Training Venue
Located in the main block of QEH, our training centre consists of the following facilities:
Operation Theatre
A fully-equipped operating theatre and resuscitation room with control panel installed four individual cameras and one-way mirror that provides a high fidelity area for simulation training.
Resuscitation Room
This training room imitates the real settings of resuscitation room in A&E Department with exact layout and equipment to support simulation training on resuscitation.
Lecture Room
The Lecture Room is equipped with full sets of AV equipment for lecture, tutorial and debriefing. Partitions with soundproof dividers are also available to facilitate the arrangement of simultaneous group training.
Endovascular Simulation & Skills Lab
Multi-functional skill lab can be set up for procedural training. The oxygen, suction and compressed air output are also equipped that can be set up as delivery suite, ICU ward, and general ward. The mobile one-way mirrors and cameras are available for facilitating simulation training.