Regional Bone Banking Services

About Regional Bone Banking Services


Director: Dr. Ho Wai Yip Kenneth

Medical Laboratory Technician: Ms Mavis Yiu

The Bone Bank provides bone & tendon allografts to all the hospitals in Hong Kong, both public & private.

This includes femoral heads & large segments long bones for Orthopaedic reconstructive surgeries, as well as tendon-bone allografts for ligamentous reconstruction. All the procurement, processing, storage & supply are done by us, complying strictly with the guidelines & protocols set up by the Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banks.

Each year, we procure about 2 sets of long bones from cadavers, and 60-70 femoral heads from live donors.

Between 2002 & 2010, 331 femoral head allograft have been used in 201 operations. They were used for reconstituting bone defects, bone grafting & fusion. More than 90% of the femoral heads were used in the HKWC hospitals. Within the same period of time, 111 pieces of cadaveric allograft from the Bone Bank were also utilized in a variety of surgeries, like revision joint replacement, revision ACL reconstruction & segmental bone reconstruction after tumour resection. About 50% were used in the HKWC hospitals, while the rest were provided to other HA hospitals or private hospitals. We also perform Hospital Authority-funded research to assess the safety of skeletal tissues used for transplantation and the epidemiology of infections acquired in transplantation of banked skeletal tissues.

In recent years, there is an increasing demand of ligamentous reconstruction.

The Bone Bank has revised the protocol in 2008 to include long tendons of the ankles & toes from the cadaveric donors. This serves to provide an alternate source of tissue for ligamentous reconstruction.

Future Development

There is a high demand of cadaveric allograft in various Orthopaedic sub-specialties, especially adult joint reconstruction & sports injury. Also, with the improvement in surgical techniques, the outcome of massive allograft reconstruction become more favourable & is gaining more popular. The Bone Bank will continue to constantly review its procurement & processing protocols to suit the changing needs of musculoskeletal tissue transplant.

History of Regional Bone Banking Services

The QMH Bone Bank was set up in 1983 under the leadership of Prof. SP Chow. Initially, only femoral heads from live donors were harvested & stored in liquid nitrogen. Later, we switched to store the allograft in freezers. In 1990, the Bone Bank became the first regional Bank in Hong Kong capable of procuring cadaveric bones and became a recognized service under HA in 1995. The QMH Bone Bank is also a life member of Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banking.
Over these years, we have been continuously improving our quality of service, especially in the direction of prevention of transmittable diseases. We have introduced routine irradiation of all cadaveric specimens for sterilization, & we maintain the service at an international level.

Past & Present Bone Bank Directors


Dr. WY Ho
2005 onwards


Dr. TL Poon
1994 - 2005


Professor D. Fang
1983 - 1994


Education Corner

Left patient suffering from benign bone tumors, after resection, bone defects.
The right panel shows that the same patient has been repaired after bone grafting.
The patient is at the end of the artificial joint fracture and needs to repair the artificial joint.

After the renovation of artificial joints, the doctor re-implanted a skin to strengthen the consolidation of bone structure.

Bones from the donation of bone synthesis of the body, the right picture is a cross-sectional view.



成 員

總監: 何偉業醫生

技術員主管: 姚美琪女士


包括用於骨科重建手術的股骨頭和大段長骨骨骼,以及用於韌帶重建的腱骨同種異體移植物。 所有採取,加工,儲存和供應均由我們完成,嚴格遵守亞太地區外科組織庫協會制定的指導方針和協議。


從2002至2010年間,331名股骨頭同種異體移植已被用於201次手術。它們用於重建骨缺損,骨移植和融合。有超過90%的股骨頭被港島西聯網醫院使用。在同一時期內,111件從逝世者獲取的同種異體移植也用於各種手術,如修復關節置換術﹑ACL重建修復和腫瘤切除術後骨折重建。 香港西聯網醫院使用約50%,其餘則分別提供給醫院管埋局其他醫院或私家醫院。我們還執行醫院管理局資助的研究, 以評估用於移植的骨骼組織的安全性和移植骨髓組織獲得的感染的流行病學。



未 來 發 展

在不同的骨科專科中, 對逝世捐獻者同種異體移植有很高的需求,尤其是人工關節復修和運動創傷.。此外,由於近年手術技術的改良,腫瘤切除重建手術與大規模同種異體移植的效果有改善,腫瘤手術中同種異體移植重建的使用正在逐漸普遍。 骨骼儲右庫將繼續不斷審查其採取和加工協議,以適應肌肉骨骼組織移植的不斷變化的需求。


瑪麗醫院骨骼儲存庫在周肇平教授領導之下於1983年成立。 最初,只收取活體捐獻者的股骨頭並儲存於液氮中。 後來,我們將同種異體移植物(逝世者骨骼) 轉移儲存在冷凍箱中。在1990年,瑪麗醫院的骨骼儲存庫更成為香港第一間採獲逝世者骨骼的區域性儲存庫. 於1995年成為醫院管理局認可的服務,亦是亞太地區外科組織庫協會的永久會員。
一直以來,我們不斷提高服務質素, 更著力預防在骨骼移植過程中而感染的疾病。為保持國際標準服務, 我們更引入常規輻射滅菌。來自逝世者的骨骼均會進行此程序, 令手術更為安全。












