屯門醫院手術室大樓擴建計劃通訊第 19期 (2022年3月號)




婦產科同事於一月下旬到大樓九樓進行實地視察,了解工程進度,以便進一步部署搬遷事宜。視察當日,同事戴上安全帽 由醫院主座九樓的連接橋通往新大樓。讓我們一同走進大樓看看新的產科基地。

在設施方面,新產房的可使用樓面面積比以往大,當中產房數目會增加至13 間,並設有獨立洗手間,而其中一間產房以負氣壓設計,讓有傳染病風險的孕婦分娩時使用;另外供產房使用的手術室數目,則由現時1 間增至2 間。

新界西醫院聯網致力發展智慧醫院,使用醫療儀器及醫院設施都離不開網絡,故此資訊科技部同事已於各個樓層舖設網絡,並在不同地點裝設接駁點。例如在九樓,便開通了「HA Wi-Fi」,能夠成功接通無線網絡,方便醫護人員日後利用平板電腦工作。



應對疫情 工地致力維持清潔衞生


新大樓工地的承建商已跟循建造業議會指引,緊密監察工友接種疫苗及定期病毒檢測的情況,以及檢視工地的防疫措施,例如出入口管理、通風設備、休息及用膳空間的安排等。另一方面亦於工地全面實行「疫苗通行證」, 3月 7日起,工友、工地人員及其他進入工地人士包括訪客,必須接種最少一劑新冠疫苗才可進入工地。而在 4 月 14 日起,所有工友及工地人員及其他進入工地人士必須接種最少兩劑新冠疫苗才可進入工地。



春意盎然 金風鈴盛放






Safeguard against COVID-19 Operating Theatre Extension Block put into service soon

Amidst the 5th wave of COVID-19 outbreak, the construction of the new OT Block building still goes on, with an estimated completion date on the 9th floor set by July this year and is expected to enter service as early as October. In late January, the Obstetrics and Gynecology team of Tuen Mun Hospital did a site visit on the 9th floor to better understand the progress on the construction to arrange relocation. On the day, members of staff were required to wear safety helmets before crossing through the bridge connecting the Main Block to the new building. Let us enter and see our new base for Obstetrics.

The usable area in the new Delivery Room has become bigger, with the number of rooms increased to 13 and ensuite toilets for each room. One of the delivery rooms is also built with Negative Pressure design for pregnant patients with risks of infectious disease. Furthermore, the number of Operation Theatre for delivery rooms’ usage has increased from 1 to 2.

The New Territories West Cluster has always been committed to developing smart hospitals. Even when using medical equipment and hospital facilities, they are always connected to the network. And so, our Information Technology team has set up a network on each floor, installing connection points in various locations. For instance, 'HA Wi-Fi' has been launched on the 9th floor, and is functional in connecting to the wireless network, to facilitate medical staff to use tablets at work. Moreover, a Patient Information function has been added for nurses to view patients’ location by using a touch screen monitor located in the nurse station.

Fighting Against COVID-19, Ensuring Hygiene on Site

Under the current 5th Wave COVID-19 Outbreak, the contractor for the OT Block construction site has been strictly complying with regulations set by the Construction Industry Council, through implementation of various measures. Furthermore, the ‘Vaccine Pass’ initiative in the construction site is now in full effect. As of 7th March, construction workers, other personnel and visitors must have at least one vaccination before entering the area. And on the 14th April onward, staff will be required to have two vaccinations for entering into the premise.

Spring blossoms and greening

With spring’s arrival, trees and plants located outside the hospital laundry room including the Handroanthus chrysanthus and the Magnolia X Soulangeana, are silently yet splendidly blossoming, attracting those who walks past the site.

With sunlight blazing through, the flowers stemming from the woods of Handroanthus chrysanthus serve dazzles even to those looking at the new OT Block building from afar, mesmerizing with golden beams, energizing those who pass by and bringing more life to the hospital.

Don’t forget to look upon them as you walk by!


