屯門醫院手術室大樓擴建計劃通訊第 10期 (2019年12月號)

高空工作要留神 落實不同措施 確保工程安全




興建有蓋行人道 方便出入


在興建臨時有蓋行人道之餘, 我們也藉機豎立地盤圍板,並配上簡潔的設計和新大樓的模擬圖等,希望公眾對這個項目有更多認識。

注意衞生環境 杜絕鼠患蚊蟲


針對上述情況,我們已經派員加強進行巡查,包括提醒承建商妥善放置建築物料,以及適時處理廢料,減少堆積, 亦會加強滅鼠工作;但凡發現任何可能引起蟲患或鼠患的跡象,更會即時要求承建商跟進及改善。







在吊重機豎立後,本港曾經懸掛三號熱帶氣旋警報。我們按照屋宇署的指引,啟動預先制訂好的程序,即為吊重機的天秤解鎖,以便天秤轉動,減少風阻。事後我們與承建商重新檢視整個處理程序,認為屬安全的做法;而此舉亦可為日後我們遇到更強的颱風時, 作更好的準備。


Erection of Hoarding and Covered Walkway for Better Protection

The construction works of Tuen Mun Hospital Operating Theatre Block has already reached the ground level and more and more work-at-height activities will be taken in the near future. In order to enhance safety, hoarding and covered walkway were set up around the site boundaries in order to provide a safe pathway for pedestrians. The covered walkway with ramp is wide enough for wheelchair access.

Simple graphic pattern to illustrate the design concept of the Operating Theatre Block has been projected on the hoarding. Dust and sound screens will be installed in the next stage to provide additional protection, as well as to minimize the impact to existing hospital buildings.

Maintaining safety of tower crane

The tower crane is now in operation, for which we have already reported in our last newsletter. Several helicopter landings happened smoothly in the past few months. We will keep close communication with Government Flying Service and Hong Kong Fire Services Department on the arrangement. Meanwhile, the safety issue of tower crane in days of strong winds is also our concern. According to the recommendation made by Buildings Department, the tower crane must be unlocked to allow free lateral rotation under strong winds. This practice had been executed several times and demonstrated that the tower crane is running safely.

Enhancing pest and rodent control

Albeit it is already winter, we do pay great attention on pest and rodent control. The contractors are asked to store the materials (e.g. steels and timber) properly and remove the wastage in time. Other proactive and preventive measures, including fogging of insecticides at outdoor areas twice a week, application of larvicide oil and sand at water drainage, daily inspection to clear stagnate water and using poisonous bait or traps, are conducted regularly to maintain a good environmental hygiene standard.


