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Delirium is a medical emergency. The patients will become confused within a short period of time due to an underlying medical, surgical or medication-related condition. It is important that the patient is taken to the hospital for proper assessment and treatment as early as possible as it can be life threatening.
Delirium is a state of mental confusion which happens when the brain function is impaired by an illness in other parts of body. It is also known as an 'acute confusional state'. It is common in the elderly.
Delirium is a medical emergency. A sudden onset of mental confusion usually indicates an acute medical illness which warrants immediate medical attention. A delay in treatment might lead to harmful consequences or even death.
Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to have delirium as it is common for them to have multiple medical illnesses and they may have age-associated cognitive deterioration. Even a mild medical illness may reduce the supply of oxygen and nutrient to the brain and significantly affect its functioning.
These changes may happen suddenly and they make the patients very different from their normal selves. It is also possible that the condition of the patients changes throughout the day.
If someone suddenly becomes confused, they need to see a doctor urgently. The person with delirium may be too confused to describe what has happened to them, so it's important that the doctor can talk to someone who knows the patient well.
To treat delirium, you need to treat the cause. For example, an infection may be treated with antibiotics.
Besides the use of medications, proper care and handling technique is also important to reduce any behavioural problem a patient with delirium may have. Close observation and monitoring is important to the patient.
(Special thanks to Dr. Mimi Wong of Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital, for authoring this article)
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines