Our CE, Mr Shane Solomon, tendered his resignation recently. There have been rumours of disagreements between him and the Chairman. We asked Mr Wu about them.
"They are utterly groundless. If you know us well enough, you'll know we're very good working partners. Indeed, friends like him are few and far between."
No one will deny Mr Solomon's contributions to the HA. Does Mr Wu worry his departure will affect staff morale?
"The announcement of my re-appointment came earlier than usual, because the government wanted to highlight the continuity of the HA's management. We are a strong organisation of almost 60,000 employees; the departure of one particular colleague will not affect our daily operation or the HA's corporate direction. We will still be a people-centred organisation, and our first priority remains to make staff happy, so that they feel they belong."
While we were chatting, Mr Solomon popped in to look for Mr Wu. The rapport radiated from the pair only revealed that they are close friends and have great trust and respect for each other.