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  Website facelift makes it more user-friendly

Have you noticed the new look our corporate website has taken on recently? Are you impressed?

It is different from the old one in terms of both design and use of colour. It also serves to satisfy the various needs of multiple users, including patients, healthcare professionals, community partners, members of the public and the media, as well as our colleagues. To efficiently and effectively fulfil its role, we have now reorganised the content and classified it under various themes.

Many new additional features have brought full-bloom to the website, a "Service Shortcut" section to provide quick access to information such as the contact numbers of public hospitals, accident and emergency departments and general out-patient clinics; the "Service Guides" section containing a summary of all public hospital services; and the "Gallery" which features a collection of multimedia resources including photographs, videos, publications and presentations on the HA's activities and facilities. What's more, to facilitate browsing in different electronic platforms, the website is available in HTML, text and mobile modes.

The new corporate website is an important communication platform for the HA. You can also login to our intranet through the corporate website ("Staff" > "Staff Login") whenever and wherever you feel like.