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  423 名 同 事 獲 長 期 服 務 獎

T he HA presented Long Service Awards to 423 of our colleagues this year. They included 23 who have notched up 40 years in the public healthcare sector.

Speaking at the Award Presentation Ceremony on 10 June, our CE, Mr Shane Solomon, thanked all of them for their contributions. He noted that their long service demonstrates their commitment and dedication to the HA and to the people of Hong Kong. "The professionalism of the Award recipients is a great example for us to follow. The wisdom and experience of these staff members are the HA's most important assets. Our achievements are the outcome of their hard work; and, without them, we would never be able to turn our VMV into a reality," he said.





Mrs Mary Wan, Cluster General Manager(Administrative Services) of the Hong Kong East Cluster, told the audience about her feelings after having worked in public hospitals for 30 years. She has spent 18 years at Pamela Youde Netherole Eastern Hospital, where she has built up a strong sense of belonging . "I never thought I would regard a hospital as my home. Yet now I feel very much as if this hospital is my second home." Mrs Wan added that she has never regretted her decision to work in the administration departments of hospitals, because the experience has taught her many valuable lessons that have made her life more fulfilling and enjoyable.


Dr S F Hung, Hospital Chief Executive of Kwai Chung Hospital, regards his 30 years of service as a medical professional as a privilege, since he has always wanted to use his skills and knowledge to help patients. "I am even busier as an HCE than I was when I worked on the frontline. However, my present role gives me more opportunities to initiate changes. These align with my outlook of improving service quality by trying to look at things through the eyes of our patients. That has also motivated me to remain in the public hospital sector for so long." Of course, the fact that he loves his job is another reason why Dr Hung performs it so well!