$300,000 donated for love

Everybody needs tender loving care, especially patients. Lui Tai-wah (second from the right), a Nursing Officer in the Accident and Emergency Department at Princess Margaret Hospital, has been spreading love to patients and frontline colleagues through her involvement with the Hospital Authority Chinese Orchestra (HACO).

Ms Lui has been team leader in HACO for over 10 years, and actively involved in hospital voluntary work. Over the past decade, she has led the Orchestra on visits to various hospitals and the community to perform for patients, frontline colleagues and the public, with the aim of sharing love and blessings. She has also been to Sichuan and Taiwan for charity performances. Recently, she became a recipient of the Caring Award at the Seventh HK & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund, and received a cash reward of HK$300,000.

She says, "I have decided to donate all the award money, in the hope that we can extend our loving care to the people around us through music."


    Design App to win an iPad mini

¤H  he Hospital Authority is holding the "Mobile App Challenge" competition. All colleagues are welcome to show their creativity by submitting entries about mobile health, staff communication and public engagement. The winner will be awarded with an iPad mini and a certificate, as well as the opportunity to turn his or her design into a real app. The deadline for entries is 28 February 2013. For more details and to download the application form, please visit Information Technology Services website http://its.home.




 Easy Access to eLC with LAN ID

From now on, you can use your LAN ID (the same ID and password you use to start up your computer in your workplace) to access the Hospital Authority e-Learning Centre (eLC) for continuous learning. The "eLC Octopus Cardholders 2013", recently distributed to colleagues by the HA Head Office Training & Development team explains the procedure. So e-Learning is just a click away!