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  Big bash to mark HA's 20th birthday

The HA celebrated its 20th anniversary in style with a Gala Dinner at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 18 November 2010. More than 1,900 guests, community partners and staff members attended this happy gathering and enjoyed a programme filled with toasts, fireworks, songs and dances, as well as wonderful performances by patient groups and our colleagues.

We were especially honoured to have Mr Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR); Mr Peng Qinghua, Minister, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR; Mr Wang Guoqiang, Vice Minister, Ministry of Health; and Dr York Chow, the HKSAR's Secretary for Food and Health, to officiate at the ceremonies. Other honoured guests included the HA's Founding Chairman Sir S Y Chung, and other ex-Chairmen, ex-Chief Executives, and past and present Board Members, plus many of the HA's friends who have contributed to its development over the past 20 years. A group of youngsters who were also born in 1990 were invited to share the joyful occasion with us too.

In his welcoming address, our Chairman Mr Anthony Wu reviewed the HA's achievements over the past 20 years. He spoke highly of the support provided by the Government, and the contributions made by his predecessors, HA Board Members, community partners and staff members; and paid tribute to all healthcare workers in Hong Kong.

The evening's programme also saw the premiere performance of the HA song by famous singer Kelly Chen, who is also our Caring Star; a humorous talk show entitled "Going Down Memory Lane" by Dr C H Leong and Professor Grace Tang; an exciting medley by Kwong Wah Hospital's BandOne; a touching performance by the Little Life Warriors Society Choir; and an elaborate musical by PY Oasis of the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. And there was a charity auction with fabulous items donated by sponsors as well.

Special tribute should be paid to our donors and sponsors for their generous support, which made the occasion such a cordial and memorable event in our history.

Apart from the Gala Dinner, we held photo and essay competitions and created a special song to commemorate our 20th Anniversary. Watch this space for more updates on our other birthday activities, or visit the HA 20th Anniversary website, where you can also see photos and video clips of the Gala Dinner.