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Infection Control Measures

Please follow these infection control measures

  1. Clean your hands before entering and when leaving the hospital / ward; before and after touching patients and their surrounding areas
  2. Perform body temperature check and monitor your health situation before visiting the hospital
  3. Do not visit patients or clinical areas if you have respiratory infection symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting or skin rash
  4. Regarding the need to wear mask, please follow the prevailing hospital guidelines (as stated in the poster below); if you have respiratory infection symptoms, wear a surgical mask regardless of the prevailing guidelines
  5. Cover your nose and mouth with tissue paper while sneezing or coughing and dispose of it in a lidded rubbish bin and then clean your hands
  6. Clean your hands before eating
  7. Wash your hands with soap after going to the toilet

Note: please refer to the following video or leaflet for the proper procedures to clean hands and wear surgical masks

Current response level under the preparedness plan for influenza pandemic:

Serious S2, wear a surgical mask in all clinical areas

Proper use of surgical mask

Proper use of alcohol-based handrub

A quick guide to visitors - perform hand hygiene to keep germs away

  • Video (Cantonese narration with English and Chinese subtitles)

Updated on 9 June 2015