“KWH Redevelopment‧We Build, We Share” Finger Paint Activity
Date : 29 Nov, 2018
To engage the local community, we were honoured to have Mr Kazaf Tam, the 3rd Vice-Chairman of the TWGHs Board, to join a finger paint activity with the students from Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lai Tang Yuen Kaw Kindergarten and KWH colleagues on 29 November (Thursday) afternoon.All the children were energetic and lovely, in which the canvases instantly showed the words “Kwong Wah Hospital” made up of their bright-coloured finger prints. After the activity, an Infection Control Nurse taught the children about hand hygiene through story-telling. Apart from having fun, the children could also learn more about the importance of hand washing through this meaningful activity.
The artwork will be arranged for display on the hoardings outside the KWH construction site during the Main Works period.