Palliative care servicE


With the generous support of the Li Ka Shing Foundation Hospice Service Programme, the newly established Hospice Centre in Queen Mary Hospital has launched its service in January 2008.  Our hospice centre provides holistic care to cancer patients and their relatives with a multidisciplinary team approach.


Team members

Our team members include oncologists specialized in palliative medicine, palliative care nurses, social workers, clinical psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, counselors, volunteers and pastoral care workers.


In-patient Services

To provide symptom control for patients who require intensive intervention including psychosocial and spiritual support.


Palliative Consultative Team

The palliative consultative team provides consultative services for patients and family members in other departments who require holistic palliative care services.


Home Care Service

To provide professional advice on nursing skills to cancer patients and their carers to promote self help and improve quality of life.
To provide psychosocial and spiritual support to patients and their relatives in order to optimize their quality of life.


Day Hospice Centre
Palliative Care Clinic

To provide medical consultation services for patients who require symptom control – including simple medical procedures when indicated. 

Our nursing professionals will also provide comprehensive nursing care and health education for patients and their main carers.


Day Care Service

Social activities are organized by our social worker for both patients and their families.  Therapeutic group activities are held in which multidisciplinary team members will help advance coping skills of both cancer patients and their family physically, spiritually and psychosocially.



Cancer patients and relatives who require palliative care services (referral letter is required).


Opening Hours: 9:00am1:00pm/2:00pm6:00pm Mon-Fri

Hotline: 2255 4649 (During office hour)

Fax: 2255 5367


Hospice Centre, 5th floor of Cancer Centre

Department of Clinical Oncology

Queen Mary Hospital, 102 Pokfulam Road, H.K.

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Li Ka Shing Foundation Hospice Service Programme


Hong Kong West Cluster QMH Hospice Centre