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  No room for discrimination in the HA

Four anti-discrimination ordinances that may affect your work and life are currently in force in Hong Kong. How much do you know about them? Here is an overview:

The Sex Discrimination Ordinance was passed in 1995. Discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status and pregnancy, and sexual harassment are unlawful under this law. Its protection applies to both males and females.

The Family Status Discrimination Ordinance is an anti-discrimination law passed in 1997. It makes it unlawful for anyone or any organisation to discriminate against a person, male or female, on the basis of family status. Family status means that a person has responsibility for the care of an immediate family member.

The Disability Discrimination Ordinance protects any person against discrimination on the ground of disability. If you are not a person with a disability, you are also protected under the law if an associate of yours is a person with a disability, and you are discriminated against because of your association with him/her.

The Race Discrimination Ordinance is an anti-discrimination law enacted in July 2008 to protect people against discrimination on the ground of their race.

You may obtain more information about these by going to the website of the Equal Opportunities Commission: http://www.eoc.org.hk/EOC/GraphicsFolder/default.aspx.

¡§Introduction to the Anti-discrimination Laws of Hong Kong¡¨ seminar
The HA is always committed to providing a workplace that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment, so that all its staff members have the opportunity to contribute to their full potential. We should respect the skills and talents of other members, and collaborate with each other to prevent harassment or discrimination in the workplace.

To enhance colleagues' understanding of these anti-discrimination ordinances and to reduce misunderstandings in the workplace, a seminar on "Introduction to the Anti-discrimination Laws of Hong Kong" will be held on 17 September 2010. Please enroll via the human resources department of your cluster to gain a better understanding of these ordinances.