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  Answers to the Lunar New Year prize quiz

More than 2,000 of you had a go at answering the questions in the Lunar New Year prize quiz in our January issue. Thank you so much for your overwhelming response! In case you're wondering what the answers were, here they are:

We've already sent little prizes to the 150 clever and lucky winners.

Also, in our February issue, we invited you to share the experiences you have had in your workplace that illustrate the four values of our VMV, namely: "People-centred Care", "Professional Service", "Committed Staff" and "Teamwork". Very surprisingly, only a few colleagues took us up on this. Were all the rest of you too busy? Anyway, we'd like to repeat the invitation. If you wish to share your experiences, please tell us about them in up to 500 words, in either Chinese or English. Send your contributions to ehaslink@ho.ha.org.hk, together with your name, office address and contact number by 15 September 2010. Small gifts are waiting for those of you whose stories are published.