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  Tell us what training you'd like to receive

A re you sharing similar views? Of course, due to differences in job nature and preferred learning methods, colleagues may have a wide range of training and study needs.

In order to better understand the development needs of individual colleagues, and in line with the corporate training focuses, the Head Office's Training and Development Unit has emailed the "Training and Development Survey" questionnaire to 8,800 staff members on 22 June. They include middle and senior level managers, such as Consultants, Department Operations Managers, Department Managers and Senior Therapists, as well as first-line management staff, like Associate Consultants, Ward Managers, Advanced Practice Nurses, Therapist Is and Executive Officer Is. The questionnaire is strictly confidential and takes only 15 minutes. So, if you have received it, do take this valuable opportunity to express your views about your training needs and those of your team members.

Information collected will be used to devise the HA's management development and training strategies for the next five years, and to develop appropriate training courses conducive to enhancing colleagues' personal effectiveness and overall management capabilities. The Training and Development Unit hopes to prepare staff to embrace opportunities and rise to the challenges ahead. So, please support the Training and Development Survey!