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By now it is old news that I will be returning to Australia in the next few months. It was not an easy decision to make because I have very much enjoyed working with so many dedicated frontline colleagues in the Hospital Authority. In fact, I have been overwhelmed by so many supportive comments since announcing I would rejoin my family. Actually, this makes me miss Hong Kong even more. What really surprises me is how people have understood that family must come first - it surprises me because of the strong cultural value in Hong Kong of "work hard".

I want to watch the Hospital Authority continue to grow in strength over the coming years, and will be checking up to see how you are going! Perhaps I can share with you what I hope to see.

I hope to see signs of the Vision Mission Values (VMV) everywhere, with the people you serve at the centre of your thinking, and happy staff proud to work in HA.

I hope to see more nurses employed, with reasonable workloads. I also hope to see nurses following new opportunities in clinical practice and feel more confident about their role in leadership. I would like to see nurses in more modern clothing too.

I hope to see an Electronic Health Record for all citizens in Hong Kong, and that this world-leading achievement is recognised locally and internationally.

I hope to see continued modernisation of the equipment, services, drug and medical supplies in the Hospital Authority. I will look to see whether every patient has an electric bed, there is filmless radiology in all hospitals, and the medication ordering and dispensing system is totally closed-loop and automated. These will improve patient safety, staff satisfaction, and also be most efficient.

I hope to see doctors and management engaged together in finding the best way to deliver quality services to the community. Not in court fighting legal battles, but sitting around the table trying to sort things out. I hope doctors work reasonable hours, and have time to spend with their family.

I hope to see the emerging leaders I have seen go through the leadership programmes getting opportunity to show what they can achieve. So much talent and heart amongst the emerging leaders must be given a path to flow.

I hope to see the P4P funding system solidly operating, providing the right incentives to reduce waiting times and gain a balance between acute, sub-acute, ambulatory, and community services.

I hope to see continued funding support from the Government to meet the growing demand and cost pressures of delivering a modern service at international standards.

I hope to see a new Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics being built, along with other hospitals being redeveloped using modern design based on rational service planning.

I hope to see the programmes to empower patients, particularly those with chronic health conditions, working effectively to keep people healthy and out of hospital.

I hope to see harmony between the public and private sectors, with people having more choices between the public and private sectors.

I hope to see less sentinel events as new programmes are introduced to reduce risk, continually learning from mistakes.

I hope to see all HA hospitals receive accreditation through the ACHS system, and that this is recognised internationally by ISQUA.

I hope to see more opportunities for doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals to go overseas to build up their skills and knowledge.

I hope to see you handle any crisis that comes along with heart and professionalism, like you have with the Melamine incident or the contaminated drugs or Human Swine Flu.

I hope to see the service plans for mental health services, care of the elderly, and cardiac services being implemented.

YES, I HOPE FOR A LOT! But in my fifth year of being in HA, I know what you are all capable of, so I think my hopes are practical.

Most of all I hope to keep the happy memories of HA colleagues and friends in a safe place to pull out whenever I need cheering up.