From the editor
Just as a huge tree must grow from a tiny sprout, bright ideas always come from colleagues at the frontline. This issue’s Cover Story takes a look at how some small but innovative ideas from colleagues are resulting in big improvements in services for patients and working conditions for staff.
July will bring a change in top leadership at Kowloon East Cluster and New Territories West Cluster. We took this opportunity to invite the present and future Cluster Chief Executives to share their views on a wide range of issues. To learn more about their opinions on everything from management styles to international football, please see the coverage in Spotlights.
Knowledgeable employees are among the Hospital Authority’s most valuable assets and a crucial part of our ability to provide quality services and care. A special feature offers insights into how HA is working to ensure the smooth transfer of knowledge and skills between colleagues in departments across the network.
Forget about the World Cup – the real football news is HA’s recent friendly game against the LegCo team, which saw our skillful soccer stars put an end to the legislators’ 10-year winning streak. This issue also gives you all the match highlights!