Together we shall overcome challenges
New HA Board member Henry Fan wants to have better understanding of Hong Kong’s healthcare service. “I would like to get a one‑day pass to a hospital so that I can have free access to every corner of it, such as operation theatres, wards, offices, and staff common room. Only then will I have a feel of employees’ work environment, the triage mechanism in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department, and how patients wait and attend doctors there. Hopefully with enhanced communication with frontline staff, we can overcome challenges and solve problems together,” he says.
Henry Fan – managing director of a property investment company – is acutely aware of the responsibility of his new role. “HA has more than 70,000 employees, and large patient volume every year,” he says. “Despite such workload, the HA has vowed to achieve the mission of safeguarding citizens’ health.” He also recalls, “I too was a beneficiary of public hospital service until I entered university because I visited doctors at Lee Kee Memorial Dispensary every time I fell sick when I was young. I recovered after one to two visits.”
Being an expert in management, he wants to share his experience and insights through joining the Finance Committee and Human Resources Committee of the HA Board. Also, he hopes to better understand the development of medical services in various areas and thus becomes a member of Medical Services Development Committee.
Mr Fan’s personal maxim, he says, is: “Be satisfied with what you have and take the world as it is. Demanding too much from others is exhausting and can be counterproductive. At work, it is important to put yourself in other’s shoes when formulating policies, then the policies will be reasonable and humane.”

● Filling the gap of doctor shortage
● In search of doctors with limited registration to relieve frontline stress
● Overseas returnees guard hospital frontline: case 1
● Overseas returnees guard hospital frontline: case 2
● How to ensure the standard of non-locally trained doctors?
● HA Go: an empowering app to manage one’s health
● Together we shall overcome challenges
● Patient-friendly perspective says it all
● Dr Nguyen’s secret way to reduce stress
● Mobile blood drive follows donor footprints
● New tools enhance staff communication
● Keep your phone going even in hospital
● Disaster relief helps victim cope with grief
● Prepare for the unpredictables