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  HKEC involves staff in upgrading service quality¡@

As part of its quest to promote the HA's Vision, Mission and Values (VMV) and improve the quality of its hospital services, Hong Kong East Cluster held a competition to solicit the ideas and views of its staff about these topics during 2010.

The response was highly encouraging, with more than 60 submissions received. Every participant received a VMV Mascot corporate souvenir as a token of appreciation for their support.

The adjudication panel selected 12 of the ideas received, and these were implemented during three-month pilot projects between July and October 2010. They covered a wide range of areas at both departmental and hospital levels, such as ways to enhance the clothing and food provided to patients, improve the quality of hospital services, and strengthen collaboration between staff members.

Those involved in the three-month trials of the proposals afterwards exchanged their views and experiences about them during a sharing session on 15 October. The adjudication panel also presented Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards for the most outstanding ideas. In view of the positive response, the Cluster plans to hold a similar competition this year.