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Location and Telephone Number of Clinics

Li Ka Shing Specialist Outpatient Clinics (North Wing)

Location Specialty and Telephone no.
3/F Psychiatry 3505 3415
Integrated (3) 3505 5716
2/F Surgery 3505 3301
Integrated (2) 3505 4887
1/F Orthopaedics & Traumatology 3505 2390
G/F Shroff
Blood Taking Centre 3505 3913
B/F Radiotherapy and Oncology 3505 2130


Li Ka Shing Specialist Outpatient Clinics (South Wing)

Location Specialty and Telephone no.
4/F Ear, Nose and Throat 3505 3069
ENT Ambulatory Care Centre 3505 3069
3/F Paediatrics 3505 4440
Family Medicine 3505 3478
2/F Obstetrics & Gynaecology 3505 2470
1/F Medicine 3505 2493
G/F Pharmacy


Old Block

Location Specialty and Telephone no.
G/F Eye 3505 3316


Cancer Centre

Location Specialty and Telephone no.
G/F Integrated (1) 3505 2493

December 2023
