Now with this responsive web design, you can easily change the text size to fit your eyesight needs.
If you browse on a desktop computer, a modern web browser will allow you to hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the + or - key to increase or decrease the text size, and 0 to go back to the default size.
On a smartphone or a tablet, you can simply pinch open on the screen to zoom in (i.e. to enlarge) and pinch close to zoom out (i.e. to reduce) everything.
You may also change the text size from the menu.
On the Page menu, select Zoom, then Larger.
屆時,我們將向大家推介由本學院全新編製的教材套 -「青少年情緒危機預防攻略」。此攻略的內容由青山醫院的醫護團隊精心設計,特別以青少年為用家而度身訂造。此外,是次活動亦設有其他環節,適合各年齡層人士參與,有關詳情請參閱以下資料:
日期: |
二零二四年十月十九日(星期六) |
時間: |
上午十時正至下午十二時四十分 |
地點: | 屯門醫院日間醫療中心二樓演講廳 |
程序: |
第一部份 第二部份 |