Heartfelt service is about one's willingness to "go anextra mile" in work. Colleagues work with dedication and professionalism, treat patients with care and compassion.
In this issue, we share with you several stories on how HA colleagues go beyond the call of duty, and make a big difference in hospital services.
The humanitarianism of organ donors and their families lights up the life of those in need. See how our Organ Transplant Coordinators help to make this possible on pages 8 and 9.
Life is Beautiful - Our way depicts the journey of HA
in the past two decades and Caring Stories shares warm and loving
episodes of care in New Territories East Cluster. The new books
are definitely not to be missed!
HASLink conducted a readership survey last
December and solicited valuable feedback. Turn to the back of this
issue for a brief report of the survey. With your opinions, we hope
to continuously improve HASLink to make it enjoyable for
all of you.
Editorial Board: Raymond Lo, Linda Shu, Assunta
Lee, Julietta Lee, Michael Ho, SH Liu, Evanna
Ma, Emily Lau, Linda Lok, Helen Tang, Yiu Kin-man,
Echo Yau, Stephanie Yeung, Carrie Chan
Editorial Team:
Linda Shu, Cynthia Chan, Yonni Yeung, Chuah Chung-xi