We provide radiotherapy service for the treatment of a wide spectrum of cancers, and other diseases or conditions for which radiotherapy may be indicated for treatment, such as keloid, thyrotoxic eye disease, etc.


Text Box: Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment modality was first introduced in May 1998 in Queen Mary Hospital using Multi-vane Intensity Modulation Compensators (MIMiC) as a treatment delivery device. In March 1999, another treatment delivery method employing dynamic multi-leaf collimators (DMLC) was implemented. Both methods provide comparable dosimetric results and now DMLC is the standard method for IMRT delivery in QMH. We provide IMRT for photon energies of 4MV, 6MV and 10MV to cater for the difference in cancer of different anatomical sites.

Radiotherapy Modalities

External Beam Radiotherapy

Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy

Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
