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About Us
- Pok Oi Hospital’s (POH) mission statement is "We love We care We serve".
- POH was founded in 1919 and has over 800 beds (including 90 beds at Tin Ka Ping Infirmary), providing services to residents in Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai and adjacent areas.
- As at 30 June 2023, POH had a staff force of 2,109, consisting of 163 doctors, 700 nurses (including a small number of temporary undergraduate nursing students), 206 allied health staff and 1,040 other grades of staff.
The redevelopment of Pok Oi Hospital had been completed in March 2007. The new hospital is a 13-storey building including one and a half level of basement, five storeys of podium floors and seven floors with three wards on each floor; Accident & Emergency Department, Specialist Out-patient Department, Radiology Department, Operating Theatre suite, Pathology, Pharmacy, Central Sterile Supplies Department, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Kitchen, Canteen, car-parking spaces, etc...
We are currently providing below services:
- 24-hour Accident & Emergency Department and an Emergency Medicine Ward.
- Medicine & Geriatrics Department provides various services, including eight wards, five Cardiac Care Unit beds, the Tin Ka Ping Infirmary, Geriatric Day Hospital, New Territories West Diabetes Centre and Rheumatology Assessment & Treatment Centre.
- The six Mixed Specialty Wards’ service scope comprises Surgery, Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Gynaecology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology and Ear, Nose & Throat.
- The Intensive Care Unit includes six Intensive Care beds, five High Dependency Care beds.
- There are 10 Operating Theatres, providing emergency operating services and elective operating services covering Surgery, Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Ear, Nose & Throat, Gynaecology and Ophthalmology.
- Ambulatory Care services are provided by the POH Ambulatory Services Centre, which includes the Wai Yin Association Ambulatory Gynaecology Centre, Rheumatology Assessment & Treatment Centre, Day Ward, Day Urology Service, Advanced Wound Care Clinic, Pre-operative Assessment Service and Electromedical Diagnostic Unit and Combined Endoscopy Unit. There is also a New Territories West Cluster Breast Services Centre.
- Specialist Out-patient Clinics provide services including Medicine & Geriatrics, Surgery, Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Family Medicine, Paediatrics & Adolescent, Ear, Nose & Throat, Ophthalmology, Breast Care Services, etc.
- Allied Health services include Dietetics, Speech Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Medical Social Services, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Prosthetic & Orthotic, Pharmacy and Patient Resources Centre.
- Radiology services include Plain X-ray, Computed Tomography, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasonography, Mammography, Intravenous Urography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Angiography & Interventional Radiography and the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory.
- Clinical Pathology services include Crossmatch and Transfusion service, Haematology test, Chemistry tests and diagnostic services in histopathology and cytopathology.
Future Development
- More new services and beds will be opened, in order to benefit more patients.
- We will closely monitor the demographic trend and the healthcare service needs of the residents in the region. We strive to improve our healthcare services and to carry out our mission of “We love We care, We serve”.
Location of Pok Oi Hospital
Address: Au Tau, Yuen Long, New Territories
Telephone: 2486 8000
Fax: 2443 9593
Email: poh.service@ha.org.hk