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Provision of HA data for Research

Submission Requirements


Please submit the application to the Central Panel on Administrative Assessment of External Data Requests at hacpaaedr@ha.org.hk with the following information and documents:

  1. Project information sheet (for Expedited Approach) or Research protocol (for Customised Approach);
  2. Documentary proof of research ethics approval (applicable only to requests for patient-based records); and
  3. Completed Data Request Application Form (Form A or B) in WORD format to spell out the data specifications and their relevance to your research.


* The PI must be employed by a local institution, including the following: (a) Universities; (b) government bureaux / departments; and (c) non-commercial organisations according to the list of charitable institutions or trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


Last revision date: 05 March 2021

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