The Hospital Authority has established seven E.A.S.Y. Programme service centres in Hong Kong. Each of them has a multi-disciplinary early intervention team consisting of doctors, nurses, etc. If member of your family is experiencing conditions such as disorganised thoughts and speech, delusions and hallucinations, they are probably suffering from early psychosis and you should contact us immediately, so that they can receive treatment as soon as possible. The E.A.S.Y. Programme service centres operate in a one-stop, open referral way. You can contact them directly via an E.A.S.Y. hotline (29-283-283) in order to discuss any suspected case of early psychosis that you might have noticed among the people around you.

Processes for seeking professional medical assistance
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Special Thanks to :   Mr Craig Au-Yeung, Illustrator
  Baron School of Music, Mr Victor TSE & Dr K. T. CHAN, Background Music Production