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Certificate Course in Mental Health (MHC25), 11 & 18 February 2023

This Certificate Course in Mental Health (MHC) is a 13.5-hour training course organised by the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) of Castle Peak Hospital. It aims to provide training to professionals, health care professionals and related personnel on the common mental illnesses and the knowledge and skills in managing mental illnesses by comprehensive lectures, case discussions/vignettes, and interactive workshops.

Date: 11 & 18 February 2023 (Saturdays)
Time: Day 1: 08:55 – 17:45
Day 2: 09:00 – 17:20
(followed by an online MCQ examination)
Platform: Online (via Zoom)
Fee: HK$1,920 per course
(HK$1,600 per course for early bird registration before 11 January 2023)
Target Participants: Health care professionals, professionals and related personnel who may come into contact with people with mental health problems or their carers
Application Deadline: 1 February 2023
Accreditation: Pending for CME / CNE / CPD

For further information, please click open the

For enquiry, please contact Ms. Lam at 2456 7775 (Mon – Fri, 9:00am – 5:30pm)

We sincerely look forward to seeing you in this training!

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