Fully equipped and ready to fight the enemies of good health

As Hong Kong’s largest defender of public health, the Hospital Authority’s arsenal of weaponry includes advanced equipment and the professionalism and knowledge of HA colleagues. HA’s ongoing efforts to enhancing the ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ of medical care mean that colleagues are well prepared to handle emergencies such as the potential outbreak of a life-threatening contagious disease.

Promoting good internal communication

The Head Office Corporate Communication Department will issue HASLink Express and press releases to announce new countermeasures and special staff forums will be held at individual hospitals to share information as necessary.

The Chief Infection Control Officer (CICO) Office set up a dedicated MERS minisite (http://qsdportal/iec/Website/IEC%20Webpage/SRD_NC.htm) as part of the HA intranet in 2012 to facilitate efficient information flow among colleagues. The Office issues the CICO Biweekly to improve internal communication and staff awareness of the latest situation as regards infection control issues and threats and also keeps in close contact with infection teams at HA hospitals.

Regular infection control training keeps colleagues well prepared

The CICO office, Infectious Disease Control Training Centre, Human Resources Division and hospital infection control teams organise regular infection control training programmes for all newly hired staff and run refresher courses for all relevant staff every 24 months.

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