
- Balloon dilation of systemic venous pathway
- Biopsy of heart
- Closure of systemic-pulmonary artery shunt by division
- Closure of systemic-pulmonary artery shunt by ligation
- Control of haemorrhage in vessel of extremity following vascular surgery
- Control of haemorrhage of neck vessel following vascular surgery
- Creation of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt
- Declotting of arteriovenous fistula
- Declotting of arteriovenous graft
- Declotting of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis
- Declotting of arteriovenous shunt/fistula
- Endomyocardial biopsy
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from abdominal artery
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from abdominal vein
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from aorta
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from head & neck vessel
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from inferior vena cava
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from lower limb artery
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from lower limb vein
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from superior vena cava
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from thoracic artery
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from thoracic vein
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from upper limb artery
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from upper limb vein
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from vessel
- Endovenous laser therapy for varicose vein in lower extremity
- Glue injection for varicose veins
- Insertion of caval filter
- Insertion of leadless cardiac pacemaker
- Intra-aortic balloon pump insertion
- Intracoronary artery thrombolytic infusion
- Ligation and stripping of lower limb varicose veins
- Ligation of arteriovenous fistula in extremity
- Myocardial biopsy
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of abdominal artery
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of abdominal vein
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of aorta
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of femoral artery
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of inferior vena cava
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of lower limb
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of lower limb artery
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of lower limb vein
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of popliteal artery
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superior vena cava
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of thoracic vein
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of upper limb vein
- Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of vein
- Pharmacomechanical ablation of varicose veins
- Removal of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator pulse generator
- Removal of filter from inferior vena cava
- Removal of filter from superior vena cava
- Removal of implantable cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator
- Removal of leadless cardiac pacemaker
- Replacement of cardiac pacemaker device with dual chamber device
- Replacement of cardiac pacemaker device with single chamber device
- Replacement of cardiac pacemaker device with single chamber rate-responsive device
- Replacement of leadless cardiac pacemaker
- Reposition of cardiac defibrillator lead
- Revision of pacemaker device
- Revision or relocation of pacemaker pocket
- Stent placement in inferior vena cava
- Stent placement in superior vena cava
- Stent placement in systemic vein or pathway
- Surgical occlusion of lower limb arteries
- Surgical occlusion of upper limb vessels
- Transluminal left ventricle biopsy
- Transluminal right ventricle biopsy
- Trendelenburg operation and stripping, left
- Trendelenburg operation and stripping, right
- Angioplasty of subclavian artery
- Cardiac mapping
- Closed endarterectomy of vessel
- Control of haemorrhage
- Control of haemorrhage following vascular surgery
- Control of haemorrhage of abdominal vessel following vascular surgery
- Cryoablation to vessel, percutaneous
- Decompression of popliteal artery
- Dilation/stenting of vessels
- Embolectomy with catheter of brachial artery by arm incision
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal artery, not involving abdominal aorta
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal vein
- Endovascular stenting of head & neck vessel
- Endovascular stenting of lower limb artery
- Endovascular stenting of lower limb vein
- Endovascular stenting of thoracic artery, not involving thoracic aorta
- Endovascular stenting of thoracic vein
- Endovascular stenting of upper limb artery
- Endovascular stenting of upper limb vein
- Endovascular thrombectomy of abdominal artery
- Endovascular thrombectomy of aorta
- Endovascular thrombectomy of thoracic artery
- Endovascular thrombectomy of upper limb artery
- Endovenous obliteration of varicose vein with radiofrequency, lower limb
- Excision of vessels of head and neck
- Femoral artery embolectomy
- Implantation of automatic cardioverter defibrillator leads only
- Implantation of automatic cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator only
- Implantation of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator generator only
- Implantation of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator lead only
- Implantation of subcutaneous cardioverter defibrillator lead only
- Implantation of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator generator only
- Incision of thoracic vessels
- Initial insertion of cardiac pacemaker and lead electrode
- Initial insertion of dual chamber pacemaker and transvenous lead into atrium and ventricle
- Initial insertion of dual chamber rate responsive cardiac pacemaker and lead into atrium and ventricle
- Initial insertion of permanent pacemaker and transvenous lead into atrium and ventricle
- Initial insertion of transvenous lead in atrium and permanent pacemaker
- Initial insertion of transvenous lead in atrium and single chamber pacemaker, not specified as rate responsive
- Initial insertion of transvenous lead in atrium and single chamber pacemaker, rate responsive
- Initial insertion of transvenous lead in ventricle and permanent pacemaker
- Initial insertion of transvenous lead in ventricle and single chamber pacemaker, not specified as rate responsive
- Initial insertion of transvenous lead in ventricle and single chamber pacemaker, rate responsive
- Insertion of cardiac resynchronisation pacemaker
- Insertion of programmable pacemaker
- Mechanical / laser ablation of vessel
- Pacemaker insertion, permanent
- Percutaneous balloon angioplasty renal artery
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of carotid artery
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of head & neck vessel
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of thoracic artery, not involving aorta
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of upper limb artery
- Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with stenting of carotid artery
- Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with stenting of femoral artery
- Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with stenting of iliac artery
- Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with stenting of popliteal artery
- Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with stenting of renal artery
- Percutaneous transluminal revision of vessel stent, not involving coronary artery
- Percutaneous vascular lesion ablation
- Permanent endocardial pacemaker system placement
- Powered phlebectomy for varicose vein
- Radiofrequency ablation to vessel, percutaneous
- Removal of cardiac resynchronisation pacemaker
- Removal of defibrillator lead
- Removal of implanted pacemaker
- Removal of pacing lead
- Replacement of any type of cardiac pacemaker with dual chamber device and lead in atrium and ventricle
- Replacement of any type of cardiac pacemaker with dual chamber rate responsive device and lead in atrium and ventricle
- Replacement of any type of cardiac pacemaker with single chamber device and lead in atrium
- Replacement of any type of cardiac pacemaker with single chamber device and lead in ventricle
- Replacement of any type of cardiac pacemaker with single chamber rate responsive device and lead in atrium
- Replacement of any type of cardiac pacemaker with single chamber rate responsive device and lead in ventricle
- Replacement of automatic cardioverter defibrillator lead only
- Replacement of cardiac pacemaker and lead
- Replacement of cardiac pacemaker with dual chamber rate responsive device
- Replacement of cardiac resynchronisation pacemaker
- Replacement of single chamber pacemaker with dual-chamber
- Stent placement at site of aortic coarctation
- Stent placement in arterial duct
- Stent placement in cardiac conduit
- Stent placement in pulmonary artery
- Stent placement in pulmonary vein
- Stenting of carotid artery
- Thermal ablation to vessel, percutaneous
- Vascular graft thrombectomy
- Balloon atrial septostomy by pull back
- Balloon atrioseptostomy
- Balloon dilation of pulmonary artery
- Balloon dilation of systemic-pulmonary artery shunt
- Bilateral Trendelenberg, stripping, and ligation of perforators of varicose vein
- Biopsy of pericardium
- Biopsy of pericardium, subxiphoid approach
- Biopsy of pericardium, thoracoscopic approach
- Biopsy of pericardium, thoracotomy approach
- Cardiac catheterisation
- Cardiac catheterisation, left and right
- Cardiac catheterisation, left heart
- Cardiac catheterisation, right heart
- Coil embolisation of iliac artery, bilateral
- Coil embolisation of iliac artery, unilateral
- Control of haemorrhage of thoracic vessel following vascular surgery
- Creation of arteriovenous fistula
- Creation of arteriovenous graft
- Dilation/stenting of single coronary vessel
- Electrophysiological study
- Embolisation of arteriovenous malformation
- Endovascular insertion of filter in inferior vena cava
- Endovascular insertion of filter in superior vena cava
- Endovascular thrombectomy of abdominal vein
- Endovascular thrombectomy of inferior vena cava
- Endovascular thrombectomy of lower limb artery
- Endovascular thrombectomy of lower limb vein
- Endovascular thrombectomy of superior vena cava
- Endovascular thrombectomy of thoracic vein
- Endovascular thrombectomy of upper limb vein
- Excision of abdominal arteries
- Excision of abdominal veins
- Excision of lower limb arteries
- Excision of lower limb veins
- Insertion of epicardial lead and permanent pacemaker
- Insertion of epicardial lead and single chamber pacemaker, not specified as rate responsive
- Insertion of epicardial lead and single chamber pacemaker, rate responsive
- Insertion of epicardial leads and dual chamber pacemaker
- Interruption of vena cava using umbrella device
- Ligation and stripping of varicose veins of vessels of head and neck
- Lower limb artery embolectomy
- Lower limb artery thrombectomy
- Lower limb vein embolectomy
- Lower limb vein thrombectomy
- Open chest cardiac massage
- Percutaneous occlusion of left atrial appendage with prosthesis
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stent, 1 coronary vessel
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, single vessel with stent and thrombolytic agent
- Pericardial window creation
- Pericardiotomy for drainage of the pericardium
- Permanent epicardial pacemaker system placement
- Removal of arteriovenous graft
- Removal of coronary artery obstruction
- Removal of intra-aortic balloon assist device, open approach
- Removal of vascular graft
- Removal of vascular graft, extremity
- Repair of acquired femoral arteriovenous fistula
- Repair of arteriovenous graft
- Replacement of vessel-to-vessel cannula
- Revision of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis
- Single vessel percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with thrombolytic agent
- Single vessel percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty without thrombolytic agent
- Stent placement in systemic-pulmonary artery shunt
- Subfascial endoscopic ligation of perforators, lower limb
- Subfascial ligation of varicose vein at lower limb, open approach
- Surgical occlusion of vessels of head and neck
- Suture of artery, extremity
- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
- Transluminal retrieval of foreign body from heart
- Trendelenbery operation with excision of varicose veins in leg
- Trendelenburg operation and stripping, bilateral
- Trendelenburg operation of bilateral lower limb
- Above knee femoropopliteal vascular bypass, synthetic graft
- Balloon atrial septostomy with atrial flow regulator implantation
- Balloon dilation of aortic re-coarctation
- Balloon dilation of coarctation of aorta
- Balloon occlusion test
- Balloon pulmonary valvotomy
- Biventricular pacing
- Bronchial artery embolisation
- Cardiac electrophysiologic stimulation and recording studies
- Carotid endarterectomy
- Carotid-axillary bypass
- Carotid-subclavian bypass
- Catheter ablation of heart lesion - arrhythmogenic focus
- Catheter ablation of lesion or tissue of heart
- Catheter embolisation of aneurysm, intracranial
- Coiling or stenting of aneurysm of head and neck vessel
- Cross carotid bypass
- Cryoablation of heart for atrial fibrillation
- Dilation/stenting of multiple coronary vessels
- Division of aberrant vessel, renal
- Embolisation of arteriovenous fistula in extremity
- Embolisation of intra-abdominal arteriovenous malformation
- Embolisation of renal artery aneurysm
- Embolisation of uterine artery
- Endarterectomy of lower limb arteries
- Endarterectomy of upper limb vessels
- Endarterectomy of vessels of head and neck
- Endovascular chemoembolisation to hepatic artery
- Endovascular embolisation to abdominal artery
- Endovascular embolisation to abdominal vein
- Endovascular embolisation to inferior vena cava
- Endovascular embolisation to lower limb artery
- Endovascular embolisation to lower limb vein
- Endovascular embolisation to superior vena cava
- Endovascular embolisation to thoracic artery
- Endovascular embolisation to thoracic vein
- Endovascular embolisation to upper limb artery
- Endovascular embolisation to upper limb vein
- Endovascular occlusion of head and neck vessel
- Endovascular occlusion of intracranial vessel
- Endovascular occlusion of spinal vessel
- Excision of arteriovenous malformation of upper limb
- Excision of arteriovenous malformation, lower limb
- Femorofemoral vascular bypass
- Innominate-carotid bypass
- Insertion of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator, total system
- Insertion of implantable automatic cardioverter defibrillator, total system
- Insertion of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator, total system
- Left ventricular pacing
- Ligation of left arterial duct
- Ligation of major aorto-pulmonary collateral artery
- Lower limb artery thromboendarterectomy
- Occlusion of systemic-pulmonary artery shunt by transluminal device and embolus
- Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass
- Percutaneous closure of cardiac collateral vessels
- Percutaneous closure of cardiac septal defect
- Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus
- Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stent, >1 coronary vessels
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels with stent and thrombolytic agent
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels, with thrombolytic agent
- Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of portal vein
- Popliteal artery embolectomy
- Profundoplasty of lower limb
- Radiofrequency ablation - heart lesion
- Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of heart with saline irrigated electrode
- Reimplantation of aberrant renal vessel
- Removal of pacemaker electrodes, thoracotomy approach
- Repair blood vessel of neck with synthetic patch graft
- Repair of arteriovenous fistula, extremity - not involved femoral
- Repair of blood vessel of extremity with synthetic patch graft
- Repair of blood vessel of extremity with tissue patch graft
- Repair of congenital femoral arteriovenous fistula
- Replacement of automatic cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator only
- Replacement of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator pulse generator only
- Replacement of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator, total system
- Replacement of implantable cardioverter defibrillator, total system
- Replacement of subcutaneous cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator pulse generator only
- Replacement of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator, total system
- Resection of lower limb veins with anastomosis
- Resection of lower limb veins with replacement
- Resection of upper limb vessels with replacement
- Right ventricle outflow tract transluminal laser procedure
- Surgical occlusion of thoracic vessels
- Suture of artery, neck
- Suture of vein, neck
- Therapeutic injection of pseudoaneurysm, not involve extremity
- Transarterial embolisation of abdominal artery
- Transarterial radioembolisation of hepatic artery
- Transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation
- Transcatheter embolisation of arteriovenous fistula, intracranial
- Transcatheter embolisation of carotid cavernous fistula
- Transcatheter embolisation of head and neck vessel
- Transcatheter embolisation of intracranial vessel
- Transcatheter embolisation of spinal vessel
- Transcatheter oily chemoembolisation
- Transluminal closure of ductus arteriosus with prosthesis
- Transluminal laser pulmonary valvotomy
- Transluminal radiofrequency pulmonary valvotomy
- Above knee femoropopliteal vascular bypass, autogenous vein graft
- Aorta-iliac-femoral bypass
- Atrial septal defect closure, robotic-assisted
- Axillofemoral vascular bypass
- Balloon aortic valvotomy
- Balloon dilation of arterial duct
- Balloon dilation of cardiac conduit
- Balloon dilation of left ventricle outflow tract
- Balloon mitral valvotomy
- Below knee femoropopliteal vascular bypass, synthetic graft
- Bilateral ligation of perforators of varicose vein of lower limb
- Carotid glomectomy
- Carotid reconstruction by grafting
- Chemodectomy
- Clipping of carotid artery, cervical approach
- Closed heart valvotomy, aortic valve
- Closed heart valvotomy, tricuspid valve
- Division of chordae tendineae
- Division of papillary muscle
- Endovascular aortic fenestration with stenting
- Endovascular embolectomy of intracranial vessel
- Endovascular fenestration for aortic dissection
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from intracranial vessel
- Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from spinal vessel
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysm with aorto-uni-iliac device
- Endovascular stenting of aorta
- Endovascular stenting of aortic dissection
- Endovascular stenting of intracranial vessel
- Endovascular stenting of spinal vessel
- Endovascular stenting of thoracic aortic aneurysm
- Endovascular thrombectomy of intracranial vessel
- Excision of carotid body tumour
- Iliofemoral bypass
- Implant of heart assist system
- Laparoscopic ligation of inferior mesenteric artery
- Laparotomy & ligation of hepatic artery
- Ligation of common hepatic artery
- Ligation of internal iliac artery
- Ligation of uterine artery
- Meso-caval shunt
- Obturator canal bypass
- Operations on chordae tendineae
- Operations on papillary muscle
- Patent foramen ovale surgical closure
- Percutaneous atrial septal defect closure with prosthesis
- Percutaneous closure of paravalvular leak with device
- Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale with prosthesis
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of intracranial vessel
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of spinal vessel
- Percutaneous valvuloplasty
- Pulmonary artery banding
- Reattachment of papillary muscle
- Removal of pacemaker electrodes, percutaneous
- Repair blood vessel of neck with tissue patch graft
- Repair of chordae tendineae
- Repair of femoral pseudoaneurysm
- Repair of heart and pericardium
- Repair of papillary heart muscle
- Replacement of epicardial lead only
- Replacement of transvenous atrial and ventricular electrode leads
- Resection of lower limb arteries with anastomosis
- Resection of lower limb arteries with replacement
- Resection of non-ruptured carotid artery aneurysm with grafting
- Resection of ruptured carotid artery aneurysm with grafting
- Resection of thoracic vessels with anastomosis
- Resection of upper limb vessels with anastomosis
- Resection of vessels of head and neck with replacement
- Revision of pacemaker lead electrode
- Stenting and angioplasty of intracranial vessels
- Surgical occlusion of abdominal artery
- Surgical occlusion of intracranial vessels
- Thoracic endovascular aortic repair with fenestration
- Transcatheter aortic valve implantation
- Triple ligation of femoral arteries
- Vascular ring correction
- 1.5 ventricle repair: right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction and Glenn anastomosis
- Adjustment of pulmonary trunk band
- Angioplasty of vertebral artery stenosis
- Aorta-subclavian-carotid bypass
- Aortofemoral vascular bypass
- Aortoiliac bypass
- Ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery anastomosis
- Atrial septal defect closure
- Below knee femoropopliteal vascular bypass, autogenous vein graft
- Blade atrial septostomy
- Caval-pulmonary artery anastomosis
- Classical Blalock anastomosis
- Closed heart valvotomy
- Closed heart valvotomy, mitral valve
- Closed heart valvotomy, pulmonary valve
- Closure of aortopulmonary window
- Creation of septal defect in heart
- Descending aorta-left pulmonary artery anastomosis
- Embolectomy of mesenteric artery
- Endarterectomy of abdominal arteries
- Endarterectomy of aorta
- Endarterectomy of thoracic vessels
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysm and fixation of aorta by endoanchor device or stent
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysm with chimney stenting to one renal artery
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysm with one iliac bifurcation device
- Enlargement of existing atrial septal defect
- Excision aneurysm of splenic artery
- Excision of aorta
- Excision of arteriovenous malformation, thorax
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- Femoro-dorsalis pedis bypass
- Femoroperoneal bypass
- Femorotibial bypass
- Hemi-Fontan: bidirectional Glenn and anastomosis proximal superior vena cava to right pulmonary artery with isolation from right atrium
- Incision of aorta
- Infundibulectomy
- Intra-abdominal venous shunt
- Mitral valve annuloplasty
- Modified Blalock shunt
- Open atrial septectomy
- Open embolectomy of superior mesenteric artery
- Open heart valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve without replacement
- Open heart valvuloplasty without replacement
- Open left ventricle biopsy
- Open right ventricle biopsy
- Operations on carotid body and vascular bodies
- Patch aortoplasty for coarctation of aorta
- Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy
- Pericardiectomy
- Popliteal peroneal bypass
- Popliteal-tibial bypass
- Portal-caval shunt
- Procurement of heart for transplant
- Pulmonary arterioplasty and reconstruction
- Pulmonary embolectomy
- Pulmonary valvotomy, open heart
- Repair of arteriovenous fistula, aorta
- Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis, open technique
- Repair of atrial septal defect with tissue graft
- Repair of blood vessel of abdomen with synthetic patch graft
- Repair of blood vessel of thorax with synthetic patch graft
- Repair of blood vessel of thorax with tissue patch graft
- Repair of double chambered right ventricle
- Repair of partially anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- Repair of pulmonary vein stenosis
- Repair of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis by closed technique
- Resection of abdominal aorta with graft replacement
- Resection of abdominal arteries with anastomosis
- Resection of abdominal arteries with replacement
- Resection of abdominal veins with replacement
- Resection of coaractation of aorta with end to end anastomosis
- Resection of infrarenal aortic aneurysm with graft replacement
- Right ventricular outflow tract procedure
- Robotic-assisted repair of mitral valve
- Spleno-renal shunt
- Sternotomy for haemostasis
- Subclavian flap aortoplasty
- Suture of artery, intra-abdominal
- Suture of artery, intra-thoracic
- Suture of vein, intra-abdominal
- Suture of vein, intra-thoracic
- Thoracic endovascular aortic repair with chimney stenting to carotid artery
- Thoracic endovascular aortic repair with chimney stenting to subclavian artery
- Thrombectomy of inferior vena cava, open approach
- Transluminal cryoablation of heart lesion for arrhythmia
- Tricuspid valve annuloplasty
- Unifocalisation
- Abdominal-coronary artery bypass
- Aorta-renal bypass
- Aortic valve replacement
- Aorto-common carotid bypass
- Aortocoronary bypass for heart revascularisation
- Aortocoronary bypass of four or more coronary arteries
- Aortocoronary bypass of one coronary artery
- Aortocoronary bypass of three coronary arteries
- Aortocoronary bypass of two coronary arteries
- Aortomesenteric vascular bypass
- Bidirectional superior cavopulmonary anastomosis
- Bilateral bidirectional superior cavopulmonary anastomosis
- Bypass anastomosis for heart revascularisation
- Central aorto-pulmonary anastomosis
- Closure of ventricular septal defect
- Coronary artery bypass graft
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of intracranial arteriovenous malformation; dural, simple
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of intracranial arteriovenous malformation; supratentorial, simple
- Creation of conduit between left ventricle and aorta
- Creation of conduit between left ventricle and ascending aorta
- Creation of conduit between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
- Damus-Kaye-Stansel operation: pulmonary trunk to aorta end to side anastomosis
- Division of trabeculare carneae cordis
- Double internal mammary-coronary artery bypass
- Embolisation of carotid cavernous fistula
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysm with bilateral iliac bifurcation devices
- Endovascular stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysm with chimney stenting to bilateral renal arteries
- Excision of aneurysm of heart
- Excision of trabeculae carneae cordis
- Heart revascularisation by arterial implant
- Interrupted aortic arch repair
- Left ventricle assist device implantation
- Left ventricle muscle resection
- Left ventricle to pulmonary trunk conduit construction
- Left ventricular outflow tract myectomy and myotomy
- Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction relief
- Maze operation for atrial fibrillation
- Mitral valve replacement
- Open heart valvuloplasty of aortic valve without replacement
- Open heart valvuloplasty of mitral valve without replacement
- Open heart valvuloplasty of tricuspid valve without replacement
- Operations on trabeculae carneae cordis
- Patch enlargement of cardiac conduit with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Pulmonary valve replacement
- Removal of heart assist system
- Removal of pulmonary trunk band
- Removal of vascular graft, abdomen
- Removal of vascular graft, thorax
- Repair of aneurysm of coronary vessel
- Repair of atrioventricular septal defect
- Repair of blood vessel of abdomen with tissue patch graft
- Repair of coarctation / hypoplasia of aorta, with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Repair of coarctation and hypoplasia of aorta
- Repair of complete atrioventricular septal defect
- Repair of Ebstein's malformation of tricuspid valve
- Repair of endocardial cushion defect with prosthesis
- Repair of endocardial cushion defect with tissue graft
- Repair of interrupted aortic arch with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Repair of ventricular septal defect
- Repair of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis
- Repair of ventricular septal defect with tissue graft
- Replacement and repair of heart assist system
- Replacement of aortic valve with prosthesis
- Replacement of cardiac conduit with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Replacement of mitral valve with tissue graft
- Replacement of pulmonary valve with tissue graft
- Replacement of tricuspid valve with tissue graft
- Resection of descending thoracic aorta with replacement and cardiopulmonary bypass
- Resection of thoracic aorta with graft replacement
- Revision for infected aortic prosthesis
- Right ventricle assist device implantation
- Right ventricular muscle resection
- Saphenous graft bypass four or more coronary arteries
- Saphenous graft bypass three coronary arteries
- Saphenous graft bypass two coronary arteries
- Saphenous graft bypass, one coronary artery
- Single internal mammary - coronary artery bypass
- Subaortic fibromuscular shelf resection
- Supravalvular patch aortoplasty
- Surgical left atrial appendage closure
- Total repair of tetralogy of Fallot
- Total repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- Tricuspid valve replacement
- Aortic root replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Aortic root replacement with pulmonary valve autograft with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement, coronary artery inclusion, Bentall
- Arterial switch operation
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of complex intracranial aneurysm, intracranial approach; carotid circulation
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of complex intracranial aneurysm, intracranial approach; vertebrobasilar circulation
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of intracranial aneurysm, intracranial approach
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of intracranial arteriovenous malformation; dural, complex
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of intracranial arteriovenous malformation; infratentorial, complex
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of intracranial arteriovenous malformation; infratentorial, simple
- Craniotomy / craniectomy for repair of intracranial arteriovenous malformation; supratentorial, complex
- Craniotomy for clipping of intracranial aneurysm
- Creation of conduit between right atrium and pulmonary artery
- Endarterectomy of intracranial vessels
- Endovascular stenting of aortic aneurysm with T-branch stent
- Excision of arteriovenous malformation, intracranial
- Exploration and ligation of cerebral aneurysm
- Extracranial-intracranial vascular bypass
- Fenestrated endovascular stenting of aortic aneurysm
- Heart transplantation
- Hemi aortic arch replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Interatrial transposition of venous return
- Konno operation
- Microvascular tissue transfer
- Norwood operation
- Rastelli procedure: left ventricle to aorta via ventricular septal defect and right ventricle to pulmonary trunk conduit
- Reconstruction using free skin flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome
- Replacement of aortic valve with tissue graft
- Resection of ascending thoracic aorta with replacement and cardiopulmonary bypass
- Resection of intracranial vessels with anastomosis
- Resection of intracranial vessels with replacement
- Resection of ruptured infrarenal aortic aneurysm with graft replacement
- Resection of ruptured suprarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm with graft replacement
- Resection of suprarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm with graft replacement
- Resection of thoracic and abdominal aorta with graft replacement
- Revision for infected aortic prosthesis with insertion of graft
- Senning operation
- Thoracic endovascular aortic repair with debranching
- Total aortic arch replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Total cavo-pulmonary connection
- Total correction of transposition of great vessels
- Total repair of truncus arteriosus
- Truncus arteriosis repair
- Vascular repair with microsurgery
- Wrapping of intracranial aneurysm
- Allogeneic bone marrow transplant
- Allogeneic bone marrow transplant with purging
- Allogeneic cord blood transplant
- Allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant
- Autologous bone marrow transplant
- Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant
- Autologus cord blood transplant
- Autologus peripheral blood stem cell transplant
- Biopsy of bone marrow
- Bone marrow aspiration
- Closed biopsy of axillary lymph node
- Diagnostic procedure on bone marrow
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lymph nodes
- Fine needle aspiration of axillary lymph node
- Injection into bone marrow
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of bone marrow with imaging guidance
- Syngeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant
- Bone marrow harvest
- Cannulation of thoracic duct
- D1 lymph node dissection
- D2 lymph node dissection
- D3 lymph node dissection
- Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration of lymph structure
- Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node
- Excision of inguinal lymph node
- Fistulisation of thoracic duct
- Ilio-inguinal lymph node dissection
- Incision of lymphatic structures
- Incisional biopsy of cervical lymph node
- Inguinal lymph node dissection
- Laparoscopic D1 lymph node dissection
- Laparoscopic D2 lymph node dissection
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lymphatic structure with imaging guidance
- Simple excision of lymphatic structure
- Axillary lymph node sampling
- Bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy
- Biopsy of lymphatic structure
- Biopsy of sentinel lymph node
- Cervical lymph node biopsy
- Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of intraperitoneal lymph node
- Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of retroperitoneal lymph node
- Excision of cystic hygroma
- Excision of deep cervical lymph node
- Excision of lymph node
- Excision of lymphangioma
- Excisional biopsy of cervical lymph node
- Left axillary dissection
- Lymph node biopsy
- Lymphaticovenous anastomosis
- Percutaneous drainage of lymphatic structures with imaging guidance
- Right axillary dissection
- Vascularised lymph node transfer
- Cervical lymphadenectomy
- Excision of internal mammary lymph node
- Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
- Simple excision of axillary lymph node
- Axillary clearance - left
- Axillary clearance - right
- Closure of fistula of thoracic duct
- Excision of accessory spleen
- Excision of lesion or tissue of spleen
- Laparoscopic para-aortic lymph node dissection
- Laparoscopic para-aortic lymph node dissection, robot assisted
- Left radical axillary dissection
- Ligation of thoracic duct
- Para-aortic lymph node dissection
- Pelvic lymph node dissection
- Pelvic lymph node dissection, laparoscopic
- Pelvic lymph node dissection, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Pelvic lymphadenectomy, radical
- Pelvic lymphadenectomy, simple
- Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
- Right radical axillary dissection
- Splenectomy
- Total splenectomy
- Wide excision of axillary lymph node
- Laparoscopic splenectomy, total
- Partial splenectomy
- Repair operation on spleen
- Robotic assisted splenectomy
- Systematic exploration of all mediastinal lymph node stations
- Inguinal and pelvic lymphadenectomy
- Laparoscopic splenectomy, partial
- Left functional neck dissection
- Left radical groin dissection
- Left radical neck dissection
- Modified radical neck dissection
- Right functional neck dissection
- Right radical groin dissection
- Right radical neck dissection
- Selective neck dissection
- Staged bilateral radical neck dissection
- Bilateral radical neck dissection
- Adjustment of gastric band
- Anoscopy
- Argon plasma coagulation of oesophagus
- Argon plasma coagulation of rectum through sigmoidoscopy
- Automated peritoneal dialysis
- Banding of haemorrhoid
- Biopsy of abdominal wall
- Biopsy of anus
- Biopsy of perianal tissue
- Biopsy of umbilicus
- Cauterisation of anal wart
- Closed biopsy of intra-abdominal mass
- Closed biopsy of liver
- Closed biopsy of rectum
- Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
- Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis training
- Diagnostic flexible sigmoidoscopy
- Diagnostic sigmoidoscopy
- Dilation of oesophagus
- Dilation of sphincter of Oddi
- Duodenoscopy
- Endoscopic biopsy of oesophagus
- Endoscopic biopsy of stomach
- Endoscopic excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of anus
- Endoscopic laser therapy of rectum
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of anal canal
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of colon
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of mediastinum
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of rectum
- Endoscopy of small intestine
- Endoscopy of small intestine through artificial stoma
- Evacuation of thrombosed haemorrhoids
- Excision of perianal skin tags
- Faecal microbiota transplant via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Faecal microbiota transplant via sigmoidoscopy
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy of liver
- Gastroscopy
- Gastroscopy through artificial stoma
- Incision & drainage of perianal abscess
- Incision of perianal abscess
- Injection of air into peritoneal cavity
- Injection of haemorrhoids
- Injection of locally-acting therapeutic substance into peritoneal cavity
- Injection of therapeutic substance into liver, percutaneous
- Intermittent peritoneal dialysis
- Intra-abdominal manipulation of large intestine
- Intra-abdominal manipulation of small intestine
- Intra-operative endoscopy of stomach
- Intraperitoneal administration
- Ligation of haemorrhoids
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of anus
- Lord's dilatation of anal canal
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy guided nasogastric feeding tube insertion
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with chromoendoscopy
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with tattooing
- Oesophagoscopy
- Oesophagoscopy through artificial stoma
- Paracentesis of abdomen using ultrasound guidance
- Paracentesis, diagnostic
- Paracentesis, therapeutic
- Percutaneous biopsy of peritoneum
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdominal wall with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of anus with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of rectum with imaging guidance
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Peritoneal lavage
- Proctoscopy
- Proctosigmoidoscopy through artificial stoma
- Reduction of anal prolapse
- Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy
- Rigid sigmoidoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopic excision of lesion from large intestine
- Sigmoidoscopic polypectomy
- Sigmoidoscopy & biopsy
- Sigmoidoscopy & plication of bleeder
- Sigmoidoscopy with chromoendoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy with control of bleeding
- Sigmoidoscopy with decompression of large intestine
- Sigmoidoscopy with mucosectomy
- Sigmoidoscopy with tattooing
- Suture of laceration of anus
- Tenckhoff catheter cuff shaving
- Transanal excision of anal polyp
- Transanal plication of bleeder
- Adjustment of biliary catheter via percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, left
- Adjustment of biliary catheter via percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, right
- Anal fistulectomy
- Anal fistulotomy
- Anorectal myectomy
- Argon plasma coagulation of biliary ducts
- Argon plasma coagulation of pancreas
- Argon plasma coagulation of rectum through colonoscopy
- Attempted laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Attempted robot assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Cannulation of pancreatic duct
- Capsule endoscopy of small intestine
- Cauterisation of haemorrhoids
- Cholangioscopy
- Cholecystoduodenostomy using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance with stent insertion
- Choledochoduodenostomy using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance with stent insertion
- Choledochoscopy
- Choledochoscopy and dilatation
- Choledochoscopy, percutaneous
- Closed biopsy of pancreas
- Closed biopsy of pancreatic duct
- Closed endoscopic biopsy of biliary duct or sphincter of Oddi
- Closed endoscopic biopsy of small intestine
- Closure of anal fistula
- Colonoscopy and control of bleeding
- Colonoscopy with mucosectomy
- Colonoscopy with stenting
- Control of haemorrhage in rectum
- Control of haemorrhage in rectum via colonoscopy
- Control of haemorrhage of anus, postoperative
- Creation of cutaneoperitoneal fistula
- Cystogastrostomy of pancreas using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance with stent insertion
- Destruction of haemorrhoids by cryotherapy
- Destruction of lesion of duodenum
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Drainage of extraperitoneal abscess, percutaneous
- Drainage of intraperitoneal abscess, percutaneous
- Drainage of liver abscess, percutaneous
- Drainage of pancreatic cyst by catheter, percutaneous
- Drainage of retroperitoneal abscess, percutaneous
- Electrocoagulation for rectal haemorrhage via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic biliary balloon sphincteroplasty
- Endoscopic control of haemorrhage by clipping to small intestine
- Endoscopic control of haemorrhage by injection to small intestine
- Endoscopic control of haemorrhage by thermocoagulation to small intestine
- Endoscopic control of haemorrhage of pancreatic duct
- Endoscopic control of haemorrhage to small intestine
- Endoscopic dilatation of ampulla of Vater and biliary duct
- Endoscopic dilatation of pancreatic duct
- Endoscopic excision or destruction of lesion of biliary ducts or sphincter of Oddi
- Endoscopic excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of pancreatic duct
- Endoscopic hepaticoduodenostomy
- Endoscopic hepaticojejunostomy
- Endoscopic insertion of nasobiliary drainage tube
- Endoscopic insertion of nasopancreatic drainage tube
- Endoscopic insertion of stent into bile duct
- Endoscopic insertion of stent into pancreatic duct
- Endoscopic ligation of varices in small intestine
- Endoscopic mucosectomy of small intestine
- Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage
- Endoscopic pancreatic necrosectomy
- Endoscopic polypectomy of small intestine
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and papillotomy
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with biopsy of sphincter of Oddi
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with biopsy of the common bile duct
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with control of haemorrhage in biliary ducts
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with endoscopic nasobiliary drainage
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with stent insertion
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, mother-baby endoscopy
- Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography
- Endoscopic suturing of colon via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of colon via sigmoidoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of duodenum via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of oesophagus via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of rectum via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of rectum via sigmoidoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of small intestine via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of small intestine via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic suturing of stomach via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of biliary tract
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of biliary tract with biopsy
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of pancreas
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of retroperitoneum
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of retroperitoneum with biopsy
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of small intestine
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of stomach
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of stomach with biopsy
- Endoscopic ultrasound guided fiducial marker placement into pancreas
- Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of pancreatic lesion for cytology
- Endoscopy of biliary tract
- Endoscopy with electrohydraulic lithotripsy for bezoar in small intestine
- Enteroscopy
- Excision of lesion from large intestine via colonoscopy
- Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of abdominal wall or umbilicus
- Gastrojejunostomy using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance with stent insertion
- Haemorrhoidectomy
- Hepaticogastrostomy using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance with stent insertion
- Hepatotomy, percutaneous
- Hernia hydrocoele complex herniotomy, left
- Herniotomy of hernia hydrocoele complex
- Herniotomy, left inguinal
- Herniotomy, right inguinal
- Incision and drainage of ischiorectal abscess
- Incision of perianal tissue
- Incision of perirectal tissue
- Incision of rectal stricture
- Insertion of indwelling peritoneal catheter
- Insertion of subcutaneous electrical anal stimulator
- Insertion of Tenckhoff catheter
- Insertion of Tenckhoff catheter, laparoscopic
- Intra-operative enteroscopy of small intestine
- Laparoscopic biopsy of lesion in peritoneum
- Laparoscopic hernioplasty
- Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, left inguinal
- Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, right inguinal
- Laparoscopic implantation of gastric stimulator
- Laparoscopic left inguinal hernioplasty, total extraperitoneal approach
- Laparoscopic left inguinal hernioplasty, transabdominal pre-peritoneal approach
- Laparoscopic removal of gastric band
- Laparoscopic removal of gastric stimulator
- Laparoscopic removal of intrauterine contraceptive device
- Laparoscopic repair of paraumbilical hernia
- Laparoscopic repair of paraumbilical hernia with mesh
- Laparoscopic repair umbilical hernia with mesh
- Laparoscopic right inguinal hernioplasty, total extraperitoneal approach
- Laparoscopic right inguinal hernioplasty, transabdominal pre-peritoneal approach
- Laparoscopic ultrasound
- Laparoscopy
- Left indirect inguinal herniotomy
- Mucosectomy of rectum via colonoscopy
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and banding of gastric varices
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and ligation of duodenal varices
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with banding of oesophageal varices
- Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy and control of haemorrhage
- Per oral choledochoscopy
- Percutaneous abdominal drainage
- Percutaneous alcohol injection into liver
- Percutaneous aspiration of gallbladder
- Percutaneous aspiration of liver
- Percutaneous biopsy of gallbladder or bile ducts
- Percutaneous drainage of liver with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of pancreas with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of pelvic cavity with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreas with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreatic duct with imaging guidance
- Plication of bleeder, rectal
- Polypectomy of rectum via colonoscopy
- Pressure measurement of sphincter of Oddi
- Radiofrequency ablation of biliary duct
- Radiofrequency ablation of pancreatic duct
- Reinsertion of Tenckhoff catheter
- Removal of prosthetic device from bile duct
- Repair of paraumbilical hernia
- Repair of umbilical hernia
- Repair of umbilical hernia with prosthesis
- Replacement of stent by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
- Replacement of Tenckhoff catheter
- Reposition of Tenckhoff catheter
- Repositioning of peritoneal dialysis catheter using imaging guidance
- Repositioning of Tenckhoff catheter, laparoscopic
- Retroperitoneoscopy
- Right indirect inguinal herniotomy
- Sigmoidoscopic control of haemorrhage in rectum
- Sigmoidoscopic electrocoagulation for rectal haemorrhage
- Staging laparoscopy
- Stapled haemorrhoidopexy
- Surgical removal of peritoneal dialysis catheter
- Tenckhoff catheter removal
- U tube drainage of common bile duct, choledochoscopy, open
- Umbilicoplasty
- U-tube drainage of common bile duct via choledochoscopy
- Anal cerclage
- Anoplasty
- Appendicectomy
- Autotransplantation of cells of islets of Langerhans
- Choledochoscopy & lithotripsy
- Choledochoscopy and electrohydraulic lithotripsy
- Closure of gastrostomy
- Control of haemorrhage of peritoneum
- Destruction of rectal lesion or tissue by cryosurgery
- Destruction of rectal lesion or tissue by laser
- Dilatation of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage tract under radiological guidance
- Dilatation of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage tract, left
- Dilatation of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage tract, right
- Dilatation of T tube tract
- Drainage of appendiceal abscess
- Electrocoagulation of rectal lesion or tissue
- Endoscopic choledocholithotomy
- Endoscopic removal of stone from biliary tract
- Endoscopic removal of stone from pancreatic duct
- Endoscopic ultrasonography of pancreas with biopsy
- Evacuation of clot, pelvic
- Excision of pelvic wall tumour
- Extraction of stone from biliary tract
- Gastrostomy
- Herniorrhaphy, left femoral
- Herniorrhaphy, left inguinal
- Herniorrhaphy, right femoral
- Herniorrhaphy, right inguinal
- Jejunostomy, laparoscopic approach
- Laparoscopic appendicectomy
- Laparoscopic appendicectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, left femoral
- Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, right femoral
- Laparoscopic repair of epigastric hernia with mesh
- Laparoscopic repair of recurrent indirect inguinal hernia
- Laparoscopic truncal vagotomy
- Laparotomy and haemostasis
- Laser ablation of biliary tumour by choledochoscopy
- Laser lithotripsy of biliary stone, via choledochoscopic route
- Laser lithotripsy of biliary stone, via T-tube tract
- McEvedy's operation
- Percutaneous cholecystostomy
- Percutaneous drainage of gallbladder with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of peritoneum with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of retroperitoneum with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous extraction of common duct stones
- Proctotomy
- Pyloromyotomy
- Radical electrocoagulation of rectal lesion or tissue
- Ramstedt's pyloromyotomy
- Reimplantation of pancreatic tissue
- Repair of anal sphincter
- Repair of perirectal fistula
- Replacement of biliary catheter via percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, left
- Replacement of biliary catheter via percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, right
- Revision of colostomy, simple
- Revision of ileostomy, simple
- Robotic assisted repair of left inguinal hernia
- Robotic assisted repair of right inguinal hernia
- Thoracoscopic truncal vagotomy
- Transjugular liver biopsy
- Trocar cholecystostomy
- Unilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia
- Unilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Unilateral repair of femoral hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Unilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia
- Unilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Unilateral repair of inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Ablation of pelvic endometriosis
- Anastomosis of jejunum to colon
- Anastomosis of small intestine to rectal stump
- Bilateral indirect inguinal herniorrhaphy
- Bilateral inguinal hernia repair with graft or prosthesis
- Bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy
- Bilateral inguinal herniotomy
- Bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia
- Bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Bilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect
- Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect, with graft or prosthesis
- Cholecystectomy
- Cholecystostomy
- Cholecystotomy
- Closure of cholecystostomy
- Closure of colostomy
- Closure of ileostomy
- Closure of intestinal stoma
- Closure of jejunostomy
- Closure of stoma of small intestine
- Colotomy & polypectomy
- Controlled duodenostomy
- Creation of peritoneovenous shunt
- Cryoprobe ablation of liver lesion, percutaneous
- Debulking of intraabdominal tumour, simple
- Delayed closure of granulating abdominal wound
- Destruction of lesion of small intestine, except duodenum
- Destruction of lesion or tissue of oesophagus, cervical approach
- Dilation of pylorus by incision
- Diverticulectomy, colon
- Drainage of pancreatic cyst by catheter, open approach
- Duodeno-jejunostomy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection in colon via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection in duodenum via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection in oesophagus via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection in rectum via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection in stomach via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection of colon via sigmoidoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection of rectum via sigmoidoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection of small intestine via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic full thickness resection of small intestine via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in colon via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in colon via sigmoidoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in duodenum via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in oesophagus via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in rectum via colonoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in rectum via sigmoidoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection in stomach via oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection of small intestine
- Enterostomy
- Enterotomy
- Excision of anus
- Excision of duplication cyst of small intestine except duodenum
- Excision of lesion in rectum by transanal minimal invasive surgery
- Excision of oesophageal lesion
- Excision of pelvic endometriosis
- Excision of rectum by transanal endoscopic microsurgical approach
- Excision of retroperitoneal lesion
- Exploratory laparotomy
- Extravascular ablation by injection to liver
- Gastropexy
- Gastrotomy
- Gastrotomy & polypectomy
- Gracilis muscle transplant for anal incontinence
- High intensity focused ultrasound ablation to liver, percutaneous
- Ileo-ileostomy
- Ileo-transverse bypass
- Incision of duodenum
- Incision of intestine
- Incision of large intestine
- Incisional hernia repair with prosthesis
- Insertion of choledochohepatic tube for decompression
- Irreversible electroporation ablation of liver lesion, percutaneous approach
- Jejunocolonic bypass
- Jejunojejunostomy
- Laparoscopic ablation of pelvic endometriosis
- Laparoscopic bilateral indirect inguinal herniorrhaphy
- Laparoscopic bilateral inguinal hernia repair with graft or prosthesis
- Laparoscopic bilateral inguinal hernioplasty, total extraperitoneal approach
- Laparoscopic bilateral inguinal hernioplasty, transabdominal pre-peritoneal approach
- Laparoscopic bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia
- Laparoscopic bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Laparoscopic bilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Laparoscopic bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect
- Laparoscopic bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect, with graft or prosthesis
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic destruction of large intestinal lesion
- Laparoscopic destruction of lesion of small intestine, except duodenum
- Laparoscopic duodenojejunal bypass
- Laparoscopic excision of pelvic endometriosis
- Laparoscopic gastropexy
- Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, bilateral inguinal
- Laparoscopic highly selective vagotomy
- Laparoscopic lysis of peritoneal adhesion
- Laparoscopic omentectomy
- Laparoscopic omentectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic partial cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic repair of lumbar hernia
- Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia
- Laparoscopic simple debulking of intraabdominal tumour
- Laparoscopic simple debulking of intraabdominal tumour, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic wedge resection of liver
- Laparotomy
- Laparotomy & decompression of intestine
- Laparotomy & enterotomy of small intestine
- Laparotomy & omental biopsy
- Laparotomy & peritoneal biopsy
- Laparotomy and biopsy of pancreas
- Large-to-large intestinal anastomosis
- Local excision of lesion of duodenum
- Local excision of lesion of rectum
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of small intestine, except duodenum
- Local excision or destruction of large intestinal lesion
- Meckel's diverticulectomy in small intestine
- Microwave ablation of liver lesion, percutaneous
- Mucosectomy of rectum
- Omentectomy
- Open biopsy of gallbladder or bile ducts
- Open biopsy of large intestine
- Open biopsy of liver
- Open biopsy of pancreas
- Open biopsy of small intestine
- Open biopsy of stomach
- Partial cholecystectomy
- Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
- Proctopexy
- Pyloroplasty
- Radiofrequency ablation of liver lesion, percutaneous
- Reduction of intestinal volvulus
- Reduction of intussusception, operative
- Removal of abdominal translocated intrauterine contraceptive device
- Removal of foreign body from peritoneal cavity
- Removal of pelvic translocated intrauterine contraceptive device
- Reopening of recent laparotomy site
- Repair of abdominal wall
- Repair of exomphalos
- Repair of hernia of anterior abdominal wall
- Repair of hernia of anterior abdominal wall with prosthesis
- Repair of incisional hernia
- Repair of lumbar hernia by open approach
- Repair of mesentery
- Repair of oesophagus, cervical approach
- Repair of recurrent left inguinal hernia
- Repair of recurrent right inguinal hernia
- Resection of exteriorised segment of large intestine
- Resection of exteriorised segment of small intestine
- Resuturing of post-operative abdominal wound
- Robot assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct
- Robot assisted laparoscopic partial cholecystectomy
- Robotic assisted laparoscopic wedge resection of liver
- Robotic assisted repair of bilateral inguinal hernia
- Robotic assisted repair of incisional hernia
- Robotic assisted repair of ventral hernia
- Second look laparotomy
- Secondary suturing of abdominal wound
- Serial transverse enteroplasty
- Small bowel resection & exteriorisation
- Small to large intestinal anastomosis
- Small to small intestinal anastomosis
- Suture of peritoneum
- Thermal ablation to liver, percutaneous
- Transanal excision of lesion of rectum
- T-tube insertion for decompression
- Ulcerectomy of stomach
- Vagotomy
- Wedge excision, colon
- Wedge resection of liver
- Abdominal proctopexy
- Alcohol injection into liver, laparoscopic
- Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy
- Bilateral femoral herniorrhaphy
- Bilateral repair of femoral hernia with graft or prosthesis
- Biliary endoprosthesis insertion via percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, left
- Biliary endoprosthesis insertion via percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, right
- Bypass - pancreatico-jejunostomy
- Caecopexy
- Cervical oesophagostomy
- Cholecystectomy & choledocholithotomy
- Cholecystectomy & choledochotomy
- Cholecystojejunostomy anastomosis
- Closure of oesophagostomy, cervical approach
- Cryoprobe ablation of liver lesion, laparoscopic
- Delorme operation for repair of prolapsed rectum
- Destruction of lesion or tissue of oesophagus, thoracic/abdominal approach
- Destruction of lesion or tissue of stomach
- Division of adhesion in intestine
- Drainage of liver abscess, open approach
- Drainage of retroperitoneal abscess, open
- Enterocolectomy
- Excision of ampulla of Vater with reimplantation of common duct
- Excision of choledochal cyst
- Excision of lesion or tissue of large intestine
- Excision of rectal stump
- Exteriorisation of oesophageal pouch
- Exteriorisation of small intestine
- External fistulisation of oesophagus, cervical approach
- Fixation of intestine
- Fixation of large intestine
- Fixation of large intestine to abdominal wall
- Fixation of small intestine
- Gastroenterostomy without gastrectomy
- Gastro-jejunostomy
- Gastrostomy with construction of gastric tube
- Gastrotomy & haemostasis
- Gastrotomy & plication of bleeder
- Hepatotomy, open approach
- Highly selective vagotomy
- Ileostomy
- Incision and drainage of extraperitoneal abscess
- Injection of therapeutic substance into liver, laparoscopic
- Internal drainage of pancreatic cyst
- Intra-arterial injection of radioactive therapeutic substance into liver
- Irreversible electroporation ablation of liver lesion, laparoscopic approach
- Jejunostomy, open approach
- Laparoscopic bilateral femoral herniorrhaphy
- Laparoscopic bypass - gastrojejunostomy
- Laparoscopic excision of cyst of liver
- Laparoscopic fundoplication
- Laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy - anastomosis
- Laparoscopic intragastric resection of lesion of stomach
- Laparoscopic liver cyst marsupialisation
- Laparoscopic patch repair, duodenal ulcer
- Laparoscopic patch repair, gastric ulcer
- Laparoscopic plication of greater curve of stomach
- Laparoscopic rectopexy
- Laparoscopic repair of hiatal hernia
- Laparoscopic resection of small intestine
- Laparoscopic sub-segmentectomy of liver
- Laparoscopic suturing of large intestine
- Laparoscopic wedge resection of lesion of stomach
- Laparotomy and drainage
- Local excision of lesion of pancreas
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of stomach
- Local excision of oesophageal diverticulum
- Loop ileostomy
- Lysis of peritoneal adhesions
- Marsupialisation of liver cyst
- Marsupialisation of liver lesion
- Marsupialisation of pancreatic cyst
- Massive small bowel resection
- Microwave ablation of liver lesion, laparoscopic
- Multiple segmental resection of small intestine
- Pancreatic cysto-gastrostomy
- Pancreatic cysto-jejunostomy
- Pancreatic sphincterotomy
- Partial resection of small intestine using robotic assistance
- Patch repair of duodenal ulcer
- Patch repair, gastric ulcer
- Permanent gastrostomy
- Permanent ileostomy
- Per-oral endoscopic oesophageal myotomy
- Plication of bleeder, gastric ulcer
- Plication of bleeding duodenal ulcer
- Plication of diaphragm
- Radiofrequency ablation of liver lesion, laparoscopic
- Repair of diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal approach
- Repair of diaphragmatic hernia, thoracoabdominal approach
- Repair of laceration of gallbladder
- Repair of oesophageal fistula, cervical approach
- Repair of pancreas
- Repair of parasternal hernia
- Repair of parastomal hernia
- Repair of parastomal hernia, ileal conduit
- Repair of perforation, small bowel
- Repair of pericolostomy hernia
- Repair of small bowel
- Resection of caecum and terminal ileum
- Revision of colostomy, complex
- Revision of ileostomy, complex
- Robotic assisted gastrojejunostomy
- Robotic diverticulectomy of oesophagus with myotomy by transaxillary approach
- Robotic rectopexy
- Segmental duodenectomy
- Selective vagotomy
- Small bowel resection, partial
- Staging laparoscopic surgery for gynaecological malignancy
- Staging laparotomy
- Sub-segmentectomy of liver
- Suture of duodenal ulcer site
- Suture of gastric ulcer site
- Suture of laceration of duodenum
- Suture of laceration of large intestine
- Suture of laceration of oesophagus, cervical approach
- Suture of laceration of rectum
- Suture of laceration of small intestine, except duodenum
- Suture of laceration of stomach
- Suturing of large intestine
- Temporary ileostomy
- Transcatheter embolisation for gastric or duodenal bleeding
- Transduodenal sphincteroplasty, biliary
- Transgastric plication of oesophageal varices
- Transposition of anus
- Truncal vagotomy
- Vagotomy & gastro-jejunostomy
- Vagotomy and pyloroplasty
- Alcohol injection into liver, open approach
- Anastomosis of pancreas
- Anorecto-plasty, posterior sagittal
- Anterior resection of rectum
- Billroth I gastrectomy
- Caecectomy
- Cervical oesophagogastrostomy using retrosternal route
- Choledocholithotomy
- Cholelithotomy
- Closure of fistula of duodenum
- Closure of fistula of large intestine
- Closure of fistula of small intestine, except duodenum
- Closure of laceration of liver
- Closure of oesophagostomy, transabdominal / transthoracic approach
- Colostomy - permanent
- Colostomy - temporary
- Common bile duct exploration for removal of calculus
- Cryoprobe ablation of liver lesion, open approach
- Distal gastrectomy
- Distal pancreatectomy
- Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty
- Excision of cystic duct remnant
- Exploration of common bile duct
- Exploratory laparotomy and colostomy
- Extended hemicolectomy, left
- Exteriorisation of large intestine
- Fundoplication
- Fundoplication, Nissen's
- Fundoplication, Thal's
- Heller's operation
- Hemicolectomy, right exteriorisation
- Incision and exploration of common bile duct for relief of obstruction
- Incision of bile ducts for relief of obstruction
- Incision of oesophagus, thoracic approach
- Incision of peritoneum
- Injection of therapeutic substance into liver, open approach
- Intrathoracic oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of colon
- Intrathoracic oesophagoenterostomy
- Irreversible electroporation ablation of liver lesion, open approach
- Ladd's procedure
- Laparoscopic anorectoplasty
- Laparoscopic anterior resection of rectum
- Laparoscopic anterior resection of rectum, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic caecectomy
- Laparoscopic distal gastrectomy
- Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy
- Laparoscopic distal radical gastrectomy
- Laparoscopic duodenal switch
- Laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct
- Laparoscopic extended left hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic extended right hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic gastric banding
- Laparoscopic hand assisted extended left hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic hand assisted extended right hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic hand assisted left hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic hand assisted right hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic Heller's operation
- Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy
- Laparoscopic total colectomy
- Laparoscopic total colectomy with ileostomy
- Laparoscopic total colectomy with loop ileostomy
- Laser lithotripsy of biliary stone, open approach
- Left hemicolectomy
- Loop colostomy
- Microwave ablation of liver lesion, open approach
- Multiple segmental resection of large intestine
- Oesophago-gastric bypass
- Oesophago-gastric double bypass
- Oesophagogastroplasty
- Oesophagojejunal bypass
- Oesophagojejunostomy
- Oesophagomyotomy
- Pancreatic sphincteroplasty
- Partial colectomy & exteriorization
- Partial colectomy with anastomosis
- Partial gastrectomy
- Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to duodenum
- Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to jejunum
- Partial gastrectomy with jejunal transposition
- Partial gastrectomy with jejunal transposition with synchronous intestinal resection
- Permanent magnetic colostomy
- Polya gastrectomy
- Polya gastrectomy, palliative
- Procedure for creation of oesophagogastric sphincteric competence
- Puestow-Gillesby procedure
- Radiofrequency ablation of liver lesion, open approach
- Repair of abdominal wall with silo
- Repair of oesophageal fistula, transabdominal / transthoracic approach
- Resection of transverse colon
- Resection rectopexy
- Revision of anastomosis of large intestine
- Revision of anastomosis of small intestine
- Right hemicolectomy
- Right hemicolectomy, extended
- Robot assisted exploration of common bile duct
- Robot assisted laparoscopic radical subtotal gastrectomy
- Robot assisted subtotal gastrectomy
- Robotic assisted distal pancreatectomy
- Robotic assisted distal radical gastrectomy
- Robotic assisted right hemicolectomy
- Sigmoid colectomy exteriorisation
- Sigmoid colostomy
- Sigmoidectomy
- Simple suture of common bile duct
- Transection of oesophagus
- Transgastric plication of gastric varices
- Transverse colectomy and exteriorisation
- Transverse colostomy
- Vagotomy & patch repair, gastric
- Vagotomy & plication of bleeder
- Abdominoperineal resection of rectum
- Bile duct anastomosis
- Bisegmentectomy of liver
- Bypass - antesternal oesophagoenterostomy
- Bypass - antesternal oesophagogastrostomy
- Bypass - cervical oesophageal anastomosis, retrosternal tunnel formation using stomach
- Bypass - choledocho-duodenostomy
- Bypass - retrosternal formation of reversed gastric tube
- Central bisegmentectomy of liver
- Central pancreatectomy
- Central segmentectomy of liver
- Choledocho-duodenostomy - anastomosis
- Choledochoenterostomy
- Choledochogastro-jejunojejunostomy
- Choledocho-jejunostomy
- Choledochoplasty
- Closure of colostomy after Hartmann's operation
- Closure of fistula in stomach
- Complete segmentectomy of segment 1 of liver
- Debulking of intraabdominal tumour, extensive
- Devascularisation of stomach
- Distal radical gastrectomy
- Drainage of intraperitoneal abscess, open
- Duhamel operation
- Duhamel resection of rectum
- Excision of extrahepatic bile duct
- Excision of extrahepatic common bile duct
- Gastric bypass
- Hartmann's operation
- Hemicolectomy, left exteriorisation
- Hepatico-jejunostomy - anastomosis
- Herniorrhaphy and small bowel resection
- High gastric bypass
- Intrahepatic cholangio-jejunostomy
- Kasai operation
- Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection of rectum
- Laparoscopic abdomino-perineal resection of rectum, robotic assisted
- Laparoscopic bisegmentectomy of liver
- Laparoscopic central bisegmentectomy of liver
- Laparoscopic complete segmentectomy of segment 1 of liver
- Laparoscopic extensive debulking of intraabdominal tumour
- Laparoscopic extensive debulking of intraabdominal tumour, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic gastric bypass
- Laparoscopic lateral sectionectomy of liver, left
- Laparoscopic lateral segmentectomy of liver, left
- Laparoscopic left hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum
- Laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum with robot assisted
- Laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum with total mesorectal excision
- Laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum with total mesorectal excision, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy
- Laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann's operation
- Laparoscopic right anterior sectionectomy of liver
- Laparoscopic right posterior sectionectomy of liver
- Laparoscopic segmentectomy of liver
- Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
- Laparoscopic subtotal colectomy
- Laparoscopic total colectomy with ileo-rectal anastomosis
- Lateral sectionectomy of liver, left
- Lateral segmentectomy of liver, left
- Left hepatico-jejunostomy - bypass
- Low anterior resection of rectum
- Pancreatic necrosectomy
- Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to oesophagus
- Partial hepatectomy involving segments 7 and/or 8
- Posterior resection of rectum
- Proximal gastrectomy
- Proximal radical gastrectomy
- Pull-through resection of rectum
- Radical subtotal pancreatectomy
- Rectorectostomy
- Repair of bile duct, except common
- Repair of liver
- Repair of oesophageal stricture
- Repair of oesophagus, thoracic approach
- Revision gastrectomy
- Revision of anastomosis of biliary tract
- Revision of gastric anastomosis
- Right anterior sectionectomy of liver
- Right hepatico-jejunostomy - bypass
- Right posterior sectionectomy of liver
- Robot assisted anastomosis of hepatic duct to jejunum
- Robot assisted laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy
- Robotic assisted central pancreatectomy
- Robotic assisted laparoscopic segmentectomy of liver
- Robotic-assisted laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy
- Segment III duct bypass
- Segmentectomy of liver
- Soave endorectal pull-through
- Subtotal colectomy
- Suture laceration of oesophagus, transabdominal / transthoracic approach
- Total colectomy with ileostomy
- Total colectomy with loop ileostomy
- Total mesorectal excision
- Total pancreatectomy
- Transsacral rectosigmoidectomy
- Allotransplantation of cells of islets of Langerhans
- Anterior resection of rectum and total mesorectal excision with synchronous colostomy
- Anterior resection of rectum with synchronous colostomy
- Bypass - antesternal oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of colon
- Bypass - antesternal oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of small intestine
- Bypass - cervical oesophageal anastomosis, retrosternal tunnel formation using colon
- Cervical oesophageal anastomosis, retrosternal tunnel formation for intestinal conduit (small intestine)
- Excision of intrahepatic bile duct
- Excision of intrahepatic common bile duct
- Heterotransplant of pancreas
- Homotransplant of pancreas
- Intrathoracic oesophagooesophagostomy
- Laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum with synchronous colostomy
- Laparoscopic oesophagectomy with gastric mobilisation
- Laparoscopic proctocolectomy
- Laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy
- Laparoscopic total radical gastrectomy
- Laparoscopic transanal total mesorectal excision
- Low anterior resection of rectum with synchronous colostomy
- Lysis of adhesion & small bowel resection
- Oesophagectomy with gastric or colonic mobilisation as part of pharyngo-laryngo-oesophagectomy
- Oesophagectomy without reconstruction and with cervical oesophagostomy
- Oesophago-gastrectomy
- Pancreatic transplant
- Proctocolectomy
- Pull through operation
- Radical gastrectomy
- Restorative proctocolectomy
- Robotic assisted total gastrectomy
- Total gastrectomy
- Total gastrectomy with intestinal interposition
- Transanal total mesorectal excision
- Transplantation of cells of islets of Langerhans
- Antesternal oesophageal anastomosis with interposition
- Extended left hepatectomy
- Extended right hepatectomy
- Free jejunal graft
- Hepatectomy, left
- Hepatectomy, right
- Intrathoracic oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of small bowel
- Laparoscopic extended left hepatectomy
- Laparoscopic extended right hepatectomy
- Laparoscopic hepatectomy, left
- Laparoscopic hepatectomy, right
- Laparoscopic trisectionectomy of liver, left
- Laparoscopic trisectionectomy of liver, right
- Laparoscopic Whipple operation
- Live donor hepatectomy
- Oesophagectomy by transabdominal and transthoracic approach with intestinal interposition
- Oesophagectomy by transabdominal, transthoracic and neck incision with intestinal interposition
- Oesophagectomy, transabdominal + transthoracic
- Oesophagectomy, transabdominal and transthoracic with neck incision
- Oesophagectomy, transhiatal
- Oesophagectomy, transhiatal with intestinal interposition
- Oesophagectomy, video-assisted thoracoscopy
- Organ harvesting - removal of liver from cadaver
- Proximal pancreatectomy
- Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy
- Repair of diaphragmatic hernia in neonate, thoracoabdominal approach
- Repair of gastroschisis
- Retroperitoneal packing for fracture pelvis
- Robotic assisted whipple operation
- Thoracoscopic repair of diaphragmatic hernia in neonate
- Transplant of liver
- Trisectionectomy of liver, left
- Trisectionectomy of liver, right
- Whipple operation
- Adjustment of urethral catheter
- Biopsy of urethra
- Closed biopsy of bladder
- Closed renal biopsy
- Cystoscopy
- Cystoscopy and retrograde catheterisation of left ureter
- Cystoscopy and retrograde catheterisation of right ureter
- Cystoscopy and retrograde catheterisation of ureter, bilateral
- Cystoscopy with bladder biopsy
- Cystoscopy, flexible
- Dilation of urethra
- Flexible cystoscopy with biopsy
- Injection of therapeutic substance into kidney
- Insertion of catheter into urinary bladder
- Insertion of double-J catheter, attempted
- Insertion of double-J stent in grafted ureter
- Insertion of double-J stent into left ureter
- Insertion of double-J stent into right ureter
- Insertion of indwelling urinary catheter
- Insertion of metallic stent into left ureter
- Insertion of metallic stent into right ureter
- Insertion of polymeric double-J stent into left ureter
- Insertion of polymeric double-J stent into right ureter
- Needle puncture of urinary bladder
- Panendoscopy & bouginage of bladder neck
- Panendoscopy with biopsy, urinary bladder
- Panendoscopy, urinary bladder
- Percutaneous aspiration of bladder
- Percutaneous aspiration of kidney pelvis
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of urethra with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of urinary bladder with imaging guidance
- Perineal urethroscopy
- Replacement of cystostomy tube
- Replacement of indwelling urinary catheter
- Replacement of nephrostomy tube
- Replacement of pyelostomy tube
- Replacement of ureterostomy tube
- Replacement of urethral catheter
- Transurethral cystoscopic bladder clearance for removal of blood clot
- Ureteral catheterisation
- Urethral bouginage
- Urethral meatotomy
- Urethroscopy
- Biopsy of periurethral tissue
- Conduitoscopy & on-table conduitography
- Cystoscopy - transurethral bladder clearance for removal of foreign body
- Cystoscopy - transurethral bladder clearance for removal of stone
- Cystoscopy through artificial stoma
- Cystoscopy with injection of therapeutic substance at vesicoureteral junction
- Endoscopic destruction of tissue of urethra
- Endoscopy of ileal conduit
- Excision of urethral orifice growth
- Injection of paraurethral bulk
- Local excision of lesion of urethra
- Optical urethrotomy, external
- Percutaneous cystostomy
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of kidney with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pelvic cavity with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of retroperitoneum with imaging guidance
- Release of urethral stricture
- Removal of urethral stone
- Replacement of metallic stent in left ureter with imaging guidance
- Replacement of metallic stent in right ureter with imaging guidance
- Replacement of ureter catheter with imaging guidance, left
- Replacement of ureter catheter with imaging guidance, right
- Suprapubic catheterisation
- Transurethral clearance of bladder
- Ureteral meatotomy
- Urethrotomy
- Urethrotomy, attempted
- Balloon dilatation of ureteric stricture, ureteroscopic
- Balloon dilatation of urethral stricture
- Closed endoscopic biopsy of ureter
- Closure of urethro-vaginal fistula
- Cystolitholapaxy
- Cystolithotripsy
- Dilation of ureteral meatus
- Endoscopic laser ablation of ureteric stricture
- Endoscopic laser ablation of ureteric tumour
- Endoscopic laser ureterotomy
- Endoscopic resection of ureteric tumour
- Excision of periurethral tissue
- Flexible ureterorenoscopy
- Implantation of electronic bladder stimulator
- Incision of perivesical tissue
- Incision of ureterocoele, endoscopic
- Insertion of stent with imaging guidance into left ureter
- Insertion of stent with imaging guidance into right ureter
- Insertion of urethral stent
- Internal laser urethrotomy
- Internal urethrotomy
- Internal urethrotomy, optical
- Internal urethrotomy, otis
- Laser ablation and division of urethral stricture
- Lysis of intraluminal adhesion of ureter, endoscopic
- Removal of electronic bladder stimulator
- Replacement of electronic stimulator in urinary bladder
- Sphincterotomy of bladder
- Transurethral removal of obstruction from ureter and renal pelvis
- Transurethral resection of ureterocele
- Ultrasonic fragmentation of urinary stones
- Ureteroscopic dilatation of ureteric stricture
- Ureteroscopy and electrohydraulic lithotripsy
- Ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy
- Ureteroscopy and lithoclast lithotripsy
- Ureteroscopy and lithotripsy of ureter
- Ureteroscopy and ultrasonic lithotripsy
- Ureteroscopy, left
- Ureteroscopy, right
- Urethral meatoplasty
- Closure of cystostomy
- Closure of urethrostomy
- Cystoscopy and electro-cauterisation
- Cystotomy
- Dilation of bladder neck
- Excision or marsupialisation of urethral diverticulum
- Incision of periurethral tissue
- Laser ablation of bladder tumour
- Open cystolithotomy
- Removal of bladder stone
- Revision of cutaneous uretero-ileostomy
- Revision of cutaneous ureterostomy
- Revision of ileal conduit
- Revision of vesicostomy
- Suprapubic cystostomy
- Suprapubic lithotomy
- Suture of laceration of urethra
- Transurethral bladder neck incision
- Transurethral bladder neck incision, laser
- Ureteroscopy, bilateral
- Urethral valve, destruction of, including cystoscopy and urethroscopy
- Acucise pyelotomy
- Closure of uretero-vaginal fistula
- Control of postoperative haemorrhage of urinary bladder
- Cryoablation to kidney, percutaneous
- Cystoscopy with laser haemostasis
- Excision of urachus
- Hypospadias, repair of post operative urethral fistula
- Insertion of urethral catheter using guide wire
- Levator muscle operation for urethrovesical suspension
- Nephroscopy
- Open biopsy of kidney
- Open excision of urinary bladder lesion
- Paraurethral suspension
- Percutaneous drainage of kidney with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous endopyelolysis
- Percutaneous endopyelotomy
- Pyeloscopy
- Radiofrequency ablation to kidney, percutaneous
- Removal of artificial urinary bladder sphincter
- Repair of fistula of bladder
- Repair of hypospadias or epispadias
- Repair of urethral fistula
- Repair of urinary bladder
- Repair of urinary stress incontinence
- Repair of vesicovaginal fistula
- Resection of stricture, urethra
- Retropubic urethral suspension
- Suprapubic cystotomy & rail-roading
- Suprapubic sling operation
- Suture of laceration of ureter
- Suture of laceration of ureter, laparoscopic
- Suture of laceration of ureter, retroperitoneoscopic
- Suture of laceration of urinary bladder
- Tension-free vaginal tape implantation
- Thermal ablation to kidney, percutaneous
- Transurethral destruction of urinary bladder lesion
- Transurethral en bloc resection of bladder tumour
- Transurethral resection of bladder tumour
- Transurethral resection of urinary bladder
- Transvaginal needle suspension
- Transvaginal tension free vaginal tape-obturator implantation
- Ureteroscopic pyelotomy
- Augmentation cystoplasty
- Close ureter fistula, laparoscopic
- Close ureter fistula, retroperitoneoscopic
- Closure of fistula of ureter
- Closure of urethro-rectal fistula
- Cystourethroplasty and plastic repair of bladder neck
- Decapsulation of kidney
- Decortication of renal cysts
- Decortication of renal cysts, laparoscopic
- Decortication of renal cysts, retroperitoneoscopic
- Diverticulectomy in urinary bladder, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Diverticulectomy of urinary bladder, laparoscopic
- Diverticulectomy, bladder
- Excision of perirenal or perivesical tissue
- Formation of cutaneous ureterostomy
- Formation of cutaneous ureterostomy, laparoscopic
- Implantation of artificial urinary sphincter
- Laparoscopic lysis of perirenal adhesions
- Laparoscopic lysis of periureteral adhesions
- Laparoscopic lysis of perivesical adhesions
- Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy
- Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation for cancer of kidney
- Local destruction or excision of renal lesion or tissue
- Lysis of perirenal or periureteral adhesion, retroperitoneoscopic
- Lysis of perivesical adhesions
- Marsupialisation of kidney lesion
- Nephrectomy of remaining kidney
- Nephropexy
- Nephropexy, laparoscopic
- Nephrostomy
- Nephrostomy, left
- Nephrostomy, right
- Nephrotomy
- Partial ureterectomy
- Partial ureterectomy, open
- Percutaneous nephrostomy lithotripsy, left
- Percutaneous nephrostomy lithotripsy, right
- Percutaneous nephrostomy with fragmentation
- Percutaneous nephrostomy without fragmentation
- Percutaneous nephrostomy, left
- Percutaneous nephrostomy, right
- Perineal urethrostomy, creation
- Pyelolithotomy, left
- Pyelolithotomy, right
- Pyelostomy
- Pyelotomy
- Reanastomosis of urethra
- Reconstruction of urethra
- Reconstruction of urethra by Duckett method
- Removal of ligature from ureter
- Removal of rejected transplanted kidney
- Repair of hypospadias by meatal advancement and glanuloplasty incorporated technique
- Repair of hypospadias, stage I
- Repair of hypospadias, stage II
- Repair of ureter
- Repair of ureter, laparoscopic
- Repair of ureter, left
- Repair of ureter, retroperitoneoscopic
- Repair of ureter, right
- Resection of ureteric stricture, laparoscopic
- Resection of ureteric stricture, open
- Resection of ureteric stricture, retroperitoneoscopic
- Retrograde intrarenal surgery for renal stone
- Robotic-assisted stripping of kidney
- Total nephrectomy, unilateral
- Ureterectomy
- Ureterolithotomy, laparoscopic
- Ureterolithotomy, left
- Ureterolithotomy, open
- Ureterolithotomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Ureterolithotomy, right
- Ureteroplasty, reduction
- Ureterotomy
- Ureterotomy, laparoscopic
- Ureterotomy, open
- Ureterotomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Urethrectomy
- Urethroplasty
- Urinary diversion to intestine
- Anastomosis of kidney
- Boari flap
- Boari flap, laparoscopic
- Colonic conduit urinary diversion
- Complete nephrectomy of remaining kidney, laparoscopic
- Complete nephrectomy of remaining kidney, retroperitoneoscopic
- Correction of ureteropelvic junction
- Ileal interposition of ureter
- Ileal interposition of ureter, laparoscopic
- Incision of perirenal or periureteral tissue
- Laparoscopic psoas hitch with robot assistance
- Laparoscopic ureteroplasty with oral mucosa graft using robotic assistance
- Live donor nephrectomy
- Lysis of intraluminal adhesion of ureter, laparoscopic
- Lysis of intraluminal adhesion of ureter, retroperitoneoscopic
- Lysis of intraluminal adhesions of ureter
- Lysis of perirenal adhesions
- Lysis of periureteral adhesions
- Mitrofanoff appendicovesicostomy
- Nephrolithotomy, left
- Nephrolithotomy, right
- Nephropexy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Open transureteroureterostomy
- Organ harvesting - removal of kidney from cadaver
- Partial cystectomy of urinary bladder
- Partial cystectomy, laparoscopic
- Partial ureterectomy, laparoscopic
- Partial ureterectomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Psoas hitch
- Psoas hitch, laparoscopic
- Pyeloplasty, laparoscopic
- Pyeloplasty, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Pyeloplasty, left
- Pyeloplasty, retroperitoneoscopic
- Pyeloplasty, right
- Radical nephrectomy
- Radical nephrectomy with caval tumour thrombectomy
- Radical nephrectomy, laparoscopic
- Radical nephrectomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Radical nephrectomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Radiofrequency ablation for cancer of kidney by open approach
- Reconstruction of urethra with buccal mucosal graft
- Reimplantation of ureter into bladder
- Reimplantation of ureter, laparoscopic
- Reimplantation of ureter, left
- Reimplantation of ureter, open
- Reimplantation of ureter, right
- Repair of enterovesicovaginal fistula
- Repair of fistula involving bladder and intestine
- Repair of hypospadias / epispadias - urethroplasty, glanular flap
- Repair of hypospadias / epispadias - urethroplasty, Mathieu
- Repair of hypospadias / epispadias - urethroplasty, onlay patch
- Repair of hypospadias / epispadias - urethroplasty, onlay patch double-faced
- Repair of kidney
- Repair of urethral fistula with buccal mucosal graft
- Repair of urethral fistula with preputial flap
- Revision Mitroffanov appendicovesicostomy
- Snodgrass urethroplasty
- Suture of laceration of kidney
- Symphysiotomy for horseshoe kidney
- Total nephrectomy, laparoscopic
- Total nephrectomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Total ureterectomy
- Total ureterectomy, laparoscopic
- Total ureterectomy, open
- Total ureterectomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Transureteroureterostomy
- Transureteroureterostomy, laparoscopic
- Uretero-calycostomy
- Ureterolysis
- Ureterolysis with repositioning of ureter for retroperitoneal fibrosis
- Ureteroneocystostomy
- Uretero-ureterostomy, laparoscopic
- Uretero-ureterostomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Uretero-ureterostomy, left
- Uretero-ureterostomy, right
- Anastomosis of bladder
- Formation of cutaneous uretero-ileostomy
- Formation of cutaneous uretero-ileostomy, laparoscopic
- Ileal conduit urinary diversion
- Ileal conduit, laparoscopic
- Laparoscopic nephropyelolithotomy
- Left nephroureterectomy
- Live donor nephrectomy, laparoscopic
- Lower pole nephrectomy, left
- Lower pole nephrectomy, right
- Nephrectomy partial, left
- Nephrectomy partial, right
- Nephroureterectomy, laparoscopic
- Nephroureterectomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Orthotopic cystoplasty
- Partial nephrectomy, laparoscopic
- Partial nephrectomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Partial nephrectomy, retroperitoneoscopic
- Radical cystectomy
- Radical cystectomy, laparoscopic
- Radical cystectomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Reconstruction of urinary bladder
- Renal autotransplantation
- Right nephroureterectomy
- Substitution cystoplasty
- Total cystectomy
- Total cystectomy, laparoscopic
- Upper pole nephrectomy, left
- Upper pole nephrectomy, right
- Bilateral nephrectomy
- Bilateral nephrectomy, laparoscopic
- Closure of ureterostomy
- Continent pouch urinary diversion
- Cystourethrectomy
- Cystourethrectomy & ileal conduit
- Percutaneous nephrostomy, bilateral
- Repair of bladder exstrophy
- Self-catheterisable continent pouch urinary diversion
- Total cystectomy & ileal conduit
- Total cystectomy with urethrectomy
- Urinary undiversion
- Pelvic exenteration - male
- Radical cystectomy and orthotopic bladder reconstruction, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Total cystectomy and cystoplasty
- Transplant of kidney
- Aspiration of spermatocele
- Aspiration of testis
- Biopsy of scrotum
- Biopsy of tunica vaginalis
- Closed biopsy of prostate
- Closed biopsy of seminal vesicles
- Closed biopsy of testis
- Cystoscopy and prostatic biopsy
- Debridement of penile abscess
- Division of penile adhesions
- Dorsal slit of prepuce
- Excision of lesion of scrotum
- Incision & drainage of penile abscess
- Injection into prostate
- Percutaneous aspiration of prostate
- Percutaneous aspiration of tunica vaginalis
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of scrotum with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of testis with imaging guidance
- Reduction of paraphimosis
- Suture of laceration of penis
- Suture of laceration of scrotum and tunica vaginalis
- Transrectal high intensity focused ultrasound of prostate
- Transurethral biopsy of prostate
- Biopsy of epididymis
- Biopsy of penile ulcer
- Biopsy of penis
- Biopsy of spermatic cord
- Biopsy of vas deferens
- Cauterisation of penile wart
- Circumcision
- Excision of lesion of penis
- Excision of lesion of tunica vaginalis
- Incision of testis
- Ligation of spermatic cord
- Ligation of vas deferens
- Open biopsy of testis
- Percutaneous aspiration of seminal vesicle
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of epididymis with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of penis with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of prostate with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of seminal vesicles with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of spermatic cord with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of vas deferens with imaging guidance
- Removal of ligature from vas deferens
- Suture of laceration of spermatic cord and epididymis
- Transperineal insertion of spacer into pre-rectal space using ultrasonographic guidance
- Transperineal ultrasound biopsy of prostate
- Transrectal ultrasound biopsy of prostate
- Vasectomy
- Cystoscopic insertion of prostatic stent
- Epididymectomy, left
- Epididymectomy, right
- Epididymotomy
- Excision of appendix testis
- Excision of cyst of epididymis
- Excision of epididymal mass
- Excision of hydrocoele of spermatic cord and varicocoele
- Excision of hydrocoele of tunica vaginalis
- Excision of hydrocoele sac
- Excision of lesion or tissue of spermatic cord
- Exploration of scrotum
- High ligation of hydrocoele
- High ligation of patent processus vaginalis
- High ligation of spermatic vein, laparoscopic
- Incision and drainage of scrotum and tunica vaginalis
- Incision of penis
- Incision of spermatic cord
- Insertion of testicular prosthesis
- Jaboulay operation for repair of hydrocoele
- Jaboulay operation, left
- Jaboulay operation, right
- Left simple orchidectomy
- Ligation of spermatic veins, inguinal
- Lord's operation, hydrocele
- Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound fusion-guided transperineal biopsy of prostate
- Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound fusion-guided transrectal biopsy of prostate
- Open biopsy of prostate
- Partial scrotectomy
- Reduction of torsion of spermatic cord
- Reduction of torsion of testis
- Repair of testis
- Right simple orchidectomy
- Suture of laceration of testis
- Transurethral resection of ejaculatory duct
- Vasotomy
- Bilateral simple orchidectomy
- Control of postoperative haemorrhage of prostate
- Destruction of lesion of testis
- Exploration for undescended testis, inguinal or scrotal
- Exploration of testis
- Incision of prostate
- Incision of seminal vesicle
- Insertion or replacement of non-inflatable penile prosthesis
- Jaboulay operation, bilateral
- Lord's operation for hydrocele, bilateral
- Microwave thermotherapy of prostate
- Orchidopexy, left
- Orchidopexy, right
- Penile vein ligation for erector disfunction
- Percutaneous drainage of prostate with imaging guidance
- Removal of internal prosthesis of penis
- Repair of scrotal fistula
- Repair of scrotum and tunica vaginalis
- Repair of spermatic cord and epididymis
- Repair of vas deferens and epididymis
- Suture of laceration of vas deferens and epididymis
- Transurethral incision of prostate
- Bipolar transurethral enucleation of prostate
- Bipolar transurethral resection of prostate
- Excision of seminal vesicle
- Exploration for undescended testis, laparoscopic
- Glansectomy
- High ligation of spermatic vein
- High ligation of spermatic vein, bilateral
- High ligation of spermatic vein, laparoscopic, bilateral
- Holmium laser enucleation of prostate
- Holmium laser resection prostatectomy
- Inguinal orchidectomy
- Insertion or replacement of inflatable penile prosthesis
- Interstitial laser coagulation of prostate
- Laser assisted prostatectomy
- Laser transurethral resection of prostate
- Ligation of spermatic veins, inguinal, bilateral
- Local excision of lesion of prostate
- Microscopic reconstruction of vas deferens
- Microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy
- Nesbit tuck
- Orchidectomy, laparoscopic
- Orchidopexy, laparoscopic
- Palomo's operation
- Palomo's operation, bilateral
- Partial amputation of penis
- Penile lesion excision with glans penis resurfacing using fullness thickness skin graft
- Penile lesion excision with glans penis resurfacing using partial thickness skin graft
- Priapism, decompression by glanular stab caverno-sospongiosum shunt or penile aspiration
- Prostatic urethral lift
- Reconstruction of surgically divided vas deferens
- Release of chordee
- Removal of remaining testis
- Repair of avulsion of penis
- Repair of buried penis
- Repair of laceration of cavernous tissue, or fracture involving cavernous tissue of penis
- Reversal of vasectomy
- Shunt operation for priapism
- Transperineal insertion of fiducial marker into prostate
- Transurethral electrical vaporisation of prostate
- Transurethral prostatectomy
- Transurethral radiofrequency needle ablation of prostate
- Transurethral ultrasound guided laser induced prostatectomy
- Transurethral water vapour thermal ablation of prostate
- Varicocelectomy
- Vasovasostomy, microsurgical
- Vasovasostomy, robot-assisted
- Visual laser assisted prostatectomy
- Epididymovasostomy
- Orchidopexy, bilateral
- Retropubic prostatectomy
- Robotic-assisted simple prostatectomy
- Suprapubic prostatectomy
- Total amputation of penis
- Ambiguous genitalia, reduction clitoroplasty
- Cryoablation of prostate
- Repair of prostate
- Perineal prostatectomy, radical
- Radical amputation of penis with bilateral lymphadenectomy
- Radical prostatectomy
- Radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic
- Radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance
- Replantation of penis
- Construction of penis
- Metoidioplasty
- Reconstruction of penis
- Artificial insemination
- Avulsion of cervical polyp
- Biopsy of cervix
- Biopsy of cul-de-sac
- Biopsy of endocervix
- Biopsy of vulva
- Cauterisation of wart in vagina
- Cauterisation of wart of uterine cervix
- Cervical cerclage of internal os during pregnancy
- Cervical polypectomy
- Cervical smear biopsy taken
- Change of intrauterine contraceptive device
- Colposcopy
- Culdocentesis
- Destruction of lesion of cervix by cauterisation
- Destruction of lesion of cervix by cryosurgery
- Destruction of lesion of cervix by laser
- Destruction of lesion of vagina by cauterisation
- Destruction of lesion of vagina by cryotherapy
- Destruction of lesion of vagina by laser
- Destruction of lesion of vulva by cauterization
- Destruction of lesion of vulva by cryotherapy
- Diagnostic procedure on cervix
- Dilation of cervical canal
- Endocervical brush
- Endocervical curettage
- Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of cervix
- Excisional biopsy of vulva
- Exploration of female genital tract
- Fresh embryo transfer to uterus
- Frozen-thawed embryo transfer to uterus
- Hymenotomy
- Incision and drainage of Bartholin's gland
- Incision and drainage of vulva and perineum
- Incision of Bartholin's cyst
- Incision of cervix
- Incision of vulva and perineum
- Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device
- Insertion of laminaria
- Insertion of levonorgestrel intrauterine system for non contraceptive purpose
- Insertion of therapeutic device into uterus
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of cervix
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of vulva and perineum
- Lysis of intraluminal adhesions of vagina
- Marsupialisation of uterine cervical cyst
- Percutaneous aspiration of Bartholin's gland (cyst)
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of vulva with imaging guidance
- Punch biopsy of cervix
- Removal of cerclage material from cervix
- Removal of penetrating foreign body from cervix
- Repair of vulva and perineum
- Sampling of cervix for Papanicolaou smear
- Sampling of endometrium
- Suture of laceration of vulva or perineum
- Vaginal biopsy
- Vaginal swab
- Vaginal vault smear
- Vaginoscopy
- Wedge biopsy of cervix
- Aspiration curettage of uterus
- Aspiration curettage of uterus by fine needle
- Biopsy of uterus
- Cauterisation of warts of vulva
- Cervical cerclage of internal os, non-obstetrical
- Conisation of cervix
- Culdotomy
- Curettage of uterus
- Destruction of lesion of vulva by laser
- Diagnostic dilatation & curettage with excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of cervix
- Diagnostic hysteroscopy
- Dilatation and curettage following miscarriage
- Dilation & curettage following delivery
- Dilation & curettage of uterus
- Dilation and curettage for termination of pregnancy
- Dilation of fallopian tube
- Drainage of pyometra
- Embryo transfer to uterus
- Endometrial aspirate
- Excision of vaginal lesion
- Gamete intrafallopian transfer
- Hydrotubation
- Hymenectomy
- Hymenorrhaphy
- Hysteroscopic biopsy of endometrium
- Hysteroscopic polypectomy
- Hysteroscopic proximal tubal cannulation, bilateral
- Hysteroscopic proximal tubal cannulation, left
- Hysteroscopic proximal tubal cannulation, right
- Insufflation of fallopian tube
- Insufflation of therapeutic agent into fallopian tubes
- Laparoscopic oocyte retrieval through aspiration of ovary
- Laser cone of cervix
- Loop electro-surgical excision procedure to cervix uteri
- Lysis of vulvar adhesions
- Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of fallopian tube with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of ovary with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of uterine cervix with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of uterus with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of vagina with imaging guidance
- Pronuclear stage tubal transfer
- Repair of cervix
- Repair of internal cervical os
- Second generation endometrial ablation of uterus
- Suction evacuation following abortion
- Suction evacuation following delivery
- Suction termination of pregnancy
- Transabdominal oocyte recovery
- Transvaginal oocyte recovery
- Vaginal stripping, vaginal cuff, excision or destruction of lesion of vagina
- Vaginotomy
- Wide local excision of lesion of vulva
- Amputation of cervix
- Aspiration biopsy of ovary
- Aspiration of fallopian tube
- Aspiration of ovary
- Bilateral destruction or occlusion of fallopian tubes
- Bilateral endoscopic destruction or occlusion of fallopian tubes
- Bilateral endoscopic ligation and division of fallopian tubes
- Bilateral ligation and crushing of fallopian tubes
- Bilateral ligation and division of fallopian tubes
- Bilateral oophorectomy at same operative episode
- Biopsy of fallopian tube
- Biopsy of ovary
- Burying of fimbriae in uterine wall
- Closure of fistula of female perineum
- Closure of fistula of vulva
- Colpoperineoplasty
- Culdoscopy
- Division of endometrial synechiae
- Electrodestruction of fallopian tube
- Endoscopic endometrial ablation
- Excision or destruction of Bartholin's gland (cyst)
- Fallopian tube recanalisation with salpingogram
- Hysteroscopic division of congenital uterine septum
- Hysteroscopic excision of congenital uterine septum
- Hysteroscopic lysis of uterine adhesion
- Hysteroscopy and excision or destruction of uterus and supporting structures
- Incision and drainage of ovarian cyst
- Interposition operation of uterine supporting structures
- Laparoscopic biopsy of ovary
- Laparoscopic chromotubation
- Laparoscopic coagulation / diathermy for bleeding ovarian cyst
- Laparoscopic diagnostic procedure of ovaries
- Laparoscopic drainage of female pelvic abscess
- Laparoscopic excision of fimbrial cyst in fallopian tube
- Laparoscopic incision and drainage for ovarian cyst conversion to laparotomy
- Laparoscopic myolysis
- Laparoscopic simple suture of ovary
- Laparoscopic sterilisation on fallopian tubes
- Laparoscopic sterilisation, bilateral endoscopic ligation and crushing tubes
- Left oophorectomy
- Manchester operation, uterine suspension
- Manual replacement of inverted uterus
- Manual rupture of ovarian cyst
- Oophorectomy, remaining ovary
- Oophorotomy
- Open biopsy of uterus
- Operation on supporting structures of uterus
- Postpartum sterilisation on fallopian tubes
- Release of torsion of ovary
- Removal of prosthesis of fallopian tube
- Repair of cystocoele
- Repair of fistula of cervix
- Repair of ovary
- Repair of vagina
- Right oophorectomy
- Salpingo-oophoroplasty
- Simple suture of fallopian tube
- Simple suture of ovary
- Suture laceration of cervix
- Suture of laceration of uterus
- Suture of laceration of vagina
- Transvaginal retrieval oocyte from ovary with guidance of diagnostic ultrasound of abdomen and retroperitoneum
- Unilateral destruction or occlusion of fallopian tube
- Uterine suspension
- Vaginectomy, partial
- Vulvoplasty
- Aspiration of ovary by laparotomy
- Bilateral vulvectomy
- Colpocleisis
- Colpocleisis with uterus in situ, LeFort operation
- Colpocleisis with uterus removed
- Excision of endometrial polyp
- High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of uterus
- High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of uterus using ultrasound guidance
- Hysteroscopic resection of fibroid
- Left vulvectomy
- Obliteration of vaginal vault
- Repair of prolapse, rectocoele
- Repair of rectovaginal fistula, vaginal approach
- Repair of vaginal enterocele
- Right vulvectomy
- Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault
- Unilateral skinning vulvectomy
- Uterine myomectomy, hysteroscopic
- Uterine myomectomy, vaginal
- Adenomyomectomy
- Bilateral fimbrioplasty
- Bilateral oophorectomy for ovarian malignancy
- Bilateral ovarian cystectomy
- Bilateral partial salpingectomy
- Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy at same operative episode
- Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy at same operative episode, vaginal approach
- Closure of fistula of uterus
- Colposuspension
- Cornual resection, bilateral
- Cornual resection, unilateral
- Debulking operation of ovary
- Drainage of pelvic abscess by laparotomy
- Excision or destruction of lesion of fallopian tube
- Excision or destruction of lesion of uterus
- Fimbrioplasty
- Foetotoxic management of removal of ectopic pregnancy of any site
- Hysterectomy
- Hysterotomy
- Incision or excision of congenital septum of uterus
- Intrafascial vaginal hysterectomy
- Intrafascial vaginal subtotal hysterectomy
- Intrafascial vaginal total hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic adenomyomectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted total hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal subtotal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal total hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic bilateral ovarian cystectomy
- Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy
- Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy conversion to laparotomy
- Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy conversion to laparotomy
- Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic colposuspension
- Laparoscopic cystectomy of hydrosalpinx
- Laparoscopic fimbrioplasty
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic incision and drainage for ovarian cyst
- Laparoscopic left oophorectomy
- Laparoscopic left ovarian cystectomy
- Laparoscopic left salpingectomy
- Laparoscopic left salpingo-oophorectomy
- Laparoscopic left salpingotomy
- Laparoscopic local excision or destruction of ovary
- Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions of ovary and fallopian tube
- Laparoscopic marsupialisation of ovarian cyst
- Laparoscopic ovarian drilling
- Laparoscopic removal of both fallopian tubes at same operative episode
- Laparoscopic removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes at same operative episode
- Laparoscopic removal of both ovaries at same operative episode
- Laparoscopic removal of remaining fallopian tube at same operative episode
- Laparoscopic removal of remaining ovary
- Laparoscopic removal of remaining ovary and tube at same operative episode
- Laparoscopic resection of uterine cornua
- Laparoscopic right oophorectomy
- Laparoscopic right ovarian cystectomy
- Laparoscopic right salpingectomy
- Laparoscopic right salpingo-oophorectomy
- Laparoscopic right salpingotomy
- Laparoscopic salpingectomy with removal of tubal pregnancy
- Laparoscopic salpingo-oophoroplasty
- Laparoscopic salpingostomy
- Laparoscopic salpingotomy conversion to laparotomy
- Laparoscopic total hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic total hysterectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic unilateral salpingectomy conversion to laparotomy
- Laparoscopic uterine myomectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic wedge resection of ovary
- Left salpingectomy
- Left salpingo-oophorectomy
- Left salpingo-oophorectomy, vaginal approach
- Left salpingotomy
- Local excision or destruction of ovary
- Lysis of adhesions ovary and fallopian tube
- Manual/hydrostatic expression of fallopian tube
- Marsupialisation of ovarian cyst
- Microendoscopic examination of fallopian tube
- Myomectomy, uterine lesion
- Parovarian cystectomy
- Partial salpingectomy
- Pelvic floor repair
- Radical vulvectomy
- Removal of both fallopian tubes at same operative episode
- Removal of both fallopian tubes at same operative episode, vaginal approach
- Removal of left fallopian tube, vaginal approach
- Removal of remaining fallopian tube
- Removal of remaining fallopian tube at same operative episode
- Removal of remaining ovary and tube
- Removal of right fallopian tube, vaginal approach
- Removal of vaginal cuff
- Remove solitary ovary and tube at same operative episode
- Repair of colovaginal fistula
- Repair of cystocoele and rectocoele
- Repair of fallopian tube
- Repair of rectovaginal fistula, abdominal approach
- Repair of urinary fistula, closure uterine fistula
- Repair of uterus
- Repair of uterus and supporting structures
- Repair of vaginoenteric fistula
- Right salpingectomy
- Right salpingo-oophorectomy
- Right salpingo-oophorectomy, vaginal approach
- Right salpingotomy
- Robotic-assisted laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
- Salpingectomy with removal of tubal pregnancy
- Salpingostomy
- Suture of uterine wall dehiscence
- Total salpingectomy, unilateral
- Transplantation of ovary
- Unilateral oophorectomy for ovarian malignancy
- Unilateral ovarian cystectomy
- Uterine myomectomy, laparoscopic
- Uterine myomectomy, laparotomy
- Vaginal construction
- Vaginal hysterectomy
- Vaginal reconstruction
- Vaginal removal of remaining fallopian tube at same operative episode
- Vaginal removal of remaining ovary and tube at same operative episode
- Vaginal repair of chronic inversion of uterus
- Vaginal subtotal hysterectomy
- Vaginal suspension and fixation
- Vaginal total hysterectomy
- Vaginectomy, complete
- Wedge resection of ovary
- Bilateral simple vulvectomy
- Bilateral skinning vulvectomy
- Classical intrafascial SEMM hysterectomy
- Extended abdominal hysterectomy
- Fallopian tube reanastomosis
- Intrafascial hysterectomy
- Intrafascial subtotal hysterectomy
- Intrafascial total abdominal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted subtotal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted supracervical hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic bilateral salpingotomy
- Laparoscopic classical intrafascial SEMM subtotal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic extended abdominal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic fallopian tube reanastomosis
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy
- Laparoscopic salpingo-salpingostomy, bilateral
- Laparoscopic salpingo-salpingostomy, left
- Laparoscopic salpingo-salpingostomy, right
- Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy, robot assisted
- Robot assisted laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy
- Sacrocolpopexy
- Salpingo-salpingostomy, bilateral
- Salpingo-salpingostomy, left
- Salpingo-salpingostomy, right
- Salpingo-uterostomy
- Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy
- Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy and unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- Total abdominal hysterectomy
- Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- Total abdominal hysterectomy and unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and removal of vaginal cuff
- Total abdominal hysterectomy with removal of vaginal cuff
- Total laparoscopic abdominal hysterectomy
- Vaginal mesh repair for pelvic organ prolapse
- Bilateral salpingotomy
- Clitoroplasty
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal extended hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal modified radical hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy
- Radical vaginal hysterectomy
- Vaginal extended hysterectomy
- Vaginal modified radical hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy with repair of cystocoele & rectocoele
- Radical vaginectomy
- Vaginal hysterectomy with repair of cystocoele and rectocoele
- Laparoscopic assisted extended hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted modified radical hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic assisted radical hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic extended hysterectomy, robotic assisted
- Laparoscopic modified radical hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic modified radical hysterectomy, robotic assisted
- Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy, robot assisted
- Laparoscopic radical trachelectomy
- Modified radical hysterectomy
- Radical abdominal hysterectomy
- Radical trachelectomy
- Total laparoscopic extended hysterectomy
- Wertheim's hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- Wertheim's hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - removal of solitary ovaries & tubes
- Anterior pelvic exenteration - female
- Laparoscopic anterior pelvic exenteration - female
- Laparoscopic female pelvic exenteration
- Laterally extended endopelvic resection, female
- Pelvic exenteration - female
- Posterior pelvic exenteration - female
- Arthrocentesis
- Arthrocentesis of temporomandibular joint
- Aspiration of bursa
- Aspiration of bursa of hand
- Aspiration of ganglion cyst of joint
- Aspiration of hip joint
- Aspiration of knee joint
- Aspiration of soft tissue of hand
- Closed reduction of fracture in clavicle without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture in scapula without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of scapula fracture with application of plaster cast and splint
- Closed reduction of temporomandibular joint dislocation
- Closed reduction with Plaster of Paris / splint clavicle
- Closed reduction with Plaster of Paris / splint phalanges foot
- Deep spastic muscle injection
- Examination under anaesthesia of joint
- Excision of benign tumour in mandible
- Extravascular ablation by injection to joint
- Injection of locally acting therapeutic substance into soft tissue
- Injection of locally-acting therapeutic substance into soft tissue of hand
- Injection of radioactive isotope into synovial membrane using imaging guidance
- Injection of therapeutic substance into bursa
- Injection of therapeutic substance into bursa of hand
- Injection of therapeutic substance into hip joint or ligament
- Injection of therapeutic substance into joint or ligament
- Injection of therapeutic substance into temporomandibular joint
- Injection of therapeutic substance into tendon
- Injection of therapeutic substance into tendon of hand
- Injection to knee joint
- Injection to sacroiliac joint
- Injection to shoulder joint
- Intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin to facial muscle
- Manipulation of temporomandibular joint
- Muscle biopsy
- Needle biopsy of soft tissue
- Percutaneous drainage of ankle joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of elbow joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of finger joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of foot joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of hand joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of hip joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of knee joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of muscle with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of shoulder joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of toe joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous drainage of wrist joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of ankle joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of elbow joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of finger joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of foot joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of hand joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of hip joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of knee joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of muscle with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of shoulder joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of soft tissue with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of toe joint with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of wrist joint with imaging guidance
- Piriformis muscle injection
- Psoas and quadratus lumborum muscle injection
- Superficial spastic muscle injection
- Therapeutic washout of joint structure, percutaneous
- Trigger point injection
- Application of uniplanar external fixation device in femur
- Artificial bone substitute for graft
- Augmentation of alveolar ridge
- Biopsy of carpal bone
- Biopsy of facial bone
- Biopsy of metacarpal bone
- Biopsy of metatarsal bone
- Biopsy of superficial soft tissue
- Biopsy of tarsal bone
- Biopsy phalangeal bone
- Bone biopsy of clavicle
- Bone biopsy of femur
- Bone biopsy of fibula
- Bone biopsy of humerus
- Bone biopsy of knee
- Bone biopsy of patella
- Bone biopsy of pelvis
- Bone biopsy of radius
- Bone biopsy of scapula
- Bone biopsy of sternum
- Bone biopsy of tibia
- Bone biopsy of ulna
- Bone biopsy, not involve facial bone
- Bursotomy of upper arm
- Closed biopsy of vertebrae
- Closed reduction and POP/splint patella
- Closed reduction of dislocation acromioclavicular joint
- Closed reduction of dislocation foot
- Closed reduction of dislocation of interphalangeal joint, toe
- Closed reduction of fracture in patella without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of malar and zygomatic fracture
- Closed reduction of mandibular condyle fracture
- Closed reduction of mandibular fracture
- Closed reduction of orbital fracture
- Excision of exostosis in mandible
- Excision of exostosis in maxilla
- Excision of osseous tuberosities of dentoalveolar structures
- Incision and drainage of hand infection
- Incision of soft tissue of hand
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into carpal
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into femur
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into fibula
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into humerus
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into metacarpal
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into metatarsal
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into patella
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into radius
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into tarsal
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into tibia
- Insertion of bone growth stimulator into ulna
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of carpal with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of clavicle with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of facial bone with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of femur with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of fibula with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of humerus with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of metacarpal with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of metatarsal with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of patella with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of phalanges with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of radius with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of scapula with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of sternum with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of tarsal with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of tibia with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of ulna with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of vertebra with imaging guidance
- Placement of healing abutment
- Placement of healing abutment for osseo-integrated implant
- Reduction of masseter muscle by extraoral approach
- Removal of AO external minifixator of fracture radius
- Removal of implant from hand, superficial
- Removal of implant from scapula
- Removal of implanted device from bone
- Removal of implanted device from foot, superficial
- Removal of implanted device from humerus, superficial
- Removal of implanted device from radius, superficial
- Removal of implanted device from tibia
- Removal of implanted device from ulna, superficial
- Removal of implanted devices of fracture patella
- Removal of implants from phalangeal bone, superficial
- Removal of implants humerus
- Removal of implants of fracture clavicle
- Removal of internal fixation device from facial bone
- Removal plating of fracture metacarpals
- Sequestrectomy of facial osteoradionecrosis
- Sternal wire removal from previous sternotomy
- Suture of tendon sheath of hand
- Achillotenotomy
- Amputation of toe
- Application of circular external femoral fixation device
- Application of external fixation device to bone of foot
- Application of external fixation device, femur
- Application of external fixation device, humerus
- Application of external fixation device, metatarsal
- Application of external fixation device, tarsal
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from foot
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from toe
- Arthroscopy of ankle
- Arthroscopy of finger
- Arthroscopy of foot
- Arthroscopy of hand
- Arthroscopy of knee
- Arthroscopy of subtalar joint
- Arthroscopy of toe
- Arthrotomy of elbow
- Arthrotomy of toe
- Arthrotomy with drainage elbow
- Arthrotomy with drainage foot
- Augmentation genioplasty
- Biopsy joint structure of finger
- Biopsy joint structure of foot
- Biopsy joint structure of toe
- Biopsy of deep soft tissue
- Biopsy of elbow joint
- Biopsy of joint structure of knee
- Bursectomy
- Bursotomy of foot
- Cementation of bone cavity
- Close reduction & internal fixation, ulna
- Close reduction with internal fixation of mandibular fracture
- Closed reduction of dislocation carpometacarpal joint
- Closed reduction of dislocation finger
- Closed reduction of dislocation of ankle
- Closed reduction of dislocation of elbow
- Closed reduction of dislocation of shoulder
- Closed reduction of dislocation of wrist
- Closed reduction of epiphyseal injury of phalangeal bone
- Closed reduction of fracture of carpals and / or metacarpals without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of humerus without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of radius and / or ulna without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of tarsal and / or metatarsal with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of tarsals and / or metatarsals without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of tibia and / or fibula without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of maxillary fracture
- Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of radius and / or ulna
- Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of tibia and / or fibula
- Closed reduction with Plaster of Paris / splint tarsals and / or metatarsals
- Curettage foot joint for gouty tophi
- Curettage hand joint for gouty tophi
- Debridement of open fracture in carpal
- Debridement of open fracture in carpal and metacarpal through the same incision
- Debridement of open fracture in fibula
- Debridement of open fracture in metacarpal
- Debridement of open fracture in metatarsal
- Debridement of open fracture in radius
- Debridement of open fracture in tarsal
- Debridement of open fracture in tarsal and metatarsal through the same incision
- Debridement of open fracture in ulna
- Debridement of open fracture of bone, not involve facial bone
- Debridement of open fracture of os calcis
- Debridement of open fracture of patella
- Debridement of open fracture of phalange of foot
- Debridement of open fracture of phalange of hand
- Diagnostic tendoscopy
- Division of joint capsule of foot and toe
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of toe
- Endoscopic debridement of tendon and tendon sheath
- Excision arthroplasty of toe
- Excision biopsy of giant cell tumour in tendon sheath of toe
- Excision giant cell tumour of tendon sheath of toe
- Excision of bunionette
- Excision of foot haemangioma
- Excision of foot joint
- Excision of ganglion
- Excision of ganglion foot
- Excision of ganglion of finger
- Excision of ganglion of wrist
- Excision of ganglion, hand
- Excision of giant cell tumour in tendon sheath of finger
- Excision of giant cell tumour in tendon sheath of hand
- Excision of lesion from facial bone
- Excision of lesion of mandible
- Excision of lesion of superficial soft tissue
- Excision of lesion of tendon sheath
- Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of ankle
- Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of finger
- Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of foot
- Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of hand
- Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of toe
- Excision of mandibular bone for grafting
- Excision of muscle or fascia for graft
- Excision of toe haemangioma
- Excision of toe joint
- Excision or correction of bunionette
- Excision, fusion, and repair of toes
- Excisional biopsy of ganglion
- Excisional biopsy of ganglion, hand
- Excisional biopsy of giant cell tumour in tendon sheath of finger
- Excisional biopsy of giant cell tumour in tendon sheath of hand
- Exploration of tendon sheath
- Exploration of tendon sheath of hand
- External fixation of pelvis
- External fixation of phalangeal bone of finger
- External fixation of phalangeal bone of toe
- Genioplasty
- Incision and drainage of deep abscess, hand
- Insertion of synthetic implant in facial bone
- Internal fixation of phalangeal bone in toe without fracture reduction
- Interphalangeal joint fusion of toes
- Limb lengthening procedure, metatarsal
- Limb shortening procedure, metatarsal
- Local destruction of lesion of facial bone
- Local excision of lesion in phalange of foot
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of metatarsal
- Local excision or destruction of lesion from joint of foot
- Local excision or destruction of lesion from joint of toe
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of facial bone
- Myotomy of foot
- Open biopsy of ilium
- Open biopsy of vertebrae
- Open reduction of alveolar fracture
- Open reduction of epiphyseal injury of phalangeal bone
- Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot without internal fixation
- Open reduction of interphalangeal joint dislocation in toe
- Osteochondral grafting of knee
- Partial ostectomy of facial bone
- Partial ostectomy of metatarsal
- Post total knee replacement arthroscopy
- Ray amputation of toe
- Reduction of masseter muscle by intraoral approach
- Release of trigger finger
- Release of trigger thumb
- Removal AO plate of fracture tibia
- Removal of AO screw of fracture femur
- Removal of AO screw of fracture humerus
- Removal of implanted device from ankle syndesmosis
- Removal of implanted device from ankle, deep
- Removal of implanted device from femur
- Removal of implanted device from fibula
- Removal of implanted device from foot, deep
- Removal of implanted device from humerus, deep
- Removal of implanted device from radius, deep
- Removal of implanted device from ulna, deep
- Removal of implants pelvis
- Removal of k-wire of fracture hip
- Removal of locking nail of fracture tibia
- Removal of loose body from foot
- Removal of loose body from toe
- Removal of screws of fracture femur
- Removal of syndesmosis screw of fracture ankle
- Repair of claw toe
- Repair of hammer toe
- Sequestrectomy of facial bone
- Sequestrectomy of infected facial bone
- Suture of tendon sheath
- Synovectomy foot
- Tenodesis of foot and ankle
- Tenolysis of foot
- Tenotomy of foot
- Tenotomy of neck
- Thumb skin flap
- Total ostectomy of facial bone
- Total ostectomy of phalanges in foot
- Weil osteotomy
- Adductor tenotomy of hip
- Application of external fixation device to ankle
- Application of external fixation device to rib
- Application of external fixation device to scapula
- Application of external fixation device to sternum
- Application of external fixation device, carpal
- Application of external fixation device, metacarpal
- Arthroscopic drilling of osteochondral lesion in elbow
- Arthroscopic release of ankle joint
- Arthroscopic release of joint of foot
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from ankle
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from elbow
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from hand
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from knee
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from wrist
- Arthroscopic washout of joint structure
- Arthroscopy of elbow
- Arthroscopy of shoulder
- Arthroscopy of temporomandibular joint
- Arthroscopy of wrist
- Arthrotomy of ankle
- Arthrotomy of hand
- Arthrotomy of subtalar joint
- Arthrotomy of wrist
- Arthrotomy with drainage wrist
- Biopsy joint structure of shoulder
- Biopsy of ankle joint
- Biopsy of hip joint
- Biopsy of wrist joint
- Bone graft of right tibia
- Bone graft to carpal
- Bone graft to clavicle
- Bone graft to femur
- Bone graft to fibula
- Bone graft to humerus
- Bone graft to left tibia
- Bone graft to metacarpal
- Bone graft to metatarsal
- Bone graft to os calcis
- Bone graft to patella
- Bone graft to phalangeal bone
- Bone graft to radius
- Bone graft to rib
- Bone graft to scapula
- Bone graft to sternum
- Bone graft to tarsal
- Bone graft to tibia
- Bone graft to ulna
- Bursotomy of wrist
- Change in muscle and tendon length in foot and ankle
- Change in muscle or tendon length
- Cheilectomy of phalanges in foot
- Cheilectomy of talus
- Closed reduction and internal fixation of fracture fibula
- Closed reduction and percutaneous k-wire fixation of fracture hand
- Closed reduction of dislocation of hip
- Closed reduction of dislocation of knee
- Closed reduction of dislocation patella
- Closed reduction of epiphyseal injury humerus
- Closed reduction of epiphyseal injury of radius and / or ulna
- Closed reduction of fracture in calcaneus with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture in clavicle with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture in talus with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of carpal and / or metacarpal with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of maxilla with dental wiring
- Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of humerus
- Closed reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury phalangeal bone
- Coronoidectomy of mandible
- Curettage ankle joint for gouty tophi
- Curettage elbow joint for gouty tophi
- Debridement of open fracture of humerus
- Debridement of open fracture of tibia
- Delayed suture of tendon
- Division of fibula
- Division of joint capsule of ankle
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of ankle
- Elongation of tendon achilles
- Endoscopic calcaneoplasty for Haglund disease
- Endoscopic gastrocnemius recession
- Endoscopic gastrocnemius release
- Endoscopic lengthening of Achilles tendon
- Excision of accessory navicular bone
- Excision of Baker's cyst
- Excision of bone for graft
- Excision of bone for graft, not involve facial bones
- Excision of carpal for graft
- Excision of clavicle for graft
- Excision of elbow joint
- Excision of exostosis of toe
- Excision of extra digit with bone involvement
- Excision of femur for graft
- Excision of fibula for graft
- Excision of humerus for graft
- Excision of knee joint
- Excision of lesion of deep soft tissue
- Excision of lesion of muscle
- Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of wrist
- Excision of metacarpal for graft
- Excision of metatarsal for graft
- Excision of patella for graft
- Excision of radius for graft
- Excision of rib for graft
- Excision of scapula for graft
- Excision of soft tissue of hand
- Excision of sternum for graft
- Excision of tarsal for graft
- Excision of tendon for graft
- Excision of tendon of hand for graft
- Excision of tibia for graft
- Excision of ulna for graft
- Excisional biopsy of lipoma, knee joint
- Exploration and biopsy of sacrum
- Fasciectomy
- Fasciotomy
- Incision and drainage of deep abscess, intra-muscular, not involving hand
- Incision of thorax - ribs and sternum
- Internal fixation of clavicle
- Internal fixation of fibula without fracture reduction
- Internal fixation of metacarpal without fracture reduction
- Internal fixation of metatarsal without fracture reduction
- Internal fixation of phalangeal bone in finger without fracture reduction
- Internal fixation of tarsal without fracture reduction
- Intervertebral chemonucleolysis
- Keller's procedure
- Lateral release knee
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of carpal
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of clavicle
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of phalanges of hand
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of rib
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of scapula
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of sternum
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of tarsal
- Local excision of superficial bone lesion, pelvis
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of elbow joint
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of knee joint
- Manual reduction of closed fracture of mandible with external fixation
- McBride's procedure
- Meniscectomy knee
- Myectomy
- Myotomy
- Open gastrocnemius recession
- Open gastrocnemius release
- Open reduction and internal fixation of clavicle
- Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture in fibula
- Open reduction and mini AO screw of fracture phalanges of hand
- Open reduction and percutaneous k-wire fixation of fracture hand
- Open reduction epiphyseal injury of fibula
- Open reduction of dislocation of acromioclavicular joint
- Open reduction of dislocation of finger
- Open reduction of dislocation of shoulder
- Open reduction of fracture in clavicle without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in fibula without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in metacarpal with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in metacarpal without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in metatarsal with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in metatarsal without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in tarsal with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in tarsal without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand without internal fixation
- Open reduction of malar and zygomatic fracture
- Open reduction with internal fixation of epiphyseal injury of phalangeal bone
- Osteoclasis of tarsal and metatarsal
- Partial ostectomy of carpal
- Partial ostectomy of clavicle
- Partial ostectomy of phalanges in foot
- Partial ostectomy of rib
- Partial ostectomy of scapula
- Partial ostectomy of sternum
- Percutaneous vertebroplasty
- Plastic operation on fascia
- Prophylactic internal fixation of fibula
- Radiofrequency thermolesion: intervertebral disc, cervical
- Radiofrequency thermolesion: intervertebral disc, lumbar
- Radiofrequency thermolesion: intervertebral disc, thoracic
- Ray amputation of foot
- Reduction genioplasty
- Removal of k-wire of fracture elbow
- Removal of loose body from ankle
- Removal of loose body from elbow
- Removal of loose body from hand
- Removal of loose body from wrist
- Removal of prosthesis of elbow
- Repair of overlapping toe
- Resection of manubrium
- Revision of amputation stump of ankle
- Revision of amputation stump of finger
- Revision of amputation stump of foot
- Revision of amputation stump of forearm
- Revision of amputation stump of hand
- Revision of amputation stump of humerus
- Revision of amputation stump of shoulder
- Revision of amputation stump of toe
- Revision of amputation stump of wrist
- Revision of amputation stump, above knee
- Revision of amputation stump, below knee
- Revision of internal fixation in metatarsal
- Revision of internal fixation in tarsal
- Revision of internal fixation in tarsal & metatarsal through the same incision
- Revision of internal fixation of carpals and metacarpals
- Revision of internal fixation of phalangeal bone
- Scarf osteotomy of first metatarsal
- Sequestrectomy of radius
- Sliding genioplasty
- Steindler release
- Suture of tendon
- Synovectomy of elbow
- Synovial biopsy of shoulder
- Synovial biopsy of thumb
- Tendon repair not involving hand
- Tenolysis of leg / ankle
- Tenolysis of triceps
- Tenonectomy of hand
- Tenotomy of hand
- Tenotomy of thigh
- Tenotomy of upper arm
- Total ostectomy of scapula
- Total ostectomy of tarsal
- Ulna head resection
- Wedge osteotomy of fibula
- Wedge osteotomy of first metatarsal
- Wedge osteotomy of sternum
- Wide excision of carpal
- Achilles tendon repair
- Acromioplasty
- Adjustment of vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib
- Advancement of tendon, not involve wrist or hand
- Amputation and disarticulation of finger
- Amputation and disarticulation of thumb
- Amputation of ankle through malleoli of tibia and fibula
- Amputation of finger
- Amputation of thumb
- Amputation through foot
- Ankle disarticulation
- Application of external fixation device to clavicle
- Application of external fixation device, fibula
- Application of external fixation device, patella
- Application of external fixation device, radius
- Application of external fixation device, tibia
- Application of external fixation device, ulna
- Arthroplasty of foot
- Arthroplasty of foot with synthetic prosthesis
- Arthroplasty of toe
- Arthroplasty of toe with synthetic prosthesis
- Arthroscopic acromioplasty
- Arthroscopic drilling of osteochondral lesion in ankle
- Arthroscopic drilling of osteochondral lesion in knee
- Arthroscopic knee release
- Arthroscopic meniscectomy
- Arthroscopic release of elbow joint
- Arthroscopic release of hip joint
- Arthroscopic release of shoulder joint
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from finger
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from hip
- Arthroscopic removal of loose body from shoulder
- Arthroscopy of hip
- Arthrotomy & drainage of knee
- Arthrotomy and drainage ankle
- Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of ankle
- Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of hand
- Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of shoulder
- Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of wrist
- Arthrotomy of knee
- Arthrotomy of shoulder
- Arthrotomy with drainage finger
- Arthrotomy with drainage shoulder
- Biopsy joint structure of hand
- Bone graft to alveolar part of mandible
- Bone graft to spine
- Bunionectomy with soft tissue correction
- Bunionectomy with soft tissue correction and arthrodesis
- Bunionectomy with soft tissue correction and osteotomy of the first metatarsal
- Bursotomy of hand
- Bursotomy of leg
- Capsulotomy of knee
- Carpometacarpal arthroplasty thumb
- Carpometacarpal fusion
- Carporadial fusion
- Change in muscle or tendon length of hand
- Cheilectomy of metatarsal
- Cheilectomy of tarsal
- Chevron osteotomy
- Chondroplasty of ankle
- Chondroplasty of knee
- Close reduction & internal fixation, radius
- Close reduction and percutaneous pinning of fracture humerus
- Closed reduction and internal fixation of fracture patella
- Closed reduction and k-wire fixation of fracture radius
- Closed reduction and screw of fracture femur, not involving proximal femur
- Closed reduction and wiring of fracture femur, not involving proximal femur
- Closed reduction of epiphyseal injury of femur
- Closed reduction of epiphyseal injury of tibia
- Closed reduction of fracture in scapula with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of distal radius and percutaneous fixation using Kirschner wire
- Closed reduction of fracture of femur without internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of humerus with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of fracture of pelvis with internal fixation
- Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of femur
- Closed reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury humerus
- Closed reduction with internal fixation of epiphyseal injury of radius and / or ulna
- Closure of stump of below knee amputation
- Closure of stump of right below knee amputation wound
- Debridement of open fracture of femur
- Delayed suture of extensor tendon in hand
- Delayed suture of tendon of hand
- Deltoid ligament repair
- Disarticulation of elbow
- Disarticulation of wrist
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of foot
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of knee
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of shoulder
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of wrist
- Division of metacarpal bone
- Division of metatarsal
- Division of soft tissue of hand
- Division of tarsal
- Division of tarsal and metatarsal through the same incision
- Division of tibia
- Epiphyseal stapling femur
- Epiphyseal stapling tibia
- Epiphysiodesis femur
- Epiphysiodesis tibia
- Excision arthroplasty of finger
- Excision of ankle joint
- Excision of exostosis of metatarsal bone
- Excision of exostosis of tarsal bone
- Excision of finger haemangioma
- Excision of heterotopic bone
- Excision of hip joint
- Excision of lesion of muscle of hand
- Excision of lesion of soft tissue of hand
- Excision of malignant tumour, mandible
- Excision of meniscus of jaw bone
- Excision of shoulder joint
- Excisional arthroplasty of hip
- Excisional arthroplasty of hip with cement spacer
- Excisional arthroplasty of knee
- Excisional arthroplasty of knee with cement spacer
- Exploration of knee joint
- Exploratory sternotomy
- Facial bone implantation
- Fasciotomy of hand
- Forefoot amputation
- Fusion of foot
- Greater trochanteric epiphysiodesis of femur
- Hamstring release
- Iliopsoas tenotomy at lesser trochanter
- Iliopsoas tenotomy at pelvic brim
- Implantation of artificial meniscus into knee joint
- Incision and drainage of palmar or thenar space
- Incision of carpal
- Incision of fibula
- Incision of humerus
- Incision of metacarpal
- Incision of metatarsal
- Incision of tarsal
- Incision of tibia
- Insertion of prosthesis to radial head
- Internal fixation of carpal without fracture reduction
- Internal fixation of humerus
- Internal fixation of patella without fracture reduction
- Internal fixation of radius without fracture reduction
- Internal fixation of scapula
- Internal fixation of ulna without fracture reduction
- Interphalangeal fusion of finger
- Lateral collateral ligament repair, knee
- Left hemimandibulectomy
- Limited carpal fusion
- Liner exchange for revision of hip arthroplasty
- Liner exchange for revision of knee arthroplasty
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of femur
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of fibula
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of humerus
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of metacarpal
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of patella
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of radius
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of tibia
- Local excision of lesion or tissue of ulna, not involve ulna head / neck
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of ankle joint
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of hip joint
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of shoulder joint
- Local excision or destruction of lesion of wrist joint
- Local fascia flap
- Local fascia flap to hand
- Local fasciocutaneous flap
- Local fasciocutaneous flap to hand
- Mandibulectomy
- McBride procedure and fusion of tarsometatarsal joint
- McBrides' procedure and basal osteotomy
- Medial collateral ligament repair, knee
- Medial malleolar osteotomy
- Medial retinacular plication, knee
- Metatarsophalangeal fusion
- Midtarsal amputation
- Midtarsal fusion
- Mitchell osteotomy
- Muscle transposition, not involve shoulder
- Myotomy of hand
- Open reduction & internal fixation, pelvis - iliac spine
- Open reduction and internal fixation of scapula
- Open reduction and k-wire fixation of fracture humerus
- Open reduction epiphyseal injury of radius
- Open reduction epiphyseal injury of tibia
- Open reduction epiphyseal injury of ulna
- Open reduction of carpometacarpal dislocation
- Open reduction of dislocation of ankle
- Open reduction of dislocation of elbow
- Open reduction of dislocation of foot
- Open reduction of dislocation of wrist
- Open reduction of epiphyseal injury humerus
- Open reduction of fracture in carpal with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in carpal without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in patella without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in radius with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in radius without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in scapula without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in ulna with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in ulna without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture of humerus with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture of humerus without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture patella with internal fixation
- Open reduction of maxillary fracture
- Open reduction of orbital fracture
- Open reduction of orbital fracture with implant in orbit
- Open reduction of separated epiphysis of humerus
- Open reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury humerus
- Open reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury of fibula
- Open reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury of radius
- Open reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury of tibia
- Open reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury of ulna
- Open reduction with internal fixation of mandibular fracture
- Open surgery for temporomandibular joint dislocation
- Osteochondroplasty of femur
- Partial mandibulectomy
- Partial ostectomy of metacarpal
- Partial ostectomy of phalanges in hand
- Partial ostectomy of radius
- Partial ostectomy of tarsal
- Partial ostectomy of ulna
- Partial ostectomy of vertebra
- Partial patellectomy
- Patellar realignment
- Patellar stabilisation
- Phalangeal osteotomy
- Plating of spine
- Posterior release of knee joint
- Prophylactic internal fixation, tibia
- Proximal row carpectomy
- Quadricepsplasty
- Quadricepsplasty of knee
- Radiofrequency ablation of bone lesion
- Ray amputation of finger
- Re-amputation of finger
- Re-amputation of thumb
- Reattachment of muscle of hand
- Reattachment of tendon
- Recession of tendon of hand
- Recession of tendon, not involve wrist/ hand
- Reconstruction of knee
- Release of Dupuytren's contracture
- Removal of implant from hand, deep
- Removal of implants - posterior instrumentation, vertebrae
- Removal of implants from phalangeal bone, deep
- Removal of implants vertebrae
- Removal of loose body from finger
- Removal of loose body from knee
- Removal of loose body from shoulder
- Removal of prosthesis of acromioclavicular joint
- Removal of prosthesis of finger
- Removal of prosthesis of shoulder
- Repair of ankle
- Repair of mallet finger
- Repair of meniscus
- Repair of patella tendon
- Repair of the collateral ligaments
- Revision internal fixation humerus
- Revision of internal fixation in pelvis - iliac spine
- Revision of internal fixation of patella
- Revision of internal fixation of radius and ulna
- Revision of internal fixation of vertebrae
- Right hemimandibulectomy
- Scaphoid trapezoid trapezium fusion
- Scapho-lunate advanced collapse fusion
- Segmental implant for spinal fusion
- Sequestrectomy of carpal
- Sequestrectomy of carpal and metacarpal through the same incision
- Sequestrectomy of clavicle
- Sequestrectomy of fibula
- Sequestrectomy of metacarpal
- Sequestrectomy of metatarsal
- Sequestrectomy of phalanges of foot
- Sequestrectomy of phalanges of hand
- Sequestrectomy of scapula
- Sequestrectomy of tarsal
- Sequestrectomy of tarsal and metatarsal through the same incision
- Sequestrectomy of tibia
- Sequestrectomy of ulna
- Subtotal mandibulectomy
- Suture of capsule or ligament of ankle and foot
- Suture of capsule or ligament of elbow
- Suture of capsule or ligament of metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint
- Suture of extensor tendon in hand
- Suture of muscle or fascia
- Suture of muscle or fascia of hand
- Syme's amputation
- Synovectomy of ankle
- Synovectomy of hip
- Synovectomy of knee
- Synovectomy of shoulder
- Synovectomy of wrist
- Tarsometatarsal fusion
- Tendon graft to Achilles tendon
- Tendon pulley reconstruction
- Tendon pulley reconstruction on hand
- Tendon transfer of foot and ankle
- Tendon transfer or transplantation, not involve wrist/ hand
- Tendon transposition, not involve wrist/ hand
- Tenodesis
- Tenodesis of biceps at shoulder
- Tenodesis of hand
- Tenolysis of forearm / wrist
- Through wrist amputation
- Tibial osteotomy with distraction
- Total mandibulectomy
- Total ostectomy of metatarsal
- Total ostectomy of patella
- Trans metatarsal amputation
- Transfer or transplantation of muscle, not involve shoulder
- Ulna plating
- Vertebral body tethering
- Wedge osteotomy of metacarpal
- Wedge osteotomy of metatarsal
- Wedge osteotomy of tarsal
- Wedge osteotomy of tibia
- Wide excision of soft tissue of foot
- Wrist fusion
- Above elbow amputation
- Amputation through hand
- Angloplasty of mandible
- Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
- Anterior mandibular segmental osteotomy
- Anterior maxillary segmental osteotomy
- Arthrodesis of elbow
- Arthroplasty of carpocarpal or carpometacarpal joint
- Arthroplasty of carpocarpal or carpometacarpal joint with implant
- Arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint in finger with implant
- Arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint in finger with osseointegrated implant
- Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint of finger with silastic implant
- Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint with implant
- Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint with osseointegrated implant
- Arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint with allograft
- Arthroscopic Bankart repair
- Arthroscopic capsular shift for shoulder
- Arthroscopic repair for superior labral tear from anterior to posterior of shoulder
- Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
- Arthrotomy for drainage of hip
- Arthrotomy of hip
- Bankart repair
- Below elbow amputation
- Below knee amputation, left
- Below knee amputation, right
- Bone graft of bilateral tibia
- Capsulotomy of elbow
- Capsulotomy of hip
- Capsulotomy of metacarpophalangeal joints
- Cheilectomy of humerus
- Close reduction and internal fixation of fracture tibia
- Closed osteoplasty of mandibular ramus
- Closed reduction and AO screw of fracture femur
- Closed reduction of fracture and intramedullary nail fixation of tibia
- Closed reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury tibia
- Condylectomy of mandible
- Core decompression of femoral head
- Core decompression of femur, other than head
- Disarticulation of knee
- Division of femur
- Division of humerus
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of elbow
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of finger
- Division of joint capsule, ligament, or cartilage of hip
- Division of radius
- Dome osteotomy
- Endoscopic medial maxillectomy
- Excision of exostosis of fibula
- Excision of extra finger
- Excision of finger joint
- Excision of hand joint
- Excisional arthroplasty elbow
- Excisional arthroplasty wrist
- Extensor indicis to extensor pollicis longus transfer
- Fasciectomy of hand
- Femoral osteotomy
- Femoral shortening osteotomy
- French osteotomy
- Hand tendon transfer or transplantation
- Hand tendon transposition
- High tibial osteotomy
- Incision of clavicle
- Incision of patella
- Incision of radius
- Incision of scapula
- Incision to head / neck of femur
- Inferior capsular shift of shoulder
- Insertion of biodegradable spacer into subacromial region of shoulder
- Internal fixation of tibia without fracture reduction
- Latissimus dorsi flap
- Le Fort I osteotomy with segmentalisation of maxilla
- Left above knee amputation
- Local excision of deep bone lesion, pelvis
- Local excision or destruction of lesion from joint of finger
- Local excision or destruction of lesion from joint of hand
- Local muscle flap to hand
- Local myocutaneous flap to hand
- Local tendocutaneous flap to hand
- Lysis of adhesions of hand
- Mandibular advancement
- Mandibular ramus sagittal split osteotomy
- Metacarpophalangeal fusion
- Open osteoplasty of mandibular ramus
- Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture in acetabular wall
- Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture in anterior ring of pelvis
- Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture tibia
- Open reduction and screw of fracture femur, not involving proximal femur
- Open reduction and wiring of fracture femur, not involving proximal
- Open reduction of dislocation of hip
- Open reduction of fracture in tibia without internal fixation
- Open reduction with internal fixation of nasoethmoidal complex fracture
- Opponensplasty of hand
- Osteoplasty of body of mandible
- Osteotomy and transfer of greater trochanter in femur
- Osteotomy of body of mandible
- Osteotomy of mandible
- Osteotomy of zygoma
- Partial ostectomy of femur
- Partial ostectomy of fibula
- Partial ostectomy of humerus
- Pedicle bone graft to hand
- Pedicle fascia flap to hand
- Pedicle fasciocutaneous flap to hand
- Pedicle muscle flap to hand
- Pedicle myocutaneous flap to hand
- Pedicle osseocutaneous flap to hand
- Pedicle tendocutaneous flap to hand
- Plastic operation on hand with graft of muscle or fascia
- Plastic operation on hand with graft or implant
- Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
- Posterior mandibular segmental osteotomy
- Posterior maxillary segmental osteotomy
- Prophylactic internal fixation of humerus
- Prophylactic internal fixation, radius
- Prophylactic internal fixation, ulna
- Prophylactic nailing of humerus
- Proximal femoral derotation osteotomy
- Radical excision of soft tissue of hand / finger
- Ramus subsigmoid osteotomy of mandible
- Reamputation, stump
- Reattachment of muscle
- Reattachment of tendon of hand
- Recession of tendon, wrist
- Reconstruction of lateral collateral ligament in elbow using tendon graft
- Reconstruction of mandible, involving temporomandibular joint
- Reconstruction of mandible, not involving temporomandibular joint
- Reconstruction of maxilla
- Reconstruction of medial collateral ligament in elbow using tendon graft
- Reconstruction of temporomandibular joint
- Removal of implants - anterior instrumentation, vertebrae
- Removal of loose body from hip
- Removal of partial hip prosthesis
- Repair extensor tendon of hand
- Repair flexor tendon of hand
- Repair of anterior cruciate ligament
- Repair of recurrent dislocation of shoulder
- Repair of the cruciate ligaments
- Repair tendon of hand using silastic rod
- Revision of internal fixation in acetabular wall
- Revision of internal fixation in pelvis - anterior ring
- Right above knee amputation
- Rotator cuff reattachment
- Rotator cuff repair
- Sequestrectomy of femur
- Sequestrectomy of humerus
- Sequestrectomy of patella
- Subacromial open cuff repair of shoulder
- Subtalar fusion
- Supracondylar osteotomy of femur
- Suture of capsule or ligament of wrist
- Suture of flexor tendon of hand
- Suture of tendon of hand
- Synovectomy finger
- Synovectomy of hand
- Temporomandibular arthroplasty with autograft
- Temporomandibular arthroplasty without autograft
- Tendon graft in hand
- Tendon graft of upper limb, not involve wrist/ hand
- Tendon graft of wrist
- Tendon graft, not involve hand
- Tendon transfer of hand
- Tendon transfer of wrist
- Tendon transfer or transplantation, wrist
- Tendon transposition of wrist
- Tenolysis hand
- Tenotomy of forearm
- Through knee amputation
- Total ankle replacement
- Total osteoplasty of maxilla
- Trapezoidal osteotomy
- Triad knee repair
- Triple arthrodesis
- Ulna osteotomy
- Upper arm amputation
- Wedge osteotomy of clavicle
- Wedge osteotomy of femur
- Wedge osteotomy of humerus
- Wedge osteotomy of patella
- Wedge osteotomy of radius
- Wedge osteotomy of ulna
- Wide excision of metacarpal
- Wide excision of soft tissue of upper limb, not involve shoulder
- Wrist capsulodesis
- Advancement of tendon of hand
- Anterior spinal fusion of C4-5 and C5-6 and locking plate
- Anterior spinal fusion, cervical
- Anterior spinal fusion, cervicothoracic
- Arthrodesis of shoulder
- Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of knee
- Austin-Moore arthroplasty
- Bone graft to pelvis
- Bone lengthening, femur
- Cervical fusion, posterior technique
- Cheilectomy of acetabulum
- Cheilectomy of femur
- Cheilectomy of tibia
- Closed reduction + dynamic hip screw of fracture femur
- Closed reduction and dynamic condylar screw of fracture femur
- Closed reduction and gamma nail of fracture femur
- Closed reduction and locking femoral nail of fracture femur
- Closed reduction and nailing of fracture proximal femur
- Closed reduction and plate of fracture femur
- Closed reduction and screw of fracture proximal femur
- Closed reduction and wiring of fracture proximal femur
- Closed reduction of fracture left femur and dynamic hip screw
- Closed reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury femur
- Dega osteotomy of pelvic bone
- Delayed suture of flexor tendon of hand
- Disarticulation of hip
- Disarticulation of shoulder
- Excision of exostosis of tibia
- Excisional arthroplasty shoulder
- Extension abduction osteotomy of hip
- Fixation of bone fracture using condylar plate
- Free muscle flap
- Ganz osteotomy in pelvis
- Girdlestone operation
- Gracilis flap without microvascular anastomosis
- Humeral head resurfacing
- Innominate osteotomy for bladder extrophy
- Insertion of expandable prosthesis to femur
- Internal fixation of femur without fracture reduction
- Intertrochanteric osteotomy of femur
- Langenskiold operation on femur
- Latarjet procedure
- Le Fort I osteotomy
- Limb lengthening procedure, humerus
- Limb lengthening procedure, metacarpal
- Limb lengthening procedure, tibia and fibula
- Limb shortening procedures, humerus
- Limb shortening procedures, radius and ulna
- Limb shortening procedures, tibia and fibula
- Local muscle flap
- Local tendocutaneous flap
- Macrodactyly reconstruction of toe
- Macrodactyly reconstruction, finger
- Modified Bristow operation
- Muscle slide forearm
- Muscular flap
- Myocutaneous flap
- Neer hemiarthroplasty of shoulder
- Open reduction and cable fixation of fracture femur
- Open reduction and cable plate fixation of fracture femur
- Open reduction and G. K. nail and cannulted AO screw of fracture femur
- Open reduction and intramedullary locking nail of fracture femur
- Open reduction and plating and AO screw fixation of fracture talus
- Open reduction of dislocation of knee
- Open reduction of dislocation of patella
- Open reduction of epiphyseal injury of femur
- Open reduction of fracture in calcaneus with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in calcaneus without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in talus with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture in talus without internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture of femur with internal fixation
- Open reduction of fracture of femur without internal fixation
- Open reduction of separated epiphysis of femur
- Open reduction with internal fixation epiphyseal injury femur
- Partial hip replacement
- Partial hip replacement - bipolar
- Partial ostectomy of pelvic bone
- Partial ostectomy of tibia
- Partial sacrum ostectomy
- Pectoralis major flap
- Pedicle bone graft
- Pedicle fasciocutaneous flap
- Pedicle myocutaneous flap
- Pedicle osseocutaneous flap
- Pedicle osseocutaneous flap to breast
- Pedicle tendocutaneous flap
- Posterior spinal fusion T5 to L1
- Posterior spinal fusion, atlas-axis
- Posterior spinal fusion, cervico-thoracic
- Posterior spinal fusion, thoracic
- Posterior spinal fusion, thoracolumbar
- Prophylactic internal fixation of femur
- Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc
- Radical en bloc resection of rib
- Reconstruction and orthofix external fixator of knee
- Reconstruction of zygoma
- Reconstruction using pedicle fascial flap
- Release of clubfoot
- Repair of macrodactyly
- Repair orbital fracture with bone graft or artificial material
- Replacement of femur by custom made segmental prosthesis
- Revision of internal fixation in calcaneus
- Revision of internal fixation in talus
- Revision of internal fixation of femur
- Revision of internal fixation of tibia and fibula
- Revision of joint replacement of ankle
- Sequestrectomy of pelvis
- Shelf procedure on pelvic bone
- Sofield operation on femoral bone
- Suture of capsule or ligament of shoulder
- Thompson hemiarthroplasty of hip joint using cement
- Total elbow replacement
- Total ostectomy of humerus
- Total wrist replacement
- Transfer or transplantation of shoulder muscle
- Transposition of shoulder muscle
- Triple pelvic osteotomy
- Valgus osteotomy of proximal femur
- Varus osteotomy of proximal femur
- Wide excision of femur
- Wide excision of fibula
- Wide excision of humerus
- Wide excision of radius
- Wide excision of soft tissue of lower limb, not involve foot
- Wide excision of soft tissue of shoulder
- Wide excision of tibia
- Wide excision of ulna
- Abdominopelvic amputation
- Ankle fusion
- Anterior spinal fusion, lumbar
- Anterior spinal fusion, lumbosacral
- Anterior spinal fusion, sacropelvic
- Anterior spinal fusion, thoracolumbar
- Arthrodesis of knee
- Augmented total hip replacement
- Bicompartment replacement of knee
- Bone lengthening, radius & ulna
- Chiari osteotomy
- Cleft hand reconstruction
- Craniocervical fusion including arthrodesis of spine with bone graft or internal fixation
- Excision of intervertebral disc
- Excisional arthroplasty of hip with local antibiotic delivery
- Excisional arthroplasty of knee with local antibiotic delivery
- Fenestration excision of intervertebral disc
- Interthoracoscapular amputation
- Laminectomy with diskectomy
- Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion, lateral transverse process technique
- Neer total shoulder replacement
- Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture in posterior ring of pelvis
- Partial shoulder replacement
- Patellofemoral joint replacement of knee
- Pemberton osteotomy of ilium
- Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy
- Posterior lumbar inter-body fusion
- Posterior spinal fusion and plating or wiring and halo ring insertion of subluxation of C5-6
- Posterior spinal fusion posterolateral lumbar
- Posterior spinal fusion, atlanto-occipital
- Posterior spinal fusion, lumbar
- Posterior spinal fusion, lumbosacral
- Posterior spinal fusion, sacropelvic
- Prosthetic replacement of temporomandibular joint
- Refusion of spine, any level or technique
- Removal of total hip prosthesis
- Reverse shoulder replacement
- Revision of carpometacarpal joint replacement
- Revision of internal fixation in pelvis - posterior ring
- Revision of interphalangeal joint replacement of finger
- Revision of metacarpophalangeal joint replacement
- Revision spinal fusion
- Salter osteotomy
- Spine osteotomy
- Total hip replacement
- Total hip replacement, AML
- Total hip replacement, cemented
- Total hip replacement, cementless
- Total hip replacement, hybrid
- Total hip replacement, ITH
- Total hip replacement, metal-on-metal
- Total hip replacement, Muller
- Total hip replacement, osteonic
- Total hip replacement, UNILOC
- Total hip replacement, Wagner
- Total knee replacement
- Total knee replacement with augment
- Total knee replacement with cone
- Total knee replacement with stem
- Total knee replacement, constrained condylar knee prosthesis
- Total knee replacement, Insall-Burstein II
- Total ostectomy of femur
- Total shoulder replacement
- Transfer of finger without microvascular anastomosis, not involve thumb
- Transforaminal interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine
- Unicompartmental knee replacement
- Anterior spinal fusion for cervical spinal deformity
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, cervical
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, cervicothoracic
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, lumbar
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, lumbosacral
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, sacropelvic
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, thoracolumbar
- Anterior spinal fusion, atlas-axis
- Anterior spinal fusion, thoracic
- Arthrodesis of hip
- Closed reduction of fracture of acetabulum with internal fixation
- Excision of sacrococcygeal teratoma
- Le Fort II osteotomy
- Le Fort III osteotomy
- Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture acetabulum involving anterior or posterior column
- Open reduction and internal fixation of transverse fracture of acetabulum
- Pollicisation
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, atlanto-occipital
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, atlas-axis
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, cervical
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, cervicothoracic
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, lumbar
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, lumbosacral
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, sacropelvic
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, thoracic
- Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, thoracolumbar
- Revision of excisional knee arthroplasty
- Revision of excisional knee arthroplasty with cement spacer
- Revision of excisional knee arthroplasty with local antibiotic delivery
- Revision of hip replacement
- Revision of knee replacement
- Revision of osteo-chondral grafting in knee
- Revision spinal fusion with instrumentation
- Total hip replacement with bone allograft
- Total hip replacement with bone autograft
- Total hip replacement with cage
- Total hip replacement with cup-cage
- Total hip replacement with impaction bone graft
- Total hip replacement with mesh
- Total hip replacement with ring
- Total knee replacement with bone allograft
- Total knee replacement with bone autograft
- Total knee replacement with impaction bone graft
- Total mandibulectomy with reconstruction
- Ankle reattachment
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, atlas-axis
- Anterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, thoracic
- Arm replantation
- Fascial flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Foot reattachment
- Free fascia flap to hand with microvascular anastomosis
- Free fasciocutaneous flap to hand with microvascular anastomosis
- Free fasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Free muscle flap to hand with microvascular anastomosis
- Free myocutaneous flap to hand with microvascular anastomosis
- Free myocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Free osseocutaneous flap to hand with microvascular anastomosis
- Free tendocutaneous flap to hand with microvascular anastomosis
- Free tendocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Gracilis flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Lower leg reattachment
- Muscle flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Osseocutaneous flap to breast with microvascular anastomosis
- Osteocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Pedicle vascularised bone graft to fibula
- Pedicle vascularised bone graft to iliac crest
- Replantation finger
- Replantation forearm
- Replantation hand
- Replantation thumb
- Revision of augmented total hip replacement
- Revision of bicompartment knee replacement
- Revision of joint replacement of elbow
- Revision of joint replacement of shoulder
- Revision of patellofemoral joint replacement
- Revision of shoulder arthroplasty
- Revision of total hip replacement with bone allograft
- Revision of total hip replacement with bone autograft
- Revision of total hip replacement with cage
- Revision of total hip replacement with cup-cage
- Revision of total hip replacement with impaction bone graft
- Revision of total hip replacement with mesh
- Revision of total hip replacement with ring
- Revision of total knee arthroplasty with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis and augment
- Revision of total knee arthroplasty with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis and bone allograft
- Revision of total knee arthroplasty with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis and bone autograft
- Revision of total knee arthroplasty with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis and cone
- Revision of total knee arthroplasty with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis and impaction bone graft
- Revision of total knee arthroplasty with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis and stem
- Revision of total knee replacement
- Revision of total knee replacement with augment
- Revision of total knee replacement with bone allograft
- Revision of total knee replacement with bone autograft
- Revision of total knee replacement with cone
- Revision of total knee replacement with impaction bone graft
- Revision of total knee replacement with rotating hinge
- Revision of total knee replacement with rotating hinge and augment
- Revision of total knee replacement with rotating hinge and bone allograft
- Revision of total knee replacement with rotating hinge and bone autograft
- Revision of total knee replacement with rotating hinge and cone
- Revision of total knee replacement with rotating hinge and impaction bone graft
- Revision of total knee replacement with rotating hinge and stem
- Revision of total knee replacement with stem
- Revision of total knee replacement with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis
- Revision of unicondylar knee replacement
- Thigh reattachment
- Toe reattachment
- Total en bloc spondylectomy
- Total knee replacement with rotating hinge
- Total knee replacement with rotating hinge and augment
- Total knee replacement with rotating hinge and bone allograft
- Total knee replacement with rotating hinge and bone autograft
- Total knee replacement with rotating hinge and cone
- Total knee replacement with rotating hinge and impaction bone graft
- Total knee replacement with rotating hinge and stem
- Total knee replacement with valgus-varus constrained prosthesis
- Total sacrum ostectomy
- Total valgus-varus constrained knee replacement with augment
- Total valgus-varus constrained knee replacement with bone allograft
- Total valgus-varus constrained knee replacement with bone autograft
- Total valgus-varus constrained knee replacement with cone
- Total valgus-varus constrained knee replacement with impaction bone-graft
- Total valgus-varus constrained knee replacement with stem
- Total vertebra resection
- Transfer of finger with microvascular anastomosis, not involve thumb
- Upper arm reattachment
- Vascularised bone graft to carpal with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to clavicle with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to femur with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to fibula with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to hand with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to humerus with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to metacarpal with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to metatarsal with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to patella with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to pelvis with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to phalanx with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to radius with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to scapula with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to spine with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to tarsal with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to tibia with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft to ulna with microsurgery
- Vascularised bone graft with microsurgery
- Artificial dermal template application
- Aspiration of breast
- Aspiration of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Aspiration of skin blister
- Bilateral injection into breast for augmentation
- Biopsy of skin
- Biopsy of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Biopsy of skin ulcer
- Cauterisation of wart in limbs
- Cauterisation of warts on skin
- Closed biopsy of breast
- Core biopsy of breast with imaging guidance
- Cryotherapy of skin
- Cryotherapy of skin lesion with liquid nitrogen
- Curettage and cauterisation of skin lesion
- Curettage of abscess cavity, skin
- Curettage of skin lesion
- Debridement of nail, nail bed, or nail fold
- Dermal laser therapy
- Diagnostic mammary ductoscopy
- Diagnostic procedure on skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Drainage of left breast seroma using seroma catheter
- Drainage of right breast seroma using seroma catheter
- Evacuation of haematoma from skin of limb
- Evacuation of haematoma from skin of trunk
- Evacuation of haematoma of scalp
- Evacuation of haematoma of skin or subcutaneous tissue
- Excision biopsy of skin lesion
- Excision of buttock sebaceous cyst
- Excision of pilonidal sinus
- Excision of scalp mass
- Excision of sebaceous cyst
- Excision of skin lesion
- Excision of skin lipoma
- Excision of skin mass in sole of foot
- Excision of skin nodule of elbow
- Excisional biopsy of skin
- Excisional debridement to burn
- Excisional debridement to wound under local anaesthesia
- Excisional debridement to wound without anaesthesia
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast
- Incision and drainage of abscess of head and neck
- Incision and drainage of abscess of skin or subcutaneous tissue
- Incision and drainage of preauricular abscess
- Incision and drainage of shin abscess
- Incision and drainage of skin abscess
- Incision of pilonidal sinus or cyst
- Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Incision with drainage of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Injection or tattooing of skin lesion or defect
- Intradermal injection of botulinum toxin to facial skin
- Intralesional cryotherapy of lesion of skin
- Intralesional injection of skin
- Ligation of dermal appendage
- Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Mammary ductoscopy with biopsy
- Nonexcisional debridement of wound, infection or burn
- Percutaneous aspiration of breast with imaging guidance
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast with imaging guidance
- Reduction of callus
- Removal of nail, nailbed, or nail fold
- Repair nail bed
- Repair of finger nail without graft or implant
- Revision of scar of skin
- Surgical toilet and suturing
- Suture of laceration of breast
- Suture of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Suturing of scalp
- Suturing of skin
- Ultrasound guided drainage of left breast seroma using seroma catheter
- Ultrasound guided drainage of right breast seroma using seroma catheter
- Unilateral injection into breast for augmentation
- Chemosurgery of skin
- Drainage of bilateral breasts seroma using seroma catheter
- Electrolysis of skin
- Epilation by electrolysis
- Excision of keloid and scar
- Excision of shoulder lipoma
- Excision of sinus in sweat gland
- Excision of skin for graft
- Excision of umbilical granuloma
- Excisional debridement of wound, less than 5% of total body surface under general anaesthesia / MAC sedation
- Hair transplant
- Incision with removal of foreign body from skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Onychoplasty
- Open biopsy of breast
- Reconstruction of finger nail with graft or implant
- Reconstruction of infra-mammary fold of breast
- Removal of breast tissue expander
- Removal of implantable electrocardiography loop recorder
- Revision of reconstruction of infra-mammary fold of breast
- Secondary simple suture of wound, not involve abdomen
- Ultrasound guided drainage of bilateral breasts seroma using seroma catheter
- Vacuum assisted biopsy of breast with imaging guidance
- Wedge resection of ingrowing toe nail
- Zadik operation
- Advancement of pedicle or flap graft
- Augmentation mammoplasty
- Cutting and preparation of pedicle grafts or flaps
- Debulking of scapular flap of foot
- Dermabrasion
- Excision & transpositional flap
- Excision biopsy of knee lipoma
- Excision of back lipoma
- Excision of breast lesion with hookwire guidance
- Excision of breast mass
- Excision of breast mass with hookwire guidance
- Excision of ectopic breast tissue
- Excision of extra digit with soft tissue involvement only
- Excision of gynaecomastia
- Excision of nipple
- Excision of skin and reconstruction with rotational flap
- Excision or destruction of breast tissue
- Excisional biopsy of breast
- Excisional biopsy of breast mass
- Excisional debridement to burns <5% of total body surface
- Excisional debridement to wound, 5% - <20% of total body surface under general anaesthesia / MAC sedation
- Exploration of skin wound
- Heterograft to skin
- Homograft to skin
- Implantation of loop recorder for heart rate and rhythm
- Implantation of patient activated cardiac event recorder
- Incision and drainage of breast abscess
- Insertion of totally implantable vascular access device
- Local excision of lesion of breast
- Lumpectomy of left breast
- Lumpectomy of right breast
- Mastotomy
- Microdochectomy
- Microdochectomy, left
- Microdochectomy, right
- Percutaneous drainage of breast with imaging guidance
- Removal of fillers of breast
- Removal of implant of breast
- Resection of quadrant of breast
- Revision of pedicle or flap graft
- Skin graft to burn
- Stereotactic guided core biopsy of breast
- Stereotactic guided fine needle aspiration of breast
- Transposition of nipple
- Vacuum assisted excision of breast with imaging guidance
- Attachment of pedicle or flap graft, not involve hand
- Augmentation mammoplasty with prosthetic implant
- Dermal fat graft
- Endoscopic forehead lift
- Excision & full thickness skin graft
- Excision of intramuscular lipoma
- Excision of skin, with z-plasty
- Excisional debridement to burns between 5% and <20% of total body surface
- Excisional debridement to wound, 20% or more of total body surface under general anaesthesia / MAC sedation
- Facial rhytidectomy
- Fat graft
- Forehead rhytidectomy
- Free skin graft
- Full thickness skin graft
- Full thickness skin graft, not involve hand
- Full-thickness graft to breast
- Insertion of totally implantable infusion pump
- Local skin flap
- Local skin flap hand
- Local skin flap to breast
- Partial thickness skin graft of arm wound
- Partial thickness skin graft of left arm wound
- Partial thickness skin graft of shin
- Radical excision of skin lesion
- Reconstruction using transpositional flap
- Reconstruction with flap from forehead
- Relaxation of scar contracture of skin
- Relaxation of web contracture of skin
- Repair or reconstruction of nipple
- Replacement of electrocardiography loop recorder
- Replantation of scalp
- Robot assisted simple mastectomy of left breast
- Robot assisted simple mastectomy of right breast
- Rotational flap
- Rotational flap to scalp
- Simple mastectomy and lymph node sampling, left
- Simple mastectomy and lymph node sampling, right
- Simple mastectomy of left breast
- Simple mastectomy of right breast
- Size reduction plastic operation
- Skin flap not involving hand
- Split-thickness graft to breast
- Subcutaneous mastectomy of left breast
- Subcutaneous mastectomy of right breast
- Subtotal mastectomy
- Subtotal mastectomy of left breast
- Subtotal mastectomy of right breast
- Wide excision of skin
- Abdominoplasty
- Attachment of pedicle or flap graft to hand
- Breast prosthesis implantation, left
- Breast prosthesis implantation, right
- Correction of syndactyly with skin flap
- Debridement + split skin graft hand
- Debridement and partial thickness skin graft
- Debridement and split-thickness skin graft not involving hand
- Excision & partial thickness skin graft
- Full thickness skin graft of hand
- Full thickness skin graft of thumb
- Groin flap to hand
- Insertion of tissue expander
- Liposuction of subcutaneous tissue
- Local fascia flap to breast
- Mastopexy
- Partial thickness skin graft
- Partial thickness skin graft of foot
- Partial thickness skin graft of hand
- Partial thickness skin graft, not involve hand
- Pedicle innervated skin flap
- Pedicle innervated skin flap to breast
- Pedicle innervated skin flap to hand
- Pedicle skin flap to breast
- Periprosthetic capsulectomy of breast
- Post mastectomy unilateral breast implantation
- Reconstruction of breast using local fasciocutaneous flap
- Reconstruction using cutaneous flap
- Reconstruction using deltopectoral pedicle skin flap
- Reconstruction using pedicle skin flap
- Reconstruction using posterior tibial flap
- Revision of implant of breast
- Secondary complex suture of wound, not involve abdomen
- Skin graft to hand
- Skin graft, not involve hand
- Unilateral subcutaneous mammectomy with synchronous implant
- Wide excision and partial thickness skin graft
- Wide excision with rotational flap and partial thickness skin graft
- Bilateral simple mastectomy
- Bilateral subcutaneous mammectomy
- Bilateral subcutaneous mammectomy with synchronous implant
- Excisional debridement to burns 20% or more of total body surface
- Left total mastectomy and axillary clearance
- Left total mastectomy and axillary dissection
- Local muscle flap to breast
- Local myocutaneous flap to breast
- Modified radical mastectomy, left
- Modified radical mastectomy, right
- Patey's mastectomy, left
- Patey's mastectomy, right
- Pedicle fascia flap to breast
- Pedicle flap to breast, post mastectomy
- Radical mastectomy of left breast
- Radical mastectomy of right breast
- Reduction mammoplasty, left
- Reduction mammoplasty, right
- Right mastectomy and axillary clearance
- Right total mastectomy and axillary clearance
- Right total mastectomy and axillary dissection
- Robot assisted bilateral simple mastectomy
- Unilateral extended radical mastectomy
- Unilateral extended simple mastectomy
- Bilateral breast implant, post mastectomy
- Correction of syndactyly with skin flap and graft
- Insertion of bilateral breast prostheses
- Insertion of breast tissue expander
- Local tendocutaneous flap to breast
- Myocutaneous flap to breast, post mastectomy
- Pedicle fasciocutaneous flap to breast
- Pedicle muscle flap to breast
- Pedicle myocutaneous flap to breast
- Pedicle tendocutaneous flap to breast
- Bilateral extended simple mastectomy
- Bilateral extended radical mastectomy
- Bilateral radical mastectomy
- Bilateral reduction mammoplasty
- Free myocutaneous flap to breast with microvascular anastomosis
- Myocutaneous flap to breast, with microvascular anastomosis, post mastectomy
- Free fascia flap to breast with microvascular anastomosis
- Free fasciocutaneous flap to breast with microvascular anastomosis
- Free innervated flap to hand with microvascular anastomosis
- Free innervated skin flap to breast with microvascular anastomosis
- Free innervated skin flap with microvascular anastomosis
- Free muscle flap to breast with microvascular anastomosis
- Free tendocutaneous flap to breast with microvascular anastomosis
- Microvascular free skin flap to breast
- Reconstruction using free radial forearm flap
- Reconstruction using free skin flap
- Reconstruction with supercharged flap
- 3D echocardiography
- Application of cast
- Application of dental splint
- Application of dressing to burns <5% of total body surface
- Application of foam dressing
- Application of pressure dressing
- Artificial pacemaker voltage threshold check
- Bacille Calmette-Guerin instillation to urinary bladder for cancer
- Brain stem auditory evoked potential, intra-operative
- Bronchoprovocation test with methacholine
- Carbon monoxide diffusion capacity test
- Change of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis transfer set
- Change of peritoneal dialysis transfer set
- Continuous positive airway pressure titration
- Diagnostic intravenous injection
- Dilation and manipulation of enterostomy stoma
- Dilation of anal sphincter
- Dilation of rectum
- Echocardiography
- Echocardiography using contrast medium
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Electroconvulsive therapy > 8 treatments
- Electromyography - intra-operative
- Electro-oculogram
- Electroretinogram
- Endoscopic urodynamic study
- Endotracheal intubation
- Epicardial echocardiography
- Evoked potential study
- Examination under anaesthesia of orbit and eyeball
- Examination under anaesthesia, antepartum
- Examination under anaesthesia, anus
- Examination under anaesthesia, gynaecology
- Examination under anaesthesia, obstetrics
- Examination under anaesthesia, postpartum
- Exercise bronchoprovocation test
- Extubation of endotracheal tube
- Eye examination under anaesthesia
- Flushing of Tenckhoff catheter
- Fundus photography
- Gastric gavage
- Gastric lavage
- Ice pack test
- Insertion of feeding tube to duodenum
- Insertion of feeding tube to oesophagus
- Insertion of feeding tube to small intestine
- Insertion of nasogastric tube
- Insertion of nasointestinal tube
- Insertion of rectal tube
- Intracardiac echocardiography
- Intraocular power measurement
- Intraoperative ultrasound of blood vessel
- Irrigation of ear
- Irrigation of nasal passages
- Irrigation of nasogastric tube
- Irrigation of vascular catheter
- Irrigation of wound catheter
- Keratometry
- Lung function test
- Medical management of miscarriage by inserting prostaglandin suppository
- Nasal function study
- Nasogastric tube aspiration
- Neostigmine test
- Pelvic examination under anaesthesia
- Radioisotope localisation of occult lesion in breast with mammogram guidance
- Radioisotope localisation of occult lesion in breast with ultrasound guidance
- Removal of abdominal wall sutures
- Removal of central venous access line
- Removal of cholecystostomy tube
- Removal of corneal suture
- Removal of cystostomy tube
- Removal of dental packing
- Removal of dental prosthesis
- Removal of dental wiring
- Removal of double-J stent from left ureter
- Removal of double-J stent from right ureter
- Removal of double-J stent in grafted ureter
- Removal of external immobilisation device
- Removal of eye prosthesis
- Removal of foreign body from cornea
- Removal of foreign body from cornea with slit lamp
- Removal of foreign body from foot without incision
- Removal of foreign body without incision from lower limb, except foot
- Removal of foreign body without incision from upper limb, except hand
- Removal of gastrostomy tube
- Removal of haemodialysis catheter
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from ear without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from larynx without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from mouth without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from nose without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from oesophagus without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from pharynx without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from urethra without incision
- Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device
- Removal of levonorgestrel intrauterine system
- Removal of loose suture in eye
- Removal of metallic stent from left ureter
- Removal of metallic stent from right ureter
- Removal of nasal packing
- Removal of nasal stent
- Removal of ocular conformer
- Removal of oral suture
- Removal of pancreatic tube or drain
- Removal of peritoneal drainage device
- Removal of Plaster of Paris
- Removal of polymeric double-J stent from left ureter
- Removal of polymeric double-J stent from right ureter
- Removal of pyelostomy and nephrostomy tube
- Removal of retroperitoneal drainage device
- Removal of skin suture, lower limb
- Removal of skin suture, upper limb
- Removal of skin sutures
- Removal of superficial foreign body from eye without incision
- Removal of suture from head
- Removal of suture from neck
- Removal of sutures from trunk
- Removal of tracheostomy tube
- Removal of T-tube, bile duct tube, or liver tube
- Removal of tube from large intestine or appendix
- Removal of ureterostomy tube and ureteral catheter
- Removal of urinary drainage device
- Removal of vaginal diaphragm
- Removal of vaginal or vulvar packing
- Removal of vaginal pessary
- Retrograde pyelogram
- Slit lamp photography of eye
- Somatosensory evoked potential study
- Somatosensory evoked potential, intra-operative
- Spirometry
- Stress echocardiography
- Tensilon test
- Tonometry
- Tracheostomy toilette
- Transluminal intracoronary echocardiography
- Ultrasonography doppler of heart
- Uroflowmetry
- Video urodynamic study
- Visual evoked potential
- Wound dressing
- Ambulatory electroencephalography
- Anorectal manometry
- Application of dressing to burns between 5% and <20% of total body surface
- Cardiopulmonary exercise test
- Cystometrogram
- Dental wiring
- Electroencephalogram, intra-operative
- Electroencephalography
- Indocyanine-green angiography of eye
- Intervertebral provocative discography, cervical
- Intervertebral provocative discography, lumbar
- Intervertebral provocative discography, thoracic
- Lavage of bronchus and trachea
- Manipulation under anaesthetic of cervical spine
- Manipulation under anaesthetic of joint adhesion
- Manipulation under anaesthetic, not involve spine
- Periureteral injection, transurethral
- Periurethral injection, transurethral
- Removal of foreign body from hand without incision
- Removal of foreign body from scrotum or penis without incision
- Removal of foreign body from vulva without incision
- Removal of Hickman catheter
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from large intestine without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from rectum and anus without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from stomach and small intestine without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from trachea and bronchus without incision
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from vagina without incision
- Removal of intrauterine pack
- Removal of perm catheter
- Removal of tube from small intestine
- Sphenoidal electroencephalography
- Splinting of teeth
- Temporary vascular access removal
- Tilt table test
- Transoesophageal echocardiography
- Urethral pressure profile
- Urethral sphincter electromyogram
- Adjustment of catheter via percutaneous cholecystostomy tract
- Brachytherapy, intracavitary - gynaecological
- Brachytherapy, intracavitary - nasopharynx
- Brachytherapy, intraluminal - biliary
- Brachytherapy, intraluminal - bronchial tree
- Brachytherapy, intraluminal - oesophagus
- Brachytherapy, intraluminal - rectal
- Intra-amniotic instillation for abortion
- Intraoperative cerebral function monitoring
- Micro-dissection testicular sperm extraction
- Micro-epididymal sperm aspiration
- Multiple sleep latency test
- Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration
- Plaster of Paris - hip spica
- Removal of AO external fixator
- Removal of AO external fixator of fracture radius
- Removal of external fixator
- Removal of external mandibular fixation device
- Removal of intraluminal foreign body from uterus without incision
- Removal of prostatic stent/coil
- Removal of urethral stent
- Replacement of catheter via percutaneous cholecystostomy tract
- Replacement of stent in biliary or pancreatic duct
- Seminal vesicle aspiration for sperm collection
- Testicular sperm aspiration
- Testicular sperm extraction
- Vasal sperm aspiration
- Wada test
- Angiocardiography of venae cavae
- Application of dressing to burns 20% or more of total body surface
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of bladder stone
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of kidney stone
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of the bile duct
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of the gallbladder
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric stone
- Angiocardiography
- Angiocardiography of left heart structures
- Angiocardiography of right heart structures
- Combined right and left heart angiocardiography
- Coronary angiography
- Coronary arteriography using a single catheter
- Coronary arteriography using two catheters
- Negative-contrast cardiac roentgenography
- Stereotactic radiosurgery
- Stereotactic radiosurgery by linear accelerator system, single dose
- Radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma
- Stereotactic radiosurgery - gamma knife
Note: The charge covers surgeon fee, administration of anaesthetics, medicines used in operation, and operating theatre expenses. Special consumables such as implants, prostheses and devices used by the individual patient, and disposable laparoscopic instruments used in the operation are charged separately. 上述費用包括外科醫生、麻醉師、在手術中所使用的藥物及手術室費用。個別病人使用的特殊消耗品,例如植入物、 義製人體器官及裝置、以及手術中所使用的即棄腹腔鏡儀器須另行收費。