屯門醫院手術室大樓擴建計劃的地基結構及公用設施遷移工程,早在2016 年5 月已經展開。有關工程目前仍在施工中,進展符合預期。第二階段主要工程將會緊接開展,整個擴建計劃預計於2021 年完成。
屯門醫院展開工程擴建手術室大樓,顧名思義是要強化屯門醫院的手術室服務。我們預計在工程完成後,屯門醫院的手術室數目會由現時的11 間增加至20 間。
新的手術室最大的改進,是面積會較現時的手術室大。為了追上現代化的標準及醫療科技的發展,日後屯門醫院的手術室,面積會由現時平均約40 平方米擴大至約60 平方米;手術室的樓底高度亦會由現時約3.8 米增加至4.5 米。手術室擴大之後,可以有更多空間放置現代化的醫療儀器及其他支援設施等。另外,亦可容納更多醫護人員同一時間參與手術,以配合屯門醫院進行更多跨團隊的複雜手術程序。
The funding for Tuen Mun Hospital Operating Theatre Extension project was approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in July 2017. This newsletter is issued to update our stakeholders and patients the progress of the extension project as well as the details of this new building.
The substructure and utilities diversion works of the project commenced in May 2016 and will be completed as scheduled. The main works will subsequently commence and the whole extension project is targeted to be completed in 2021.
To facilitate the construction works, a traffic diversion was implemented in August 2017. The road outside our Accident and Emergency Department had been converted from two-lanes to a single-lane road for one-way traffic.
We expect the traffic diversion will last for around six months.
During the affected period, all vehicles entering from Tsing Chung Koon Road must leave the hospital by the Tsing Lun Road exit (nearby the Ambulatory Care Centre). Drivers and pedestrians please be aware of the signage and banners hoisted in various entrances and main buildings at Tuen Mun Hospital. We have also arranged additional staff to help divert traffic. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.