捐款詳情 Donation Details

由  From
至  To

捐款金額 Donation Amount

捐款目的 Designated Use / Department

The donation will support general patients' services unless otherwise specified.

捐款方式 Donation Method

八達通 Octopus

Please scan the QR code below with your mobile phone, and make donation via Octopus App.

請於成功捐款後,上載交易截圖 (須顯示付款日期),並填妥以下表格。
Please upload the screenshot of your online payment record (with payment date) after successful transaction and complete the form below.

*請留意系統僅接納特定檔案格式,包括圖像例如JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF, BMP以及PDF。檔案大小上限為 3MB。
*Please be reminded that only specific file formats are accepted, including images such as JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF, BMP and PDF. The file size limit is 3MB.

請使用手機前往 (PayLink) 或掃描以下二維碼,透過PayMe手機應用程式進行捐款。
Please visit (PayLink) or scan the QR code below with your mobile phone, and make donation via PayMe App.

請於成功捐款後,上載交易截圖 (須顯示付款日期),並填妥以下表格。
Please upload the screenshot of your online payment record (with payment date) after successful transaction and complete the form below.

*請留意系統僅接納特定檔案格式,包括圖像例如JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF, BMP以及PDF。檔案大小上限為 3MB。
*Please be reminded that only specific file formats are accepted, including images such as JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF, BMP and PDF. The file size limit is 3MB.
網上捐款 PayPal

請填妥並提交以下表格,再透過網上支付系統使用信用卡(Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover) / 扣賬卡 / PayPal帳戶進行捐款。
Please complete and submit the following form, then make donation online through credit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express Discover) / debit card / PayPal account.

  • 信用卡 / 扣賬卡資料的更改,有機會導致轉賬未能成功。如該次未能成功過數,基金秘書處將與捐款者聯絡及在其同意下再安排一次過數。
    Any changes of the credit card / debit card information may lead to failure of transaction. Should the transaction fail, the Secretariat of the Trust will contact the donor and make a second attempt at donor’s consent.
銀行存款 / 銀行轉賬 / 轉數快 Bank Deposit / Bank Transfer / FPS

You can deposit the donation into the following bank. After successful transaction, please upload bank transfer copies or the screenshot of your online payment record (with payment date) and complete the form below.

銀行帳戶詳情 Bank Account details
銀行 Bank:
東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia (銀行編號 Bank Code:015)
帳戶號碼 Bank Account Number:
帳戶名稱 Bank Account Name:

善心醫療基金 NTWC Charitable Trust

*請留意系統僅接納特定檔案格式,包括圖像例如JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF, BMP以及PDF。檔案大小上限為 3MB。
*Please be reminded that only specific file formats are accepted, including images such as JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF, BMP and PDF. The file size limit is 3MB.

捐款人資料 Donor Particulars

捐款收據 Receipt

Donation receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above which is tax-deductible. The donation receipt will be issued to the name of individual or organization according to option chosen below.
For receiving the original receipt by post, please also provide the correspondence address.

感謝信 Thank You Letter

Thank you letter will be issued for donation. The thank you letter will be issued according to option chosen below.
For receiving the thank you letter by post, please also provide the correspondence address.

Authorisation for the Use of Personal Data

個人資料收集聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement *

Your personal data collected in this form will be kept strictly confidential and made available only The Hospital Authority New Territories West Cluster Hospitals Charitable Trust (“the Trust”) and New Territories West Cluster of the Hospital Authority (“NTWC”) to use for purposes relating to donation matters and for issuing receipts.

使用個人資料作籌募推廣 Use of Personal Data for Solicitation of Donations

你有權隨時查閱和改正基金及新界西聯網持有關於你的個人資料。如要行使上述權利或不欲再收到基金及新界西聯網有關慈善募捐的推廣資訊,請致電2468 5464 或電郵至ntwc.charitabletrust@ha.org.hk與本基金秘書處聯絡。

Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the Trust and NTWC need to obtain your consent as we intend to use your personal data (i.e. your name and contact data) for solicitation of donations for charitable purposes to the Trust and NTWC but will not so use your personal data unless your consent is received.
Please check the box if you agree to support the charity work of the Trust and NTWC and the use of your personal data for solicitation of donations to the Trust and NTWC.
You have rights of access and correction with respect to your personal data held by the Trust and NTWC. If you wish to exercise these rights or you do not wish to receive any promotional materials on solicitation for donations to the Trust and NTWC afterwards, please contact the Secretariat of the Trust at 2468 5464 or by email ntwc.charitabletrust@ha.org.hk.

Please confirm below details before proceeding to submission.

捐款資料詳情Summary of donation information

捐款詳情Donation Details
捐款金額Donation Amount
捐款目的Designated Use / Department
捐款方式Donation Method
捐款人資料Donor Particulars
Title of Donor
Name of Donor
Title of Contact
Name of Contact
Name of Organisation
Title of Contact
Name of Contact
傳真 Fax
感謝信Thank You Letter
授權使用個人資料Authorisation for the Use of Personal Data
I to give my consent to The Hospital Authority New Territories West Cluster Hospitals Charitable Trust (“the Trust”) and Hospital Authority (HA) to collect and use my personal data for solicitation of donations to the Trust and HA.